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False Verses 9:128-129

Many Muslims today are completely divided on this topic. They claim it is not possible for verses 9:128-129 to be false inclusions, since God is safe-guarding the Quran from corruption. They therefore reject Rashad Khalifa as a messenger of God and the message he brought.


Some groups believe in the 19 miracle and accept Rashad Khalifa as God’s messenger, however still they find insufficient evidence to remove verses 9:128-129.


There is in fact overwhelming evidence WITHIN the Quran from GOD HIMSELF to support the rejection of these two verses.


The Prophecy


Firstly, a messenger is certainly prophezied to come after the prophets to confirm the scripture (3:81). We must believe in this prophecy. Rashad Khalifa has indeed done exactly that. He discovered the Quran is mathematically coded beyond human capabilities, which confirms every letter of the true Quran and filters out any falsehood.  

[3:81] God took a covenant from the prophets, “For what I have given you of the Scripture and wisdom, then afterwards, a messenger comes to you confirming what is with you; you shall believe in him and support him.” He said, “Do you agree to this and accept this obligation from Me?” They said, “We agree.” He said, “Therefore bear witness and I am with you among the witnesses.”


Why would God need to send a messenger after the prophets to confirm the scripture (3:81) if there was nothing to confirm?

Some claim the messenger to come in 3:81 is Muhammad, however we learn from verse 33:7 that Muhammad was one of the prophets who made that solemn covenant with God:


[33:7] When We took from the prophets their covenant, and from you, and from Noah, and Abraham, and Moses, and Jesus the son of Mary; We took from them a solemn covenant.


This means Muhammad was included in the prophets in verse 3:81. Muhammad also knew about a miracle to come after him:


[10:20] They say, “If only a miracle was brought down to him from his Lord!” Say, “The unseen belongs to God. So wait; I am with you among those who wait.”


Verse 10:20 is clear that there is a miracle to come after the Quran that Muhammad knew about.


Would God really prophetize the coming of prophet Muhammad in the scripture He revealed to Muhammad?



The Preservation


God mentions the Quran is preserved at Him in a tablet: 


[85:21-22] Indeed, it is a Glorious Quran in a Preserved Tablet.


However, the Quran that was BROUGHT DOWN to us WILL be preserved.  


[15:9] Indeed, it is We who brought down the Reminder and We will surely preserve it.


"We who brought down the Reminder" speaks of past tense, whilst “we will surely preserve it” speaks of future tense. God did not say He has preserved it, but rather, He will preserve it. The 19 miracle is in place to allow the believers to access to God’s pure Quran at Him in the master tablet. 


The printed Quran actually contains several differences when comparing different Qurans, such as the use of the letter Alif, the inclusion of hamza's, the word “night” (al-layl) is sometimes spelt with three lams, etc. The Arabic language has changed over the centuries and this is reflected in copies of the Quran today. From this alone it becomes evident that printed copies today are different to the original Quran preserved with God.



The Creature


When studying all the verses about creatures, God often talks of creatures in the earth, but verse 27:82 is unique. It talks of a creature from the earth: 


[27:82] When the Word is carried out upon them, We will bring out for them a creature from the earth that will say to them that the people have not been certain of Our signs.


This describes what the creature is made from and not where it lives.


We now know that these words refer to the computer, which is made from earthly materials, which was used to unveil the 19 miracle. 


[27:82] When the Word is carried out upon them, We will bring out for them a creature from the earth that will say to them that the people have not been certain of Our signs.


God informs us that the creature will be brought out to declare that the people have not been certain. So what is the uncertainty God is talking about in 27:82?


The main uncertainty surrounding the Quran that the mathematical miracle would need to bring out is verses 9:128-129, since these verses have remained questionable and left the people uncertain for many generations. 



The Missing Basmalah


Every Sura in the Quran starts with the statement Basmalah: “In the name of God, The Almighty, The Merciful” except Sura 9.


Why did God refuse to put His name "In the name of God.." and His name "Al-Raheem" affront Sura 9?


Would it make any sense for God to refuse to use His name "Al-Raheem" affront Sura 9, then assign this exclusive name to prophet Muhammad at the end of the Sura?


The missing Basmalah is a glaring sign from God that Sura 9 has been tampered with and must be purified.


There is also a clue in the first verse of Sura 9 as to why the Basmalah is missing:


[9:1] This is a declaration of disassociation, from God and His messenger, to the mushrikeen with whom you have entered into a treaty.


What exactly is God and His messenger disassociating from and which needs to be stated at the beginning of this Sura in particular? 


It makes sense that there will come a time when some of the words in Sura 9 will not be God's words. 


The ending of sura 9, verse 127 is also very interesting: 


[9:127] And when a Sura is brought down, some of them would look at one another and say, “Is anyone watching you?” Then they would leave. God has averted their hearts, for they are a people who do not understand. 


Verse 9:127 hints that the disbelievers are being watched as a Sura is brought down.


We now learn that the missing Basmalah is a significant component of the Quran's mathematical miracle. 


The Glorious Names of God


The name Raheem (The Merciful), in the singular tense, has been used in the Quran exclusively for God. However, in 9:128, prophet Muhammad is called raheem. This is the only verse in all the Quran where this name is given to one single person other than God. 


God ascribed great value to the names Raheem and Rahman as these have been singled out to appear in the Basmalah. Would God really ascribe the name raheem to Muhummad also? 


According to verses 7:188, 10:49, and 72:21, Muhammad did not possess any power of mercy. 


Verses 74:30-37


[74:30] Over it are nineteen.


[74:31] We have appointed none but angels as guardians of the Fire. And We have not assigned their number except as a test for those who have disbelieved, and so that those who were given the Scripture would attain certainty, and so that those who believe would increase in faith, and so that those given the Scripture and the believers would not doubt, and so that those with sickness in their hearts and the disbelievers would say, “What did God mean by this example?” Thus does God misguide whom He wills and guide whom He wills. None knows the soldiers of your Lord except Him. It is nothing but a reminder for mankind.


How can we explain verses 74:30-31 and the symbolism of 19 angels as guardians of the fire if there is no 19 Miracle?


God explains it clearly:


Their number (19) is:

(1) a test for those who have disbelieved;

(2) and so that those who were given the Scripture would attain certainty;

(3) and so that those who believe would increase in faith;

(4) and so that those given the Scripture and the believers would not doubt;

(5) and so that those with sickness in their hearts and the disbelievers would say, “What did God mean by this example?”


Listed above are all the reasons how the 19 miracle tests ones faith.


We learn from the Quran that the 19 Miracle is in place to confirm the scripture (3:81) and test ones faith (74:31).


