How to Tell if you are Humble During the Salat
God teaches us in the Quran that the believers are humble in their Salat:
Successful indeed are the believers; those who are humble in their Salat. 23:1-2
The term humble is defined as; having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's importance.
So how can we tell if we are truly humble during our prayers?
God provides us with a great example in the Quran, the words in 6:63:
Say, “Who can save you from the darkness of the land and the sea?” You implore Him humbly and secretly: “If He saves us from this, we would be among the thankful.” 6:63
In moments when we are in desperate need, we implore God humbly for His help.
The state of humbleness comes to us naturally in these times of need, since we acknowledge only God can save us.
Although we may feel more secure during our Salat, we are still in desperate need for God to redeem our souls and spare us the Hellfire.
We should still be in the same state of humbleness as if stranded in the darkness of the night.
We have committed a major crime to be sent here and it is truly God’s gift that we have been given a chance to redeem ourselves.
For we could have been sent straight to Hell, but instead God created the Earth and the human being, to see who would humble themselves.
And they fall down on their chins weeping, and it increases their humbleness. 17:109
Those who become emotional during their prayers are truly sincere.
Humbleness is a trait of the believers only, which is in their hearts:
[22:54] And so that those who were given the knowledge may know that it is the truth from your Lord and thus believe in it, and their hearts will be humbled to Him. God guides those who believe to a straight path. 22:54
..Give good news to the humble, who, when God is mentioned, their hearts tremble, and those who are patient in the face of what has afflicted them, and those who observe the Salat, and from what We have provided for them, they give. 22:34-35
Those who complete the Salat just to show off or impress others could not possibly achieve this state of humbleness, as their hearts are not sincere.
Instead, the disbelievers have nothing but an air of greatness in their chests:
Certainly, those who argue against God’s revelations, without any authority having come to them, harbour nothing in their chests other than an air of greatness, something they will never attain. So seek refuge in God. He is the Hearer, the Seer. 40:56
The believers recognise how great God is and how small and powerless we are.
They are the ones who deserve to be saved by God:
As for those who believe, do good deeds and humble themselves before their Lord, they are the companions of Paradise. Therein, they shall permanently remain. 11:23
Peace & God Bless