Prophet Muhammad's Duty
Obey God and Obey the Messenger
Arguably, the most manipulated Quranic command is to 'obey God and obey the messenger', which many Muslims use to advocate the legality of following the Hadith as a source of religious guidance.
They claim that obeying God is by means of obeying the Quran, whilst obeying the messenger means to obey his Hadith and Sunnah. They add that if obeying the messenger was the same as obeying God's Quran, God would have only said "obey God". Thus to their understanding, God's inclusion of "obey the messenger" implies that the messenger had his own set of religious teachings independent of the Quran which we must obey.
The error in this claim can easily be exposed. In the light of the Quran it can easily be seen that to "obey the messenger" is to obey the message he delivered (the Quran) and nothing else.
So why does the Quran say to obey the messenger?
The following reasons demonstrate the need for the phrase "obey the messenger" and not just the instruction to obey God:
1- The first and most obvious reason why the instruction "obey the messenger" was absolutely necessary is because God commanded the messenger (Muhammad) to say specific words to the people. There is a total of 332 verses in the Quran in which God commands Muhammad to say specific words to the people. The following are some examples:
They ask you (O Muhammad) about intoxicants and gambling, say, "In them are gross sins and benefits for the people, and their sinfulness is greater than their benefits." And they ask you what to give, say: The excess. God thus clarifies the revelations for you so that you may reflect.
~ Quran 2:219
And they ask you (O Muhammad) about the orphans, say, "Improving their affairs is best and if you intermix with them, then they are your brothers." God knows the corruptor from the reformer. Had God willed, He could have made things difficult for you. God is Dignified, Wise."
~ Quran 2:220
They consult you; say, "GOD advises you concerning the single person. If one dies and leaves no children, and he had a sister, she gets half the inheritance. If she dies first, he inherits from her, if she left no children. If there were two sisters, they get two-thirds of the inheritance. If the siblings are men and women, the male gets twice the share of the female." GOD thus clarifies for you, lest you go astray. GOD is fully aware of all things.
~ Quran 4:176
They consult you concerning what is lawful for them; say, "Lawful for you are all good things, including what trained dogs and falcons catch for you." You train them according to GOD's teachings. You may eat what they catch for you, and mention GOD's name thereupon. You shall observe GOD. GOD is most efficient in reckoning.
~ Quran 5:4
2- God also gave Muhammad various commands throughout the verses, words following "you shall..." and "you shall not..." Examples are as follows:
Therefore, you shall glorify GOD when you retire at night, and when you rise in the morning.
~ Quran 30:17
When greeted with a greeting, you shall respond with a better greeting or at least an equal one. GOD reckons all things.
~ Quran 4:86
You shall encourage those of you who are single to get married. They may marry the righteous among your male and female servants, if they are poor. GOD will enrich them from His grace. GOD is Bounteous, Knower.
~ Quran 24:32
You shall readily mobilize, light or heavy, and strive with your money and your lives in the cause of GOD. This is better for you, if you only knew.
~ Quran 9:41
You never expected this scripture to come your way; but this is a mercy from your Lord. Therefore, you shall not side with the disbelievers.
~ Quran 28:86
You shall implore GOD for forgiveness. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
~ Quran 4:106
You shall not worship beside GOD any other god. There is no other god beside Him. Everything perishes except His presence. To Him belongs all sovereignty, and to Him you will be returned.
~ Quran 28:88
You shall remind, for your mission is to deliver this reminder.
~ Quran 88:21
There are plenty of examples WITHIN the Quran on how to obey the messenger. We do not need to look for external sources to learn how the prophet lived his life. The Quran holds great details of how Muhammad lived his life, how he behaved in many different situations, the words he spoke and the life example he led, all of which are found inside the Quran.
3- Thirdly, who among the companions of Prophet Muhammad ever heard any of God's revelations directly from God? No one! Consequently, they cannot obey God except what came from Muhammad's mouth. This makes it necessary for God to command the people to obey the messenger since he is the one who delivers to them God's message.
Moreover, the messenger did not just deliver the Quran and vanish! Prophet Muhammad spent all his years from the time he received the first revelation until his death, inviting his people to believe in the Quran and to follow it. Hence it is necessary for God to include the command to "obey the messenger" who is inviting them to accept the message (Quran).