This is exactly what we are seeing today for those who have witnessed the 19 Miracle. The believers have attained certainty about His revelations, which will cause an increase in faith as they will no longer harbour any doubts.


The certainty mentioned in 74:31 “ that those who were given the Scripture would attain certainty” is directly related to the creature in 27:82 ..”that will say to them that the people have not been certain of Our signs.”


Some are claiming the 19 miracle is only a test for the disbelievers, and that if you believe in the 19 miracle then you are fooled by God! However this claim is totally un-Quranic as God never brings miracles just to fool the disbelievers. Instead, God’s messengers are supported by miracles for the benefit of the believers.


We learn in verse 74:35 that this miracle is indeed one of the greatest: 


[74:35-7] it is indeed one of the greatest. A warning for mankind: to those among you who wish to advance, or regress.


Verse 74:37 gives us two options; those who accept the 19 miracle will advance in their belief, while those who reject the miracle will regress.


The injection of the two false verses resulted in distinguishing the true believers from the hypocrites (74:31).



The “GOD” Count


Some have questioned Rashad’s count of the word "GOD", that his method is inconsistent as he did not include the unnumbered verses (the 112 Bismillahs).


However when reading his translation it becomes clear there are 2 separate miracles relating to the "GOD" count, as the sum of verses where "GOD" is mentioned is also calculated.

[1] The word “GOD” occurs in the Quran 2698 times, 19x142.

[2] The numbers of verses where the word “GOD” occurs add up to 118123, also a multiple of 19 (118123 = 19x6217).

These 2 miracles; the “God” count and the sum of these verses go hand in hand. Since it is not possible to include the 112 unnumbered Bismillahs in the sum of verses (as the value is 0), it makes sense to exclude the unnumbered Bismillahs in the GOD count.


There are in fact several other miracles relating to the  “God” count in the Quran, which would not only require the unnumbered Bismillahs to be excluded, but also provides us with further irrefutable proof that verses 9:128-129 are not part of the true Quran, as follows:

[3] From the first Quranic Initials (A.L.M. 2:1) to the last initial (N. 68:1), there are 2641, 19 x 139, occurrences of the word “God.”

[4] The word “God” occurs 57 times (19x3) in the section outside the Initials. See Table 18.

[5] By adding the numbers of the suras and verses where these 57 occurrences of the word “God” are found, we get a total of 2432, or 19x128. See Table 18.

101 Reasons Why Verses 9:128-129 are Most Certainly NOT Part of the Original Quran.

Evidence from GOD HIMSELF in the Quran ALONE!

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[6] The word “God” occurs in 85 suras. If we add the number of each sura to the number of verses between the first and last occurrences of the word “God,” the Grand Total comes to 8170 or 19 x 430. An abbreviated representation of the data is shown in Table 19.

[7] As shown at the end of Sura 9 in Rashad's translation, the total occurrence of the word "God" to the end of Sura 9 is 1273, 19x67. If the false injections 9:128-129 were included, the total would have become 1274, not a multiple of 19.


[8] The occurrence of the word "God" from the first Quranic initial ("A.L.M." of 2:1) to the last initial ("N." of 68:1) totals 2641, or 19x139. Since it is easier to list the suras outside the initialed section of the Quran, Table 18 shows the 57 occurrences of the word "God" in that section. Subtracting 57 from the total occurrence of the word "God" gives us 2698 - 57 = 2641 = 19x139, from the first initial to the last initial. If the human injections 9:128 and 129 were included, the count of the word "God" in the initialed section would have become 2642, not a multiple of 19.

[9] Sura 9 is an un-initialed sura, and if we look at the 85 un-initialed suras, we find that the word "God" occurs in 57 of these suras, 19x3. The total number of verses in the suras where the word "God" is found is 1045, 19x55. If 9:128-129 were included, the verses containing the word "God" would increase by 1.

[10] The word "God" from the missing Basmalah (Sura 9) to the extra Basmalah (Sura 27) occurs in 513 verses, 19x27, within 19 suras (Table 2). If the false Verses 9:128-129 were included, the number of verses containing the word "God" would have become 514, and this phenomenon would have disappeared.

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[11] In Verse 3:78, just 3 verses before proclaiming God's Messenger of the Covenant, the word "God" number 361 (19x19) occurs. This verse (3:78) informs us that some falsifiers will add falsehood to the Quran, then claim that it is part of the Quran; they attribute lies to God, knowingly. The word "God" occurs 912 times (19x48) from Verse 3:78, which exposes the falsifiers, to 9:127.

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Those who reject the rejection of verses 9:128-129 and therefore accept the additional "GOD" in verse 9:129 have denied all of the above miracles from God Himself.


Key Words from False Verses 9:128-129

Aside from the "GOD" count, let's look at some of the other key words in 9:128-129.

[12] "god" - The word "Elaah" which means "god" occurs in 9:129. The total occurrence of this word in the Quran is 95, 19x5. The inclusion of 9:128-129 causes this word to increase by 1, to 96.

[13] "messenger" - The INDEX TO THE WORDS OF THE QURAN, lists 116 "Rasool" (Messenger) words. One of these words is in 9:128. By removing this false verse, 115 "Rasool" words remain. Another "Rasool" word which must be excluded from counting is in 12:50, since it refers to the "messenger of Pharaoh," not the messenger of God. Thus, the total occurrence of "Rasool" of God is 114, 19x6.

[14] "merciful" - Another important word that occurs in the false verses 9:128-129 is the word "Raheem" (Merciful). This word is used in the Quran exclusively as a name of God, and its total count is 114, 19x6, after removing the word "Raheem" of 9:128, which refers to the prophet. According to 7:188, 10:49, and 72:21 the Prophet did not possess any power of mercy.


[15] "throne" - The INDEX lists 22 occurrences of the word " `Arsh" (Throne). After removing the false injection 9:129, and the " `Arsh" of Joseph which occurs in 12:100, and the " `Arsh" of the Queen of Sheba (27:23), we end up with 19 " `Arsh" words. This proves that the word " `Arsh" of 9:129 does not belong in the Quran.

[16] "say" - The Quranic command "Qul" (Say) occurs in the Quran 332 times. Also, the word "Qaaloo" (They said) occurs the same number of times, 332. Since the false Verse 9:129 contains the word "Qul" (Say), its inclusion would have destroyed this typical Quranic phenomenon.

[17] "yourselves" occurs in the Quran 152 times (19x8). Refer to the table below.


[18] "turn away" occurs in the Quran 19 times. Refer to the table below.

[19] "trust" occurs in the Quran 57 times (19x3). Refer to the table below.

