Are Dogs Allowed as Pets in Islam?
There are a number of fabricated Hadith circulating the religion of Islam regarding dogs, that we cannot keep dogs as pets due to their impurities.
Prophet Muhammad allegedly ordered the killing of all black dogs and also prohibited the keeping of dogs except for hunting and guarding!
When analysing these claims in light of the Quran, we quickly learn there is no such truth to these silly hadiths. No where in the Quran does God say that dogs are dirty animals or that we cannot keep them as pets!
Instead, God tells us a story about a group of righteous believers who had their dog with them!
In chapter 18 of the Quran we find a story about the Companions of the Cave. In verse 18:13 we learn they were believers and among the guided ones. God then informs us in 18:18 that they had their dog with them!
You would think that they were awake, when they were in fact asleep. We turn them to the right side and the left side, while their dog stretched out his forepaws at the entrance. 18:18
If dogs were prohibited and dirty, would God speak of the Companions of the Cave (who had a dog) as good believers?
Further, God tells us in verse 5:4 that it is okay to eat what the trained dogs catch for us!
They ask you what has been made lawful for them, say, “Lawful for you are all good things, including what the trained birds of prey and dogs catch for you.” You teach them from what God has taught you. So eat what they catch for you, and mention God’s name upon it, and reverence God. Indeed, God is swift in reckoning. 5:4
Muslim scholars insist that the saliva of dogs contain contamination.
Would God really tell us that it is okay to eat what the trained dog catches for us with his mouth if their saliva is contaminated? God never shied away from informing us that pigs are contaminated (6:145). Certainly He wouldn’t have forgotten to tell us about dogs if they were also an issue!
Dogs are invaluable animals to the human race. A dog is a man’s best friend and can offer comfort and unconditional love without judgment. They can be trained as guide dogs, therapy dogs or assistance dogs. Working dogs can help the police force or assist in farm work. With dogs the world is a better place.
Those who prohibit what God has made lawful will have a lot to answer for.
Shall I seek other than God as a lawmaker, when it is He who has brought down to you the Book fully detailed?” 6:114
Do not utter lies that are portrayed by your tongues: "This is lawful and that is unlawful", to fabricate lies and attribute them to God. Those who fabricate lies and attribute them to God will not succeed. 16:116
Peace & God Bless