4- The Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad in order to deliver it to a community which was primarily populated by idol worshippers as well as followers of the previous scriptures, namely Jews and Christians. For their benefit, we understand the necessity of the phrase "obey the messenger".
If the command in the Quran did not contain the phrase "obey the messenger" but only a command to "obey God", the Jews and the Christians would say: "But we already obey God! God has sent us the Scripture and we obey it." Hence, the Quranic command to "obey the messenger" who brings the new message, endorses the new message (Quran) and not just the previous scriptures. The Quran was indeed delivered to all mankind and is the final revelation from God to all mankind (33:40) and thus supersedes all previous scriptures:
And We brought down to you (O Muhammad) the Book, truthfully, confirming what is present of the Scripture, and superseding it.
~ Quran 5:48
5- It is important to note that we are never told to 'obey Muhammad.' We never read anywhere in the Quran words such as "Obey God and obey Muhammad". The words used are always "obey the messenger". This is to emphasise that it is the message of God that is to be obeyed and not the personal words or views of the messenger. God is the most efficient in expressing any meaning. All Quranic words are chosen by God to convey a precise meaning. There are no coincidental words in the Quran.
6- We learn in the Quran the history of the messengers and in fact all of the messengers in their time were to be obeyed. Each of the Prophets received wisdom from God, then shared the message to their people. They were to be obeyed by means of complying with the laws and knowledge that came to them from God. Prophet Muhammad was no different in this respect.
When Jesus went with the proofs, he said, "I bring to you wisdom, and to clarify some of the matters in which you dispute. You shall reverence God and obey me."
~ Quran 43:63
"You shall reverence God and obey me."
~ Quran 26:108
"You shall reverence God, and obey me."
~ Quran 26:126
"You shall reverence God, and obey me."
~ Quran 26:144
"You shall reverence God, and obey me."
~ Quran 26:163
"You shall reverence God, and obey me."
~ Quran 26:179
"My Lord, they have misled so many people. As for those who follow me, they belong with me. As for those who disobey me, You are Forgiver, Most Merciful."
~ Quran 35:36
We have sent to you a messenger, just as we sent to Pharaoh a messenger. Pharaoh disobeyed the messenger and, consequently, we punished him severely.
~ Quran 73:15-16
Aaron had earlier told them, "O my people, you are being tested by it. Indeed, your Lord is the Almighty, so follow me and obey my command."
~ Quran 20:90
God teaches us that each of the previous messengers came with a scripture and were to be obeyed.
God sites for us an example of Abraham in verse 35:36, that the believers followed him and obeyed him during his time. So does this mean that we should find volumes of hadiths in our history on how Abraham personally lived his life? Of course not. Those in support of God's revelations followed and obeyed Abraham, since he lived his life utilizing God's rules, laws and regulations. God taught him the good from the bad and the right from the wrong, hence he lead a good example that the believers should follow.
In any instance, to follow or obey does not suddenly allow for the hadiths to be followed alongside God's scripture.
Muhammad Only Delivered the Quran
You shall obey God and obey the messenger and beware; if you turn away, then know that the sole duty of our messenger is to deliver the message efficiently.
~ Quran 5:92
Obey God and obey the messenger. If you turn away, then the sole mission of our messenger is to deliver the message.
~ Quran 64:12
The duty of the messenger is well defined in the above Quranic words. These verses tell us that the only duty of the messenger is to deliver God's message. It follows that in the case of Prophet Muhammad, his only duty was to deliver the message of God (Quran).
We also have in the above Quranic verses a very strong link between:
1- Obeying the messenger
2- The sole duty of the messenger was to deliver the message
By adding 1 + 2 = Our obligation is to obey the message he delivered.
The word 'messenger' is derived from the word 'message'. A messenger delivers a message. If there was no message then there would be no messenger.
It is claimed that part of delivering the message includes delivery of the hadiths. However, God defeats their claims in the following verses:
If they submit, then they have been guided, but if they turn away, your sole mission is to deliver this message.