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Physical Evidence Relating to Suras and Verses


Further, there are over 80 miracles integrated into the Quran relating to the mathematical coding of suras and verses, which all count as irrefutable physical evidence that verses 9:128-129 are NOT part of the original Quran.


[53:55] Which of your Lord’s marvels can you deny? 

Each of the following miracles specifically relate to verses 9:128-129, proving without question that they are indeed false inclusions.


[20] The total number of verses in the Quran is 6346, or 19 x 334. [6234 numbered verses & 112 un-numbered verses (Basmalahs) 6234+112 = 6346]. Note that 6+3+4+6=19. 

[21] From the missing Basmalah of Sura 9 to the extra Basmalah of Sura 27, there are precisely 19 suras.

[22] It follows that the total of the sura numbers from 9 to 27 (9+10+11+12+...+26+27) is 342, or 19 x 18. This total (342) also equals the number of words between the two Basmalahs of Sura 27, and 342 =19 x 18.

[23] When we add the numbers of all suras, plus the number of verses in every sura, plus the sum of verse numbers, the Grand total for the whole Quran comes to 346199, 19x19x959. Table 25 is an abbreviated presentation of these data. Thus, the slightest alteration of a single sura or verse would have destroyed this system. 

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[24] When we carry out the same calculations as  above, but for the 85 un-initialed suras only, which include Sura 9, the cumulative total is also a multiple of 19. The cumulative total for all un-initialed suras is 156066, or 19x8214. This result depends on the fact that Sura 9 consists of 127 verses, not 129. The data are shown in Table 4. 

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[25] By adding the sura numbers of all un-initialed suras (85 suras), plus their number of verses, from the beginning of the Quran to the end of Sura 9 we get 703, 19x37. The detailed data are shown in Table 5. This phenomenon depends on the fact that Sura 9 consists of 127 verses.

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[26] By adding the sura number of the un-initialed suras, plus the number of verses, plus the sum of verse numbers from the missing Basmalah (9:1) to the end of the Quran, the grand total comes to 116090, or 19x6110. These data are in Table 6. If Verses 9:128-129 are included, the number of verses for Sura 9 becomes 129, and the grand total becomes 116349, not a multiple of 19.

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[27] When the same calculations are carried out from the missing Basmalah (9:1) to the verse where the number 19 is mentioned (74:30), we find that the grand total comes to 207670, or 19x10930 (Table 7). Sura 9 must consist of 127 verses.

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[28] Sura 9 consists of 127 verses. The digits of 127 add up to 1+2+7 = 10. Let us look at all the verses whose digits add up to 10, from the missing Basmalah of Sura 9, to the extra Basmalah of Sura 27. If Sura 9 consisted of 129 verses, the grand total would be 2472, instead of 2470 (19x130); 2472 is not a multiple of 19, and this phenomenon would have disappeared. The data are in Table 8.


[29] The falsifiers wanted us to believe that Sura 9 consists of 129 verses. The number 129 ends with the digit "9." Let us look at the first sura and the last sura whose number of verses ends with the digit "9." These are Sura 10 and Sura 104. By adding the sura number, plus the number of verses, plus the sum of verse numbers, from Sura 10 to Sura 104, we get a grand total that equals 23655, or 19x1245. The details are shown in Table 9.

The inclusion of Sura 9 with the wrong number of verses, 129, would have altered both the sum of verse numbers and the cumulative total - the sum of verse numbers would have become 627+129=756, and the cumulative total would not be 23655 - and the Quran's code would have been violated (Table 9).


[30] Since Sura 9 is an un-initialed sura, let us look at all the verse numbers in the 85 un-initialed suras and count all the 1's we see. As shown in Table 10, the total count of the digit "1" in the un-initialed suras is 1406, or 19x74. Obviously, if Sura 9 consisted of 129 verses, we would see two additional 1's, from 128 and 129, and the code would be violated.


[31] The false injection consisted of Verses 128 and 129 at the end of Sura 9. If we look at the numbers 128 and 129, we see two 1's, two 2's, one 8, and one 9. Now let us look at all the verses in the Quran, and count all the 1's we see. This means the 1's we see in verses 1, 10, 11, 12, 13... 21, 31, and so on. The total count of the 1's is 2546 (19x134), provided the correct number of verses in Sura 9, 127, is used. 


[32] Following the same process for the digit "1," let us count all the 2's, 8's and 9's in all the verse numbers of the whole Quran. As shown in Table 11, the total count of all the 2's, 8's, and 9's is 3382, or 19x178. This makes the grand total of all the 1's, 2's, 8's, and 9's 2546+3382 = 5928, 19x312.

In this remarkable phenomenon, we considered every single verse in the Quran, and examined the individual digits that make up Verses 128 and 129. Since 128 and 129 contain 6 digits, the inclusion of these human injections causes the total count of these digits in the whole Quran to be 5928+6 = 5934, not a multiple of 19.

[33] The total count of all the digits (1 through 9) in all the verse numbers of the 85 un-initialed suras, including Sura 9 with 127 verses, is 27075, or 19x19x75.

[34] Adding up the digits of the Quran's suras and verses produces a multiple of 19, provided the correct number of verses for Sura 9, 127, is taken. To do this, you make a list of the Quran's 114 suras and the number of verses in each sura. Add the digits of every sura number. The sum of digits of 10=1, 11=2, 12=3, 99=18, and so on. The total for all the suras is 975. The same thing is done for the numbers of verses in every sura. For example, Sura 2 consists of 286 verses. The digits of 286 add up to 2+8+6=16. For Sura 9, the digits of its number of verses add up to 1+2+7=10. The total for all 114 suras is 906. Thus, the grand total for the sum of digits of all the suras and verses is 975+906 = 1881 = 19x99. Naturally, this observation would not be possible if Sura 9 consisted of 129 verses. Table 12 is abbreviated to illustrate the calculations.


[35] Miraculously, if we calculate the sum of digits for every sura in the Quran, and multiply the sum for each sura by the sum of digits of its number of verses, instead of adding, we still end up with a grand total that is a multiple of 19. See Table 13.


[36] Another truly awesome phenomenon: Sura 9 is an odd-numbered sura, and if we carry out the calculations described above for the odd-numbered suras only, we find that the total for the suras is 513 (19x27), the total for the verses is 437 (19x23), and the grand total for both is 513+437 = 950 (19x50). Table 14 illustrates this remarkable phenomenon.


[37] Let us take all the suras that consist of 127 verses or less. There are 105 such suras. The sum of the sura numbers of these 105 suras, plus the sum of their verse numbers is 10963, or 19x577. Sura 9 is the only sura that has 127 verses. See Table 15.


