![How to corrupt Islam if the Quran cannot be changed.jpg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/885998_92eaeb98d54544a8884f0ac89ac6c010~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_981,h_245,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/How%20to%20corrupt%20Islam%20if%20the%20Quran%20cannot%20be%20changed.jpg)
False Prohibitions & Claims
There are numerous claims and prohibitions found within the hadiths which in fact contradict the Quran. God makes clear to the believers what is prohibited and what is lawful in the Quran, however there are many 'authentic' hadiths which prove to be in opposition of His teachings.
Firstly, those who prohibit what God Himself did not prohibit are considered disbelievers in the sight of God. The believers are forbidden from making such claims.
O you who believe, do not prohibit good things that are made lawful by God, and do not aggress; God dislikes the aggressors.
~ Quran 5:87
Losers indeed are those who killed their children foolishly, due to their lack of knowledge, and prohibited what God has provided for them, and followed innovations attributed to God. They have gone astray; they are not guided.
~ Quran 6:140
Say, "Who prohibited the nice things God has created for His creatures, and the good provisions?" Say, "Such provisions are to be enjoyed in this life by those who believe. Moreover, the good provisions will be exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection." We thus explain the revelations for people who know.
~ Quran 7:32
Say, "Did you note how God sends down to you all kinds of provisions, then you render some of them unlawful, and some lawful?" Say, "Did God give you permission to do this? Or, do you fabricate lies and attribute them to God?"
~ Quran 10:59
Say, "Bring your witnesses who would testify that God has prohibited this." If they testify, do not testify with them, and do not follow the desires of those who disbelieve in Our revelations, and those who disbelieve in the Hereafter, and they make equals with their Lord.
~ Quran 6:150
Or do they have partners who legislate for them religious laws which were not authorized by God? If it were not for a preordained decree, they would have been judged immediately. Indeed the transgressors shall have a painful punishment.
~ Quran 42:21
More specifically, verse 66:1 teaches us that Prophet Muhammad himself could not make a single prohibition:
O you prophet, why do you prohibit what God has made lawful for you, just to please your wives? God is Forgiver, Merciful.
~ Quran 66:1
Fortunately, Muhammad was forgiven by God for committing this error.
False Claims and Prohibitions
Countless rules, laws, prohibitions and claims have been invented by men, which we find written throughout the hadiths, to which many people unquestionably follow and uphold as religious guidance. Anything that does not come directly from God within His Word is not part of the true religion of Islam.
God proves to us within His revelations that many of the 'authentic' hadiths have no basis in the Quran, which makes them no more than false accusations, complete lies, and even an insult to Prophet Muhammad and the message he sent to the world. After presenting this evidence, we can then confidently conclude that the entire system used to filter through 'authentic' and fake hadiths is completely fraudulent, that no hadiths are to be trusted and that those who wrote them were in fact enemies of Prophet Muhammad, who were disbelievers in God's message to the world. God's religion is perfect. He cannot possibly ask us to follow the Quran, but also follow the hadiths deemed 'authentic,' which actually contradict the Quran and go against His teachings!
False Claim #1 - No Dogs
Many false claims are found within the hadiths about dogs, such as follows;
Dogs are dirty animals
Saliva is impure from a dog
Touching a dog voids ablution
Whoever touches a wet dog is infected with dirty impurity
Keeping of dogs are prohibited except for farming and hunting due to their dirty status
Dogs as pets are prohibited
The Prophet ordered the killing of dogs
Angels will not enter a room where there is a dog
Dog owners will have good deeds deducted from them every day
With careful study of the Quran, we find these claims are completely baseless with no such truth. Nowhere in the Quran are dogs prohibited, nor is there any mention of any contaminating effect.
So let's see what the Quran says about dogs:
That we may eat what the trained dog catches us (5:4),
That we train dogs according to God's teachings (5:4), and
That a group of good believers were accompanied by their dog (18:18).
In comparison of the two lists above, it is clear the ideas found within the hadiths are the complete opposite to what God teaches us about dogs!
In verse 5:4 God assures us that it is lawful to eat what the trained dog catches.
They consult you concerning what is lawful for them; say, "Lawful for you are all good things, including what trained dogs and falcons catch for you." You train them according to God's teachings. You may eat what they catch for you, and mention God's name thereupon. You shall observe God. God is most efficient in reckoning.
~ Quran 5:4
Note the Arabic word mukalib in verse 5:4 literally means "hunting dogs." Influenced scholars have fraudulently translated this term to mean "hunting animals" in order to better suit their personal beliefs. Yet they have no problem translating kalb to denote dog in various other Quranic verses such as 18:18 and 7:176. We are responsible for studying the Quran carefully ourselves. Google translate is a useful tool for those who are unfamiliar with the Arabic language.
In analysis of verse 5:4, if the dog is an animal which causes contamination by mere touch, would God tell us it is perfectly okay to eat what the dog catches, also knowing that the saliva would have likely transferred to the food?