~ Quran 3:20
You are not asking them for any money; you simply deliver this reminder for all the people.
~ Quran 12:104
'This message' and 'this reminder' as mentioned above is in clear reference to the Quran alone. God assures us that Prophet Muhammad's only mission was to deliver the Quran.
All messengers throughout history were the same. They each had a duty to deliver the scripture, to deliver the words that they had received from God.
In addition, God challenges those who claim Muhammad's duty was more than a mere deliveryman with the following question:
Can the messengers do anything but deliver the complete message?
~ Quran 16:35
Muhammad's message to the world was the words he received from God (the Quran) and nothing else.
He is the One who sends down to His servant clear revelations, in order to lead you out of the darkness into the light. God is Compassionate towards you, Most Merciful.
~ Quran 57:9
Further proof is found in Chapter 72, that the messenger was to deliver only God's messages:
"I deliver God's proclamations and messages." Those who disobey God and His messenger incur the fire of Hell, wherein they abide forever.
~ Quran 72:23
This is to ascertain that they have delivered their Lord's messages. He is fully aware of what they have. He has counted the numbers of all things.
~ Quran 72:28
Many muslims claim that all of the Prophet's sayings were inspired by God, which enables them to follow the hadiths. This idea is based on a corrupted interpretation of verses 53:3-4.
Your friend was not misguided nor was he deceived, nor does he speak out of personal desire. It is but a revelation being revealed.
~ Quran 53:2-4
Their claim is that the words "it is but a revelation being revealed" speak of every single word spoken by Muhammad, from the time he started receiving the revelation until his death, as being divine revelation. As a result, they preach that all Muslims must obey every word spoken by the Prophet, whether it is the Quran or his personal sayings.
We read in verse 53:4 "it is but a revelation being revealed". The word 'huwa' (it) is a key word in this verse. The word 'it' in English does not indicate a gender and could refer to a masculine or a feminine noun equally. However, in Arabic the word 'huwa' refers to the masculine, while the word 'hiya' refers to the feminine. The word 'huwa' in this verse refers to the Quran which is masculine in gender.
What this means is that in this verse, God is specifically speaking about the inspiration of the Quran to Muhammad. God is not speaking about every word uttered by Muhammad!
We read further in the Quran that Prophet Muhammad did not receive any revelation from God other than the Quran:
Say (O Muhammad), "What thing is the greatest testimony?" Say, "God is Witness between me and you that this Quran has been revealed to me to warn you with it and whomever it reaches. Do you bear witness that there are other gods besides God?" Say, "I do not bear witness". Say, "He is but One God and I am innocent of the shirk which you commit."
~ Quran 6:19
This testimony which God describes as "the greatest testimony" was for Muhammad to testify that he received the Quran from God. This testimony speaks of only one revelation received by Muhammad from God which is the Quran. If Muhammad had received revelations from God other than the Quran, it would have been included in the testimony of what Muhammad received from God. Verse 6:19 leaves us in no doubt regarding what was revealed to Prophet Muhammad. We do not see any mention of any revelation mentioned in this verse other than the Quran.
So is it really conceivable to claim that the hadiths were revelations from God, when God instructs Muhammad to make a testimony that only the Quran was revealed to him from God?
Muhammad to Explain the Quran
In Islam, it is believed that Muhammad had two main duties, two missions; To deliver the Quran and also to explain the Quran, where the explanation can be found in the Hadith and Sunnah.
Verse 16:44 has been manipulated in an attempt to support their claims.
We sent them with clear proofs and written ordinances. And We revealed to you the message that you may make clear to the people what was sent down to them and that they might give thought.
~ Quran 16:44
Note that some translations have interpreted the words 'make clear' to mean "explain."
If Muhammad was commanded to provide an explanation in the hadiths, then verse 16:44 is in clear contradiction to all verses which state that his only mission is to deliver God's message (3:20, 5:92, 5:99, 12:104, 13:40, 16:35, 16:82, 24:54. 29:18, 42:48, 64:12).
God's revelations are perfect, there are no contradictions.