[38] Since Sura 9 is odd-numbered, and its number of verses is also odd, let us look at all the odd-numbered suras whose number of verses is also odd. This gives us 27 suras: 1, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 25, 27, 29, 33, 35, 39, 43, 45, 57, 63, 81, 87, 91, 93, 97, 101, 103, 105, 107, 111, and 113. They consist of 7, 127, 123, 43, 99, 111, 77, 93, 69, 73, 45, 75, 89, 37, 29, 11, 29, 19, 15, 11, 5, 11, 3, 5, 7, 5, and 5 verses, respectively. The sum of these sura numbers, plus their sum of verse numbers is 2774, 19x146. If we take the wrong number of verses for Sura 9 , i.e., 129, this miracle disappears.

[39] The correct number of verses in Sura 9 is 127, and this is a prime number - it is not divisible by any number except 1, and itself. Let us look at all the suras whose number of verses is a prime number. These are Suras 1, 9, 13, 33, 43, 45, 57, 63, 81, 87, 93, 97, 101, 103, 105, 107, 111, and 113. The numbers of verses in these suras are 7, 127, 43, 73, 89, 37, 29, 11, 29, 19, 11, 5, 11, 3, 5, 7, 5, and 5, respectively. If you add the digits of these suras, you get 137, while the digits of the verses add up to 129. This makes the grand total of all the digits 137+129 = 266 = 19x14.

[40] The distorters added two false verses to Sura 9, and this caused the sura to have 129 verses. Since 129 consists of 3 digits, and is divisible by 3, let us look at the suras whose number of verses is divisible by 3, and consists of 3 digits. The total of these sura numbers is 71, and the total number of verses is 765. This produces a grand total of 71 + 765 = 836, or 19x44. The data are shown in Table 16.


If Sura 9 had 129 verses, it would have been included in this table, and would have destroyed this phenomenon.

[41] If Sura 9 consisted of 129 verses, as the falsifiers would like us to believe, then let us look at all the suras which consist of 129 verses or more. There are 8 such suras. Their data are shown Table 17. If Sura 9 consisted of 129 verses, the total number of verses would have been 1577 + 129 = 1706, not a multiple of 19.


[42] The numbers 127, 128 and 129 have two digits in common, "1" and "2." Let us consider all the suras whose number of verses contains the digits 1 and 2. By adding the sura numbers plus the numbers of verses, we get 1159, 19x61. See Table 18.


[43] Sura 9 is a single-digit sura whose number of verses contains the digits 1 and 2. There is only one other sura that possesses these traits: Sura 5 is a single-digit sura, and it consists of 120 verses. As shown in Table 19, the number of verses in these two suras is 120+127 = 247 = 19x13. If Sura 9 consisted of 129 verses, the total would have been 247+2 = 249, not a multiple of 19.


[44] We looked at all the suras whose number of verses contains "1" and "2." Let us now look at all the suras whose number of verses begins with the digit "1." There are 30 suras that possess this quality: Suras 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 37, 49, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 82, 86, 87, 91, 93, 96, 100, and 101.Their numbers of verses are 176, 120, 165, 127, 109, 123, 111, 128, 111, 110, 135, 112, 118, 182, 18, 13, 14, 11, 11, 18, 12, 12, 19, 17, 19, 15, 11, 19, 11, and 11. The sum of verse numbers (1+2+3..). for these 30 suras is 126122, or 19x6638. If Sura 9 consisted of 129 verses, the sum of their verse numbers would have been 126122 + 128 + 129 = 126379, and this total is not a multiple of 19.

[45] Sura 9 consists of 127 verses, and 9+1+2+7 equals 19. Let us look at all the suras whose digits of sura and verses add up to 19. There are 10 suras that meet this specification, and the total of their sura numbers and numbers of verses is 1216, or 19x64. The data are shown in Table 20.


[46] Sura 9 consists of 127 verses, and (9) plus (1+2+7) add up to 19. There are three other suras in the whole Quran whose sura digits add up to 9 and the digits of their number of verses add up to 10. These are suras 9, 45, 54, and 72. They consist of 127, 37, 55, and 28 verses, respectively. The total number of verses in these three suras is 247, 19x13.

If Sura 9 consisted of 129 verses, it would not be included in this table to begin with. See Table 21.


[47] Let us assume for awhile that Sura 9 consists of 129 verses. Since the number 129 ends with the digit "9," let us look at all the suras where the number of verses ends with the digit "9."

We find 13 suras in the Quran whose number of verses ends with the digit "9." As illustrated by Table 23, many conform with the Quran's code only if Sura 9 is excluded; it does not consist of 129 verses. Without Sura 9, the total number of verses in these 13 suras is 627, 19x33. Additionally, the sura number, plus the number of verses, plus the sum the sum of verse numbers, add up to 23655, or 19x1245. These phenomena would have disappeared if Sura 9 consisted of 129 verses.


[48] Sura 9 is an odd-numbered sura whose number of verses ends with the digit "9." Let us now look at all the odd-numbered suras whose number of verses ends with "9." As shown in Table 24, the total of sura number and number of verses in these suras is 646, or 19x34. If Sura 9 had 129 verses, it would have been included in this group, and the total would have been 646+129+9 = 784, which is not a multiple of 19.

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[49] By now, it is incontrovertibly proven that Sura 9 consists of 127 verses. Let us now look at the suras whose number of verses ends with "7." There are 7 such suras. The grand total of sura numbers plus number of verses for these seven suras is 798, 19x42. The details are shown in Table 25. Thus, every sura whose number of verses ends with the digit "7," including Sura 9, conforms with the code.

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[50] The last two verses of Sura 9 are 126 and 127. Since the falsifiers added two verses, let us look at the last two verses of every sura in the Quran, and count the digit "7," all of them, among these last two verses. As shown in Table 26, the total number of the digit "7" among the last two verses of every sura in the Quran is 38, 19x2.

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[51] Assuming that Sura 9 consists of 129 verses, let us look at all the suras that contain a verse No. 129. This means that we look at all the suras that consist of 129 or more verses. For example, Sura 2 consists of 286 verses. Therefore, it contains a verse that is assigned the number "129." We then take this verse and add it to all the other verses assigned the number 129 throughout the Quran. Under this assumption, there are 9 suras that contain a verse No. 129. Interestingly, we find that the total of sura numbers of these 9 suras is a multiple of 19 (114), while the total for the nine 129's can be a multiple of 19 if 2 is deducted from their total. In other words, we are told that one of these 9 suras contains 2 extra verses. The details are in Table 27.

When we add 114, plus 1161, and remove 2, we get 1273, or 19x67. Compare this total (1273) with the total reported in the Item 44 below. Of the 9 suras listed in Table 27, which one has the extra 2 verses? The answer is provided in Item 52.

