Should We Recite "Allah Akbar" In Our Salat?
There are various claims surrounding the words “Allah Akbar” and why we should not recite these words in our salat.
Since God is our teacher, let’s analyse this topic in light of the Quran.
Firstly, God instructs us in verse 17:111 to “magnify Him constantly” in the salat:
And say, "Praise be to God who has not taken a son, nor does He ever have a partner in the sovereignty, nor does He ever have an ally out of weakness," and magnify Him constantly. 17:111
We must carry out the command in 17:111 to magnify God constantly in our salat. To magnify anything, we make it greater. The word Akbar means greater.
The exact words “Allah Akbar” are found in verses 9:72 and 29:45.
Some will say that “Akbar” in these verses do not speak of God. This may be the case in 9:72, but the matter is different in 29:45.
Let’s read the verses:
God promised the believing men and the believing women Gardens beneath which rivers flow. Therein they shall permanently remain, as well as fine dwellings in the Gardens of Eden, and above all, 'Ridwan min ALLAH AKBAR' (God's consent). That is the great triumph. 9:72
You shall recite what is revealed to you of the Book and observe the Salat, for the Salat forbids immorality and evil, and 'Lazkikr ALLAH AKBAR' the remembrance of God is of greater importance. God knows what you do. 29:45
Many claim the word Akbar in 29:45 speaks of the purpose of the Salat and not of God. This claim is based solely on the tashkeel on top of the letter L in the word "L'zhikr". The Tashkeel is the little signs on top of Arabic letters which decide how the letters are pronounced. The letter L in the word "L'zhikr" has a fatha on top.
The original Quran revealed to Muhammad did not have the tashkeel. This was introduced after his death by a man named Abu al-Aswad al-Du'ali.
The tashkeel was introduced primarily to aid the reader of the Quran in how to pronounce the words and letters, but since it was a human effort and not part of the revelation given to the prophet, we must not base the interpretation of the Quran solely on tashkeel.
When we read 29:45 without the input of the tashkeel, we would have 2 valid interpretations:
A) The Salat prohibits evil and vice, and the commemoration of God is the greater (akbar) benefit of the Salat.
B) The Salat prohibits evil and vice and is also for the proclamation of Allah Akbar.
With a fatha sign on top of the L, the meaning would be (A), but with a kasra below the L, the meaning would be (B).
Both meanings are valid, since the original Quran given to Muhammad did not have a fatha nor a kasra.
God informs us that many verses have multiple meanings (3:7). An honest reader of the Quran will accept both meanings as correct and valid. After all, both meanings promote the glorification of God.
Those who insist on upholding a certain meaning of 29:45 have nothing to stand on except a human input from Abu al-Aswad al-Du'ali!
Some people also suggest that we should say Allah al-Kabeer (God the Great) throughout our salat instead of Allah Akbar (God is greater).
The word Kabeer is indeed a name for God but it is not a word that magnifies. Kabeer is merely an adjective to mean Great.
Saying the words Allah al-Kabeer would be still in compliance with the Quran, since God asks us to call Him by His Beautiful Names (7:180).
It does not however fulfil the command in 17:111 to magnify God, which is why we should say Allah Akbar throughout our salat.
God specifically asks us to glorify Him using His name the Great, as a separate Quranic command:
So glorify the name of your Lord, the Great. 56:74
All greatness belongs to Him in the heavens and the earth. He is the Dignified, the Wise. 45:37
Peace & God Bless