It is not possible for any messenger to deliver the message without providing an explanation to what he had received. How would anyone know that Muhammad received a message, without him having to make clear that he has received guidance from God for the people to follow? The two go hand-in-hand, to deliver the message and to make clear what was brought down. This is the only possible meaning to verse 16:44, without the Quran transforming into a book of contradictions.
We sent them with clear proofs and written ordinances. And We revealed to you the message that you may make clear to the people what was sent down to them and that they might give thought.
~ Quran 16:44
God's revelations are clear. Simply, Muhammad was to explain to the people what he had received, that it was a Scripture from God full of wisdom and knowledge, and that we must all follow it in order to be guided in the straight path.
Another definition of explain is "revealing relevant facts."
Have you ever shared the message of Islam and stated certain facts from the Quran, such as prophecies or scientific proofs? From this example it is clear one can explain the Quran, as part of delivering the message.
When we share the message to the people, we often mention that the Quran is a divine scripture, that one must worship God alone, or that Heaven and Hell are real and punishment is awaiting the disbelievers. This can only be defined as making clear what was brought down.
Verse 16:44 has been falsely ascribed to take God's scripture for granted and allow falsehood to enter the religion of Islam. These are the tricks of Satan!
God further elaborates in 16:125, that when inviting the people to His path, one should use reason and debate.
You shall invite to the path of your Lord with wisdom and kind enlightenment, and debate with them in the best possible manner. Your Lord knows best who has strayed from His path, and He knows best who are the guided ones.
~ Quran 16:!25
When Muhammad made clear to the people that he received a message from God, he was also required to debate with them. When there is a debate, there is a discussion and exchange of views. One cannot have a debate or discussion without using explanation. Muhammad was to share the wisdom he had learned from God.
God also states that Muhammad must rule among the people in accordance with what God has brought down to him:
"And We brought down to you the scripture, truthfully, confirming what is present of the scripture, and superseding it. So rule among them in accordance with what God has brought down, and do not follow their wishes away from the truth that came to you."
~ Quran 5:48
Also manipulated is verse 3:164. It is claimed that the following verse allows for the hadiths to be followed, that since the messenger is commissioned to explain and teach the Quran, we thus need the Hadith.
GOD has blessed the believers by raising in their midst a messenger from among them, to recite for them His revelations, and to purify them, and to teach them the scripture and wisdom. Before this, they had gone totally astray.
~ Quran 3:164
Prophet Muhammad was required to recite God's revelations to the people and teach them the scripture and wisdom. To teach is to learn. Muhammad taught the people what he had learnt from God within the Quran. Wisdom can be regarded as having knowledge and good judgement. Such knowledge and judgement is found throughout His revelations. God confirms this in verse 3:58, where He states that the Quran is a message full of wisdom.
These are the revelations that we recite to you, providing a message full of wisdom.
~ Quran 3:58
God's Words are clear. When Muhammad was required to teach, explain, debate, use reason or rule among the people, he must always refer to the Quran for the relevant information.
After all, God has already assured us in the Quran that He has provided explanations for all things:
We have brought the Book down to you providing explanations for all things plus guidance and mercy and giving news to the submitters.
~ Quran 16:89
Muhammad's Good Example
A good example has been set for you in the messenger of God for anyone who seeks God and the Last Day and who constantly thinks about God.
~ Quran 33:21
Corrupt scholars have taken the words in verse 33:21, which state that the messenger has set a good example for the believers, to mean that all believers must follow every little thing that the messenger did. This includes all his actions from the way he observed his prayers and other rituals, up to his personal habits such as which hand he used to eat with, how long he grew his beard, with which foot he entered the toilet, how he blew his nose in the morning and even whether he urinated standing up or seated!
Obviously this is not the message of 33:2,1 nor for the reason why God sends His messengers, nor what God wants us to learn from His messengers! Needless to say, when we read the words in 33:21 we find a totally different message to the one they portray.
Those who follow the hadiths always quote the words "usswaton hasana" (good example) from 33:21 yet they totally disregard the rest of the verse. When we consider all of the words in 33:21 we find that God tells us that the messenger has set a good example in specifically two matters, they are:
- The messenger has set a good example in seeking God and the Last Day; and
- the messenger has set a good example in constantly thinking about God.