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[52] To pinpoint the location of these two false verses, let us look at all the suras that contain a verse No. 128, while continuing to assume that Sura 9 consists of 129 verses. This will give us the same list of suras as in Table 27, and also bring in Sura 16 which has precisely 128 verses.

As shown in Table 28, Sura 9 stands out in glaring disharmony; it is singled out as the sura that contains the false verses. The total of suras and verses becomes divisible by 19 only if Sura 9 is removed. Note that the divisible total, after removing Sura 9, is 1273, 19x67, which is the same total obtained in Item 51 above after removing 2 verses. This remarkable phenomenon proves that Sura 9 could not contain a verse no. 128.

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[53] Sura 9 is an un-initialed sura whose last two verses are 126 and 127. Let us take the 85 un-initialed suras, and add up the numbers of the last two verses in each sura. For example, the last two verses in Sura 1 are 6 and 7. Add 6+7 and you get 13. The next un-initialed sura is Sura 4; its last two verses are 175 and 176. Add 175+176 and you get 351. Do this for all un-initialed suras. The data are in Table 29. Thus, the last two verses of Sura 9 are confirmed to be 126 and 127.

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[54] Let us now take the last two verses in every sura in the Quran, initialed and un-initialed, and add the digits of the last two verses in each sura (Table 30). It is readily obvious that the last two verses of every sura in the Quran are divinely fixed, and divinely guarded through this intricate mathematical code. The last two verses of Sura 9 are confirmed to be 126 & 127, not 128 & 129.

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[55] Sura 9 consists of 127 verses, and 127 consists of 3 digits. Let us look at all the suras whose number of verses consists of 3 digits; these are suras 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 26, and 37. Their verse numbers are 286, 200, 176, 120, 165, 206, 127, 109, 123, 111, 128, 111, 110, 135, 112, 118, 227, and 182, respectively. By taking the last digit in each number of verses, and adding up these digits, we get 6+0+6+0+5+ 6+7+9+3+1+8+1+0+5+2+8+7+2 = 76 = 19x4.

[56] Let us look at the list of suras shown in Item 55 above. Since the number of verses in Sura 9 is an odd number, let us now consider the odd-numbered verse numbers. There are 8 suras with a 3-digit, odd number of verses: Suras 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 20, and 26. Their numbers of verses are 165, 127, 109, 123, 111, 111, 135, & 227. The last digits in these numbers of verses are 5, 7, 9, 3, 1, 1, 5, and 7, respectively, and the sum of these digits is 38, or 19x2. Obviously, if Sura 9 consisted of 129 verses, its last digit would be 9, not 7, and the sum of the last digits would be 40, not a multiple of 19. The detailed data are shown in Table 31. Thus, we are getting more and more specific, as we zoom in on the last digit in the number of verses.

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[57] Let us continue to work with the same group of suras of Items 55 and 56. Since Sura 9 is an odd-numbered sura, let us now remove all the even-numbered suras from the list of suras shown in Item 55. Now we have odd-numbered suras, with odd- numbered verses. There are only three such suras in the whole Quran: 9, 11, and 17. Their numbers of verses are 127, 123, and 111 (Table 32). If Sura 9 consisted of 129 verses, this remarkable phenomenon would have been destroyed.

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[58] Let us continue to work with the three suras listed in Item 57. These are all the suras in the Quran whose number is odd (like Sura 9), their number of verses consists of 3 digits (like Sura 9), and their number of verses is also odd (like Sura 9).

As shown in Table 32, the verse numbers of these 3 suras are 127, 123, and 111. Just add the individual digits, and you get 1 + 2 + 7 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1=19.

[59] There are three suras (1) whose numbers are odd, (2) their numbers of verses are odd, and (3) the number of verses consists of 3 digits. They are Suras: 9, 11, and 17 (see Items 48 through 50 for the flow of this point). Just add the individual digits that make up the three sura numbers, and you get 9+1+1+1+7=19.

[60] The number 129 is divisible by 3. If Sura 9 consisted of 129 verses as the distorters claimed, then it would be (1) an odd-numbered sura that (2) consists of a 3-digit number of verses, (3) the number of verses is odd, and (4) the number of verses is divisible by 3. There are only two suras in the whole Quran that possess these qualities: Sura 11 with 123 verses, and Sura 17 with 111 verses. The sum of digits of both sura numbers and the numbers of verses comes to 1+1+1+2+3+1+7+1+1+1 = 19. This can be observed only if Sura 9 consists of 127 verses.

[61] Sura 9 is (1) odd-numbered, (2) its number of verses is odd, (3) its number of verses ends with the digit "7," (4) its number of verses is a prime number, and (5) the sura number is divisible by 3 & 9. The only two suras that possess these qualities are: Sura 9 (127 verses), and Sura 45 (37 verses). Just add the digits you see:

 9+1+2+7=19 & 4+5+3+7=19; Total for both suras = 19+19 = 38.

[62] Let us assume that Sura 9 does have 129 verses. In that case we will have only two suras in the whole Quran whose number begins with 9, and their number of verses ends with 9: Sura 9 (129 verses) and Sura 96 (19 verses). As detailed in Table 33, the grand total of sura number, plus the number of verses, plus the sum of verse numbers is 8828, not a multiple of 19.

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Now let us remove the false verses (128 & 129) from Sura 9, and repeat the same calculations. The result of this correction is shown in Table 34. The grand total becomes 8569, 19x451.

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[63] Let us assume that Sura 9 consists of 129 verses. The total of these digits is 9+1+2+9=21. Let us look at all the suras where the digits of their number of verses add up to 21. There are 7 such suras: 9, 25, 27, 37, 68, 94, and 97. By adding the sura numbers, plus the number of verses in each sura, plus the sum of verse numbers, the grand total comes to 34744, not a multiple of 19 (Table 35).

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Now, let us use the correct number of verses for Sura 9, 127, and repeat the same calculations as in Table 35. This causes the grand total to become 34485, or 19x1815. See Table 36.

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[64] For the last time, let us assume that Sura 9 consists of 129 verses. We have here a sura that (1) is an odd numbered sura, (2) its number is divisible by 3, (3) the number of verses, 129, is also divisible by 3, and (4) the number of verses ends with the digit "9." There is only one sura that possesses these qualities: Sura 15 is divisible by 3, its number of verses is 99, which is divisible by 3 and ends with the digit "9." If Sura 9 consisted of 129, and we added the sura and verse numbers for these two suras, we would end up with the following results: 9 + 129 + 15 + 99 = 252 - not a multiple of 19.

