Additional Daily Worship God Asks Us To Do Throughout The Day
Aside from our daily worship rituals, God advises us on many other times throughout the day where we can connect with Him and worship Him.
Let’s remember, each time we implore God we are in fact worshipping Him:
Your Lord said, "Implore Me, and I will respond to you. Surely, those who are too arrogant to worship Me will enter Hell humiliated." 40:60
1. Glorifying God with Praise
God directs us to glorify Him at many different times of the day. Although we glorify God in our Salat, there are also other times outside of the Salat timeframes that are mentioned in the Quran.
For example, God specifically asks us to glorify Him after prostrating:
and during the night glorify Him, and after prostrating. 50:40
The Salat ends with the position of prostration as per verse 4:102:
Then once they have prostrated, let them be positioned behind you and let another group, who has not yet observed the Salat, observe the Salat with you while remaining cautious and while holding on to their weapons. 4:102
Since the Salat is completed with prostration, we must glorify God after each Salat.
Note God asks us to glorify Him with praise in verses such as 110:3 and 52:48, so we should also praise Him each time we glorify Him:
glorify your Lord with praise, and ask Him for forgiveness. Indeed, He is Redeemer. 110:3
Wait patiently for your Lord's judgment, for you are under Our eyes, and glorify your Lord with praise when you arise. 52:48
As well as after prostration, there are other times God asks us to glorify Him:
So be patient in the face of what they say, and glorify your Lord with praise before the rising of the sun and before its setting, and during the night glorify, as well as at the ends of the day, so that you may be content. 20:30
So glory to God when you retire at night and when you rise in the morning. 30:17
“When you rise in the morning” is a different time from the Dawn Salat, because the dawn period is still considered night time as the sun hasn’t risen yet. “Morning” is most certainly day time, after the sun has risen.
And praise is due to Him in the heavens and the earth, in the evening and when you are at midday. 30:18
So be patient. Indeed, God's promise is truthful. And ask forgiveness for your sin, and glorify your Lord with praise in the evenings and mornings. 40:55
So be patient in the face of what they say, and glorify your Lord with praise before the rising of the sun and before sunset, 50:39
And glorify Him during the night, and as the stars fade out. 52:49
And during the night, prostrate to Him and glorify Him during the long night. 76:26
Following is the complete list of the times we should glorify God with praise as per the Quran (the ones marked with a star * could be included in our Salat):

With all of the above evidence, it is clear God wants us to glorify Him all throughout the day and night, which in turn helps us to remember God frequently.
Then, when the Salat is concluded, spread out through the land and seek God's favour, and remember God frequently so that you may succeed. 62:10
2. Ask for Forgiveness
God further advises that we may ask for forgiveness when we are glorifying Him with praise:
glorify your Lord with praise, and ask Him for forgiveness. Indeed, He is Redeemer. 110:3
So be patient. Indeed, God's promise is truthful. And ask forgiveness for your sin, and glorify your Lord with praise in the evenings and mornings. 40:5
We are specifically advised to ask for forgiveness during the night, before dawn:
Indeed, the reverent will be in Gardens and springs, receiving what their Lord has granted them, for before that, they were indeed good-doers. They used to sleep but little of the night, and before dawn, they would ask forgiveness, 51:15-18
We can also ask for forgiveness for the believing men and women:
So know that there is no god except God, and ask forgiveness for your sin, and for the believing men and believing women. God knows your movements and your resting place. 47:19
3. Meditate During the Night
God states to meditate with the Quran during the night as an additional benefit, that we may be raised in rank at God:
And during the night meditate with it, an additional benefit for you, then perhaps your Lord will raise you to a praiseworthy position. 17:79
He instructs us to recite a specific dua during the night:
And say, "My Lord, admit me an entrance of truth and let me depart an exit of truth, and grant me from You a supporting authority." 17:80
And say, "The truth has arrived, and the falsehood has perished; falsehood is indeed perishable." 17:81
Those who seek to obtain the high ranks at God should most certainly recite verses 17:80-81 on a nightly basis!
We hope this video serves as a reminder, perhaps the reminder will benefit the believers.
Peace & God Bless