God is very specific with regards to what capacity the messenger has set a good example. He did not set an example in everything he has ever done, nor should he be followed blindly as a person, but he did set an example specifically in these two matters.
Consequently, if we wish to follow the example of the messenger, we too should seek God and the Last Day, and constantly think about God. We do not need volumes upon volumes of fabricated tales from the likes of Abu Huraira to be able to seek God and the Last Day, or to constantly think of God.
The Quran continues to provide us with solid confirmation that the good example set by the messenger is related specifically to the context given in the Quran.
Let us look at the following two Quranic verses:
A 'usswaton hasana' (good example) has been set for you in Abraham and those with him when they said to their people, "We are exonerated from you and what you worship besides God and we reject you. Animosity and hatred has set in between us and you, and will remain forever until you believe in God alone.
~ Quran 60:4
A 'usswaton hasana' (good example) has been set in them for you for those who seek God and the Last Day. As for those who turn away, God is the Rich, the Praiseworthy.
~ Quran 60:6
From the above Quranic words we are able to derive the following key issues:
1- The same phrase "usswaton hasana" (good example) which is used in 33:21 (in connection with Muhammad) is used in 60:4 and 60:6 in connection with Abraham and those with him.
2- In 60:4 and 60:6 God gives us the exact context of how Abraham and those with him have set a good example, that being; in denouncing the idol worshippers and their deeds, and also in seeking God and the last day. This is identical in context to 33:21 where God gives us the exact context of how Muhammad had set a good example, that being; in seeking God and the last day, and in constantly thinking about God. The question here is if the good example in 33:21 means we have to find out how Muhammad entered the toilet and how he grew his beard and what position he slept in, should we also inquire about and follow the way Abraham entered the toilet, how he ate, if he had a beard, and in what position he urinated? Wait a minute! The words in 60:4 tell us that not only Abraham, but also those with him, they all set a good example for us. Should we thus inquire about and follow the individual habits of those who were with Abraham?
3- A very significant observation in 60:4 is in the words “laqad kana lakum” which mean: you have been given. The word "you" addresses all readers of the Quran, which includes us today. What this means is that Abraham and those who were with him have set a good example for all readers of the Quran.
The words in 60:4 tell us that not only Abraham, but also those with him, all set a good example for us. Should we thus inquire about and follow the individual habits of those who were with Abraham as well?
The context of 33:21 is not any different from the context of 60:4. All these righteous people set a good example for us; specifically in seeking God and the Last Day and in constantly thinking about God.
The words "and those with him (Abraham)" indicate that God is speaking about normal believers among the followers of Abraham, and not the sons of Abraham. When God speaks in the Quran about Abraham's descendants, who were also Prophets (Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob), God always refers to them by name. Examples are found in 1:125, 2:132, 2:140, 4:163, 12:38. The Prophet sons of Abraham are never referred to in the Quran as "those with him". So what does this phrase "those with him" tell us?
We note that God says that "those with him" (ordinary believers) have also set a good example for us. This provides even further conclusive evidence that the phrase "usswaton hasana" (good example) is not an invitation for us to follow the Hadith or Sunnah of anyone. If this were the case, we must also follow the Hadith and Sunnah of the ordinary folk who were with Abraham!
4- The words in 60:4 and 60:6 also confirm that any good believer who observes the righteous deeds spoken of in these verses, will also set a good example and not just Abraham and those with him or Muhammad (as in 33:21). Therefore if this "good example" can be set by any genuine believer, then this refutes the manner in which the hadith followers manipulate 33:21 to imply that we must mimic Prophet Muhammad in all his personal habits.
In summary, the good example set by Muhammad in verse 33:21, and by Abraham and those with him (60:4-6) must be understood specifically in the context given in the Quran; seeking God and the last day, in denouncing idolatry, and in constantly thinking about God.
Was Muhammad a Lawmaker?
Many Muslims claim that Muhammad had the power to invoke certain laws and prohibitions on the people. They cite verse 7:157 in support of their claim:
Those who follow the messenger, the gentile Prophet whom they find written down in the Torah and Injeel that is with them. He enjoins them to be righteous and forbids them from evil. He makes lawful for them good things, and prohibits for them what is bad, and he relieves them from the heavy burden and the shackles which were upon them. Those who believe in him, respect him, support him, and follow the light that came with him are the successful ones."