If we throw away the false number 129, we have one sura in the Quran whose number is odd, and its number of verses is divisible by 3 and ends with the digit 9 - Sura 15. Now we have the following result:

15 + 99 = 114 = 19x6.

For some time now, we have been dealing with numbers. Let us now look at specific words and letters that occur in the false injections 9:128-129.

[65] The last statement in 9:127 describes the disbelievers as "LAA YAFQAHOON" (they do not comprehend). Thus, the last letter in Sura 9 is "N" (Noon). According to the falsifiers, the last verse is 129, and the last letter is "M" (Meem), since the last false word is "AZEEM." Now let us look at the first letter and the last letter of every sura from the beginning of the Quran to Sura 9, and calculate their gematrical (numerical) values. Table 37 shows that the last true letter in Sura 9 must be "N," not "M."

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[66] Sister Ihsan Ramadan of Masjid Tucson counted all the suras in the Quran which end with the letter "N" (Noon), the last letter in Sura 9. She found that 43 suras end with the same letter as Sura 9 (N) - suras 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 44, 46, 49, 51, 58, 61, 62, 63, 66, 67, 68, 70, 77, 81, 83, 84, 95, 107, and 109. Just add the sura numbers + number of suras that end with "N", and you get: 1919. Thus, the last letter in Sura 9 is once again confirmed to be "N," not "M."

[67] Now let us look at the crucial expression "LA ELAAHA ELLA HOO" (There is no god except He). This phrase occurs in the false injection 9:129. This very special expression occurs 29 times in 19 suras (Table 38). By adding the sura numbers of the 19 suras, plus the verse numbers where the phrase "LAA ELAAHA ELLA HOO" occurs, plus the number of occurrences of this crucial phrase, the grand total comes to 2128, or 19x112. This awesome result is dependent on the fact that 9:128-129 do not belong in the Quran.

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(68) The "First Pillar of Islam” is stated in 3:18 as "LAA ELAAHA ELLA HOO” (There is no other god besides Him). This most important expression occurs in 19 suras. The first occurrence is in 2:163, and the last occurrence is in 73:9. Table 22 shows that the total of sura numbers, plus the number of verses between the first and last occurrences, plus the sum of these verse numbers is 316502, or 19x 16658. Table 22 presents the detailed data. Naturally, if "LAA ELAAHA ELLA HOO" of the false verse 129 were included, this phenomenon would have disappeared.

app1 table 22.PNG

[69] The phrase "LAA ELAAHA ELLA HOO" occurs 7 times between the missing Basmalah of Sura 9 and the extra Basmalah of Sura 27, in 9:3111:1413:3020:820:9823:116, and 27:26. By adding the numbers of the 7 verses, we get 323, or 19x17. The detailed data are shown in Table 40.

app24 table40.PNG

If 9:129 were part of the Quran, the total in Table 40 would have been: 323 + 129 = 452, not a multiple of 19. God rejects what the hypocrites utter, even if it is the truth (63:1).


The Ultimate Quranic Miracle

[70] Brother Abdullah Arik has discovered what I consider to be the ultimate Quranic miracle. This miraculous phenomenon incontrovertibly authenticates every single verse in the Quran - the number of verses in every sura, and the numbers assigned to every single verse in the Quran - while exposing and rejecting the false injections, 9:128-129. To witness this great phenomenon, see Page Appendix 1 (under the heading: Superhuman Numerical Combinations). Putting the number of every verse in the Quran in sequence from the beginning to the end, with the number of verses in each sura ahead of the verse numbers of each sura, the final number consists of 12692 digits (19x668), and the number itself is also a multiple of 19. If the wrong number of verses for Sura 9 was used - 129 instead of 127 - neither the number of digits, nor the number itself would be divisible by 19.

[71] Since the subject of this Appendix is Sura 9 and its number of true verses, it is noteworthy that if we write down the number of the sura, 9, followed by the correct number of verses, 127, followed by the numbers of all the verses from 1 to 127, the resulting long number is a multiple of 19. Needless to say, if the wrong number of verses is used, i.e., 129 instead of 127, this remarkable miracle would have disappeared:

 9 127 1 2 3 4 5 ..... 122 123 124 125 126 127.

The total number of verses in Sura 9 is followed by the numbers of every verse in the sura from 1 to 127. The resulting long number is a multiple of 19.

[72] The number of verses in Sura 9, 127, is an odd number. The falsifiers added two fake verses, and this made the number of verses 129, which is also an odd number. Mr. Arik used the same computer program he devised for Item 70 above to check all odd-numbered verses in the Quran. Thus, the number of verses in every sura was written down, followed only by the last digit of each of the odd-numbered verses in that sura. Sura 1 was represented by the number 71357. Sura 2 was represented by the number 28613579.....5, and so on through the last sura. The result is a long number, with 3371 digits, that is divisible by 19. Obviously, Sura 9 was represented by the number 12713579......7:

 7 1 3 5 7 286 1 3 5 ... 3 5 ...... 5 1 3 5 6 1 3 5.

The number of verses in every sura is followed by the numbers of the odd-numbered verses. The resulting long number, 3371 digits, is a multiple of 19.

[73] Since Sura 9 is an un-initialed sura, Mr. Arik applied the same computer program to all 85 un-initialed suras. The number of every verse in each of the 85 suras was written down, without the number of verses in the sura. Thus, Sura 1 was represented by the number 1234567, not 71234567. This was done with all un-initialed suras. The final result is a number that consists of 6635 digits, and is a multiple of 19. These awesome phenomena would be destroyed if we used the wrong number of verses for Sura 9, i.e., 129 instead of 127.

Superhuman Numerical Combinations

[74] Let us write down the number of each verse in the Quran, preceded for each sura by the number of verses in that sura. Thus, Sura 1, which consists of seven verses, will be represented by the number 7 1234567. What we are doing here is forming long numbers by writing the numbers of verses next to each other. To find the number representing Sura 2, you write down the number of verses in this sura, 286, followed by the number of every verse, written next to each other. Putting these two numbers together to form one number representing the first two suras, we get this number:

7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 286 1 2 3 4 5.....284 285 286.
This process is continued until every verse in the Quran is written down, thus forming one very long number encompassing the number of every verse in the Quran. The number representing the whole Quran is a multiple of 19 & consists of 12692 digits, which is also a multiple of 19.

7 1234567 286 12345...286 ...5 12345 6 123456

FIRST No: This very long number consists of 12692 digits (19x668) and includes every verse in the Quran. The number of verses in each sura precedes its verses. A special computer program that divides very long numbers has shown that this long number is a multiple of 19.