~ Quran 7:157
If we reflect on these words in isolation, it may well seem that the Prophet is spoken of as a law maker. However, when studying all the related Quranic verses together, it becomes clear that their interpretation of verse 7:157 is incorrect.
Moreover, when we study verse 7:157 in its entirety and not only focus on the words; "He makes lawful for them good things, and prohibits for them what is bad", we discover that to follow the messenger, who prohibits the bad and makes lawful the good, is restricted only to following the light that came with him (the Quran):
Those who follow the messenger, the gentile Prophet whom they find written down in the Torah and Injeel that is with them. He enjoins them to be righteous and forbids them from evil. He makes lawful for them good things, and prohibits for them what is bad, and he relieves them from the heavy burden and the shackles which were upon them. Those who believe in him, respect him, support him, and follow the light that came with him are the successful ones."
~ Quran 7:157
Further, verses such as 2:213 and 5:48-49 prove that Muhammad was to rule among the people only in accordance with what God has brought down, that Muhammad only ever referred to God's revelations.
The people used to be one community when GOD sent the prophets as bearers of good news, as well as warners. He sent down with them the scripture, bearing the truth, to judge among the people in their disputes. Ironically, those who received the scripture were the ones who rejected any new scripture, despite clear proofs given to them. This is due to jealousy on their part. GOD guides those who believe to the truth that is disputed by all others, in accordance with His will. GOD guides whoever wills in a straight path.
~ Quran 2:213
"And We brought down to you the scripture, truthfully, confirming what is present of the scripture, and superseding it. So rule among them in accordance with what God has brought down, and do not follow their wishes away from the truth that came to you."
~ Quran 5:48
You shall rule among them in accordance with God's revelations to you. Do not follow their wishes, and beware lest they divert you from some of God's revelations to you. If they turn away, then know that God wills to punish them for some of their sins. Indeed, many people are wicked.
~ Quran 5:49
We learn in the Quran that God holds all authority to make law. This responsibility is exclusively with Him. No human being has any authority to make God's Law.
Shall I seek other than God as a law maker when He has brought down to you the Book fully detailed?
~ Quran 6:114
Or do they have partners who legislate for them religious laws which were not authorised by God? If it were not for a decisive decree, they would have been judged immediately. Indeed the transgressors shall have a painful punishment.
~ Quran 42:21
Thus any messenger of God can only prohibit what is prohibited in the book of God, and make lawful what God made lawful.
The only duty of the messenger of God is to deliver God's message, but not to be a law maker besides God:
You are not asking them for any money; you simply deliver this reminder for all the people.
~ Quran 12:104
In addition, in 66:1 we read how God reprimanded Prophet Muhammad for once prohibiting an item that was not prohibited by God.
O you Prophet, why do you prohibit what God has made lawful for you, seeking to please your wives? God is Forgiver, Merciful.
~ Quran 66:1
This verse in particular makes this issue beyond dispute for all who take God's words in the Quran seriously. The Prophet does not have the authority to prohibit except what is prohibited by God. One interpretation of verse 66:1 states that the Prophet once prohibited a certain item following a domestic dispute. Since this item was not prohibited by God, he was immediately reprimanded by God. The incident or its details are not of significant importance except that the words in 66:1 provide a clear reminder to all sincere believers that God is the only law maker, and that Muhammad is not authorised to make law.
Remember, God has already informed us that Muhammad followed the Quran alone and nothing else.
Say (O Muhammad), "I am not a novelty among other messengers, nor do I know what will happen to me or to you. I follow nothing other than what is revealed to me (Quran). I am no more than a clear warner."
~ Quran 46:9
For anyone to make something lawful or unlawful without God's authorisation, it would in fact be considered a lie that has been attributed to God.
You shall not utter lies which are portrayed by your tongues as: "This is lawful and this is unlawful", to fabricate lies and attribute them to God. Those who fabricate lies and attribute them to God will not succeed.