[75] Instead of putting the total number of verses in every sura ahead of the sura, let us put it at the end of every sura. Thus, the number representing Sura 1 will look like this: 1234567 7, instead of 7 1234567. The numbers representing the first two suras will look like this:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 1 2 3 4 5.....284 285 286 286.

Since we are putting the total number of verses per sura at the end of each sura, we must put the total number of numbered verses (6234) at the end of the Quran. Putting together all the verses of all the suras, produces a long number that consists of 12696 digits, and is a multiple of 19.


1234567 7 12345...286 286 12345 5...123456 6 6234

SECOND No: The number of every verse in every sura is followed by the number of verses per sura. The last 11 digits shown here are the 6 verses of the last sura, followed by its number of verses (6), followed by the number of numbered verses in the Quran (6234). The complete, very long number, is a multiple of 19.

[76] Now let us include the number of every sura. Write down the number of every verse in every sura, followed by the number of the sura, followed by the number of verses in the sura. Thus, the number representing Sura 1 looks like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 7. The number representing Sura 2 looks like this: 1 2 3 4 5 .....284 285 286 2 286. The number representing the last sura (No. 114) looks like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 114 6. The total number of numbered verses (6234) is added at the end. This number, representing the whole Quran, is a multiple of 19; it looks like this:

1234567 1 7 12345...286 2 286 ...123456 114 6 6234

THIRD No: The number of every verse, followed by the sura number, then the number of verses in the sura. The total number of numbered verses is added at the end. The long number (12930 digits) is a multiple of 19.

[77] Instead of putting the total number of verses in every sura after the sura, let us now put it ahead of the sura. Thus, the number representing Sura 1 looks like this: 7 1234567 1, instead of 1234567 1 7, and the number representing Sura 2 looks like this: 286 12345.....284 285 286 2, instead of 12345.....284 285 286 2 286. This very long number representing the whole Quran is a multiple of 19.

7 1234567 1 286 12345...286 2...6 123456 114 6234

FOURTH No: The total number of verses in each sura is followed by the number of every verse, then the sura number. The last 14 digits shown above are the number of verses in the last sura (6), followed by the numbers of the six verses (123456), followed by the number of the sura (114), then the total number of numbered verses in the Quran. The very long number (consisting of 12930 digits) is a multiple of 19.

[78] Now, let us write down the number of every verse in every sura, followed by the sum of verse numbers for every sura. Sura 1 consists of 7 verses, and the sum of verse numbers is 1+2+3+4+5+6+7 = 28. Thus, the number representing Sura 1 looks like this: 1234567 28.

The sum of verse numbers for Sura 2 is 41041 (1+2+3+ ... + 286). Thus, the number representing Sura 2 looks like this: 12345...284 285 286 41041.

The number representing the last sura, which consists of 6 verses, looks like this: 123456 21, since 1+2+3+4+5+6 = 21.

The complete number, representing the whole Quran, consists of 12836 digits and is a multiple of 19. It looks like this:


1234567 28 12345...284285286 41041...123456 21

FIFTH No: The number of every verse in every sura is followed by the sum of verse numbers. The long number consists of 12836 digits, and is a multiple of 19.

[79] Remarkably, if we take the “Fifth No.” shown above and reverse the order of verse numbers and sum of verse numbers, i.e., move the sum of verse numbers, and put it ahead of the sura, the resulting long number is still a multiple of 19.


28 1234567 41041 12345....285286.....21 123456

SIXTH No: Placing the sum of verse numbers ahead of each sura, instead of after it, produces a long number (12836 digits) that is also a multiple of 19.


[80] Even writing the suras backward, i.e., reversing the order of suras by starting with the last sura and ending with the first sura, and placing the sum of verse numbers after the verses of each sura, the product is still a multiple of 19.


123456 21 12345 15..12345..286 41041 1234567 28

SEVENTH No: Reversing the order of suras — starting from the last sura and ending with the first sura — and writing down the number of every verse, with the sum of verse numbers for every sura after its verses, the product is a long number consisting of 12836 digits. This long number is a multiple of 19.

[81] Write the sum of verse numbers for the whole Quran (333410), followed by the number of numbered verses in the Quran (6234), then the number of suras (114). Every sura is then represented by its number followed by its number of verses. The numbers representing Suras 1 and 2 are 1 7 and 2 286. The complete number, covering all suras of the Quran, consists of 474 digits, and is a multiple of 19 — it looks like this:

333410 6234 114 1 7 2 286 3 200..113 5 114 6

EIGHTH No: The Grand Sum of verse numbers (333410) is followed by the number of numbered verses (6234), the number of suras (114), then the sura numbers and numbers of verses of every sura.


[82] Now let us reverse the order of sura number and its number of verses as presented in the “Eighth No.” Thus, the numbers representing the first two suras look like this: 7 1 & 286 2, instead of 1 7 & 2 286. The complete number also consists of 474 digits and is still a multiple of 19. It looks like this:

333410 6234 114 7 1 286 2 200 3...5 113 6 114

NINTH No: Reversing the sequence of sura number and number of verses still gives us a long number that is a multiple of 19.

[83] If we write down the sum of verse numbers for Sura 1 (28), followed by the sum of verse numbers for Sura 2 (41041), and so on to the end of the Quran, and placing the Grand Sum of verse numbers (333410) at the end, the resulting long number (Tenth No.) consists of 377 digits, and is a multiple of 19.

28 41041 20100 ..... 15 21 333410

TENTH No: The sums of verse numbers for every sura in the Quran, are written next to each other, followed at the end by the Grand Sum of verse numbers (333410). This long number (377 digits) is a multiple of 19.

[84] If we write down the number of suras in the Quran (114), followed by the total number of numbered verses (6234), followed by the number of every sura and its sum of verse numbers, the final long number (612 digits) is a multiple of 19.

114 6234 1 28 2 41041 3 20100...113 15 114 21

ELEVENTH No: The number of suras, followed by the number of numbered verses, then the number of every sura and its sum of verse numbers, produce this long number (612 digits) that is a multiple of 19.

Lest anyone may think that any Quranic parameter is left un-guarded with this awesome mathematical code, let us look at more parameters.

[85] If we write down the number of suras (114), followed by the number of numbered verses, followed by the Grand Sum of verse numbers in the whole Quran (333410), followed by the numbers of every sura and its verses, we end up with a very long number (12712 digits) that is a multiple of 19.