~ Quran 16:116
It is only God who holds the complete authorisation to invoke certain prohibitions on us.
Say, "Bring your witnesses who would testify that God has prohibited this or that." If they testify, do not testify with them. Nor shall you follow the opinions of those who reject our revelations, and those who disbelieve in the Hereafter, and those who stray away from their Lord.
~ Quran 6:150
We conclude from the above information, that any messenger of God can only invite his people to do righteous acts, instructs them away from evil and prohibits them from bad things, all in accordance with God's Law within His Book.
Let's also take into consideration that no one holds any power except God. So does it really make sense for Muhammad to play a god and invoke certain laws and duties on us, to which our fate is decided upon?
As further evidence, we are told in the Quran that the messenger of God is infallible in the message he delivers but that he is fallible in his own personal words:
Say (O Muhammad), "If I stray then I stray to my own loss, and if I am guided, it is by what my Lord inspires to me. He is Hearer, Near."
~ Quran 34:50
The words "if I stray then I stray to my own loss" tell us is that there were times when the Prophet was not inspired by God, and thus could stray. They also tell us that he was only guided by means of what God inspired to him. If every word the Prophet uttered was inspired by God, then the selected sentence would make little sense!
Moreover, to insist that every word uttered by Prophet Muhammad was inspired by God would be in direct contradiction to another Quranic matter. We are given in the Quran six different cases where the Prophet committed errors for which he was reprimanded by God. These are found in (8:67-68, 9:43, 9:113-114, 33:37, 66:1 and 80:1-11).
Clearly, if everything uttered by the Prophet was inspired by God he would not have been at fault on any of these occasions. Surely, God would not inspire to the Prophet errors and then reprimand him for committing them!
We must also understand that God does not include these six cases of reprimand for the sake of belittling His own Prophet. God includes these incidents in the Quran so that the reader would be alerted to the fact that Muhammad was human and just like all humans, prone to making mistakes. Sadly, the ones who are intent on idolising Muhammad and making him infallible cannot understand the wisdom of these Quranic reprimands!
If every word uttered by Muhammad was inspired by God, then how was it possible that he committed errors for which God reprimanded him for?
Therefore, all the fabricated hadith that portray the Prophet as a law maker is exposed as blatant lies against the Prophet.
Inspiration vs Revelation
It has also been claimed that Muhammad received other revelations from God besides the Quran. Among the cases they put forward is the information Muhammad received about one of his wives (66:3). They state that the details of this information are not given in the Quran and therefore this proves that Muhammad received other revelations from God besides the Quran.
The error in this understanding is obvious. What they are confusing here is the difference between inspiration and revelation. The difference is that God inspires all humans. God also inspires the animals (16:68). This is different from a revelation which is specifically an inspired Scripture which contains religious laws and prohibitions, binding on all believers.
A revelation is a Scripture given to various Prophets to deliver to his people. However, there can also be personal inspiration that is given to any person, messengers and ordinary people alike. This inspiration is totally different from a revelation. No doubt, just like all other messengers of God, Muhammad received various pieces of inspiration in connection to various incidents and events.
We read in 28:7 that God inspired the mother of Moses to throw her baby into the river and not to fear. The mother of Moses was not a messenger, what she received from God was inspiration but not revelation.
Similarly, when God inspired various pieces of personal information to Muhammad they were meant for his own benefit (not revelation). When God informed Muhammad of what his wives said (66:3), which Muhammad had no way of knowing if God had not told him, this was inspiration, not revelation. This kind of inspired information was for the personal benefit of Muhammad only. It was not information required for believers in order to practice Islam.
Say, "Whose testimony is the greatest?" Say, "GOD's. He is the witness between me and you that this Quran has been inspired to me, to preach it to you and whomever it reaches. Indeed, you bear witness that there are other gods beside GOD." Say, "I do not testify as you do; there is only one god, and I disown your idolatry."
~ Quran 6:19
The Quran asserts that the only revelation Muhammad received from God was the Quran (6:19). With the guidance of the Quran it can be established that Muhammad did not receive any revelation from God other than the Quran. Muhammad was inspired by God in certain personal matters but he did not receive any revelation from God other than the Quran.
Peace & God Bless