114 6234 333410 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7...114 1 2 3 4 5 6


[86] If we write down the numbers of verses in every sura next to each other, we end up with a 235-digit number that is a multiple of 19. To do this, write down the total number of numbered verses in the Quran (6234), followed by the number of verses in every sura, then close with the total number of numbered verses in the Quran. The final long number looks like this:


62347    286   200 176.....127....5    4    5    66234

(total verses)(First 4 suras)(Sura 9)(Last 4 suras)(total verses)


[87] If we write down the number of numbered verses in the Quran (6234), followed by the number of suras (114), followed by the number of every verse in every sura, then close with the number of verses in the Quran (6234) and the number of suras (114), the final number consists of 12479 digits, and is a multiple of 19.

6234 114 1234567 12345...286...123456 6234 114


[88] Another long number that consists of 12774 digits is formed by writing down the number of every verse in every sura, followed by the number of every sura added to its number of verses. Sura 1 consists of 7 verses, and the total 1+7 is 8. Therefore, the number representing Sura 1 looks like this: 1234567 8. Since Sura 2 consists of 286 verses, the number representing Sura 2 looks like this: 12345...286 288. This is done for every sura in the Quran. The final combined number consists of 12774 digits, and is a multiple of 19.

1234567  8  12345......286288...........123456120




Mr. Abdullah Arik made the following 3 discoveries:

[89] If we write down the number of verses in every sura, followed by the sum of verse numbers, and keep all number justified to the left, the total of all left-justified numbers is 4,859,309,774, or 19x255753146 (Table 1).


[90] Do the same as above, except write down the number of every verse, instead of the number of verses. The total this time consists of 757 digits and is still a multiple of 19 (Table 2).


[91] Do the same as above, but justify everything to the right, and write down the sura number, followed by the number of verses in that sura, followed by the number of every verse in the sura, and finally, the sum of verse numbers. The total consists of 759 digits and is also a multiple of 19 (Table 3).

app1 table 1, 2, 3.PNG

God's Messenger of the Covenant Destined to Purify the Quran 

[92] Finally, in a profound demonstration of the foreknowledge of the Almighty Author of the Quran, it is mathematically coded that "The person destined to prove that Sura 9 consists of 127 verses is Rashad Khalifa, God's Messenger of the Covenant" (see Appendix 2). The item presented here is another one of those numerous proofs; it is chosen for its relevance to this Appendix.

The gematrical value of the word "Rashad," as written in the Quran (40:29, 38) is 505 (R=200, Sh=300, A=1, and D=4). The gematrical value of the word "Khalifa," as written in the Quran (38:26) is 725 (Kh=600, L=30, I=10, F=80, and H=5). By writing down the value of "Rashad," followed by the value of "Khalifa," followed by the number of Sura 9, followed by the correct number of verses in this sura, the product is 5057259127. This number is a multiple of 19; it equals 19x266171533.


[93] The number of verses from 3:81, where God's Messenger of the Covenant is prophesied, to 9:127, the end of Sura 9, is 988 (19x52). Table 41.

[94] The sum of verse numbers from 3:81 to 9:127 is also a multiple of 19 (Table 41).

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[95] If we write down the sura number, followed by the number of verses per sura, followed by the individual verse numbers, from the first occurrence of the root word "Rashada" (2:186) to the last occurrence of "Rashada" (72:21), and place these numbers next to each other, we get a very long number that consists of 11087 digits, and is a multiple of 19. This very long number begins with the number of Sura 2, followed by the number of verses in Sura 2 from the first occurrence of "Rashada" at verse 186 to the end of the sura (100 verses). Thus, the beginning of the number looks like this: 2 100. The numbers of these 100 individual verses (187 to 286) are placed next to this number. Thus, the number representing Sura 2 looks like this: 2 100 187 188 189 ..... 285 286. The same process is carried out all the way to 72:21, the last occurrence of the root "Rashada." The complete number looks like this:

2 100 187 188 189 ..... 72 21 1 2 3 ..... 19 20 21

The Sura number is followed by the number of verses, then the numbers of individual verses, from the first to the last occurrence of "Rashada" (2:187 through 72:21). The complete number consists of 11087 digits, and is divisible by 19.

[96] If we examine the suras and verses from the first occurrence of the root word "Rashada" to the word "Khalifa" in 38:26, we find that the sum of sura numbers and their numbers of verses is 4541, or 19x239. The details are in Table 4.

app2 table4.PNG

[97] "Surely, You Are One of the Messengers" (36:3)

I was told most assertively, through the angel Gabriel, that Verse 3 of Sura 36 refers specifically to me. From 3:81, where the Messenger of the Covenant is prophesied, to Sura 36, there are 3330 verses. By adding the value of "Rashad Khalifa" (1230), to this number of verses (3330), we get 505+725+3330 = 4560, 19x240.

[98] From 3:81 to 36:3 there are 3333 verses. By adding this number to the gematrical value of "Rashad" (505), we get 3333+505 = 3838 = 19x202. 

[99] The number of verses from 1:1 to 36:3 is 3705, 19x195 (Table 7).

app2 table 7.PNG

[100] The sum of verse numbers of every sura from 1:1 to 36:3 is 257925, 19x13575 (Table 7).

[101] The sum of sura numbers from Sura 1 to Sura 36 is 666 (Table 7). If we add this sum to the gematrical value of "Rashad Khalifa" (505+725), plus the gematrical value of verse 36:3 "Surely, you are one of the messengers," (612), the total is:


666+505+725+612=2508= 19x132

[102] If we add the sum of verse numbers from the first occurrence of the root word "Rashada" (2:186) to 36:3 (You are one of the messengers) to the total of suras (35), plus the sura numbers themselves, the total is 241395, or 19x12705 (Table 8).

[103] The sum of sura numbers from the the first occurrence of the root word "Rashada" to 36:3 is 665, 19x35. Note that these are 35 suras (Table 8).

app2 table 8.PNG

[104]  A Profound Messenger Has Come (44:13)

By adding the sura numbers, plus the number of verses in each sura, from the 1:1 to 44:13, the total comes to 5415, 19x19x15 (Table 10).

[105] The sum of the sura number (44) plus the number of the verse where the messenger is predicted (13) equals 57, 19x3. See Table 10.

app2 table 10.PNG



God has provided our generation with a mountain of mathematical evidence from the Quran ALONE that prove verses 9:128-129 are false inclusions, since they do not meet the requirements of the code.


Many people today have rejected God’s 19 Miracle and also rejected an honorable messenger, before studying the Quran carefully. In turn their belief has regressed (74:37). This miracle was indeed a great test from God, as were all the previous miracles.

Aside from God’s Word and His mathematical miracles found within the Quran, there is also an extraordinary amount of evidence throughout our history to support the claim that verses 9:128-129 were always suspicious, however we will not touch base on this as it involves examining other historical resources which are not from God.


"Mathematics is the language with which God created the universe." ~ Galileo


[72:28] ..He has counted the number of all things.

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