God never asks us to wrong our souls. God would not tell us that we can train dogs and eat what they catch for us, yet also have good deeds deducted from us at the same time. That is completely absurd!
In Chapter 18 God informs us about the Dwellers of the Cave. The people at the cave were a group of good believers whom God guided (18:13) and they had a dog with them (18:18). This was not a stray dog, it was "their dog". Now if dogs are prohibited and dirty, would God speak of those dwellers of the Cave, who had a dog, as good believers?
You would think that they were awake, when they were in fact asleep. We turned them to the right side and the left side, while their dog stretched his arms in their midst. Had you looked at them, you would have fled from them, stricken with terror.
~ Quran 18:18
The dwellers of the cave were sleeping and their dog was laying down with them. Their dog is not used here for hunting nor farming purposes, it is simply resting with them like a pet.
Furthermore, for anyone to claim that the dog is guarding the believers, they would be making no more than an assumption and therefore saying about God what they do not know, since this information is not provided to us. The Quran is complete, God did not leave any details out of it.
So if this is what the Quran has to tell us about the issue of dogs, then where does all the prohibition come from? The source is always the fabricated hadith. We must discard all the lies attributed to the Prophet regarding dogs and be focused on the Quran as the only source of guidance and religious law.
Dogs actually do us a world of good, from police dogs to guide dogs, the world is a better place with these beautiful animals.
False Claim #2 - Cremation is Prohibited
Islamic scholars claim that cremation is prohibited by God in the Quran. They claim that an Islamic burial is the only method of disposing of a dead body that is approved by God. To justify their claim, they refer to the two verses 5:31 and 17:70. So let's analyse this claim in the light of the Quran.
So God sent a raven to scratch in the ground to show him how to bury his brother's corpse.
~ Quran 5:31
The claim is that God related this story to teach us the correct method of disposing of a dead body, therefore any other method of disposing of a dead body is prohibited by God.
Firstly, God does not give us His law by means of a raven! When God decrees a law that all people must follow, God openly says; "You shall..." or "You shall not..." God also addresses: "O you who believe", or "O Children of Adam". There are no such words in verse 5:31.
We also do not find in 5:31, nor anywhere in the Quran, words that state that burial is the only method approved by God, nor do we find any Quranic words that prohibit cremation. Since nothing is prohibited unless it is clearly prohibited by God in the Quran, then there is no evidence to justify the prohibition of cremation.
The story of the raven was an isolated event related to one person which took place at the beginning of time. It was the very first death on earth and so the process of burial would have not yet been known. No one then had any clue of what to do with a dead body! Thus the raven scratching the ground was new and much needed knowledge of how to dispose a dead body. For all we know, fire was not yet known to humans, and so the process of cremation may have not even been an option.
Muslim scholars also refer to 17:70 to justify the prohibition of cremation:
We have honoured the children of Adam and carried them on the land and in the sea and We have provided them with various provisions. We also favoured them considerably over many of those whom We have created.
~ Quran 17:70
The claim is that in keeping with the spirit of this verse, it is necessary to treat the human body with the utmost of respect, not only when a person is alive, but also when he/she is dead. Cremating the deceased or discarding bodies in other ways is considered sacrilege and abhorrent, and therefore, forbidden according to Islam.
So let's consider the following facts. First, burying a body, or cremating it, leads to the same end result; the body will turn to dust. A dead body is dead matter, not any different from a dead extracted tooth, or hair that has been cut, or an appendix that was removed, and so on. Do we bury our extracted teeth and our removed appendix? And if we do not, would that mean that we are not honouring our body just like God honoured us in our lifetime?
In light of the Quran, the honour that God speaks about in verse 17:70 is specified in the same verse and it is all during our lifetime. God honoured us by means of the "various provisions" that God granted us during our life time, and also by means of the dominion which God granted us over all creatures on earth. This is in the words that state that God favoured us, during our life time, "over many of those whom We have created…"
The body, which we occupy during our life on earth, is no more than a shell we occupy for a predetermined term. This shell becomes dead matter after our death. It is thus irrational to think that it is possible to honour dead matter! The only honour any human may receive after death is the honour in the Hereafter. It is not the dead body that receives the honour, but the real person, the soul. As for the dead body, whether it is buried or cremated, it will be resurrected by God on the day of Judgement. As for the claim that cremation is degrading, dishonouring or abhorrent, this is no more than cultural baggage! In Western societies, people who are cremated are disposed of in a very dignified manner and no one considers it degrading or abhorrent in any way.
Following the above analysis, which confirms that there is no prohibition in the Quran against cremation, it is worthwhile to dig deeper and try to understand why the Muslim scholars came up with the prohibition of cremation. Why do they proclaim that burial is the only Islamic method that is approved by God, when all that they stand on are the incorrect interpretations of two Quranic verses?
Here we find a link that appears to be of great significance and which connects the prohibition of cremation to another equally un-Quranic claim. According to the hadiths, after death, a disbeliever who committed many sins will be tortured in his grave in what they call the "punishment of the grave". It follows that if a person is cremated, and his ashes are scattered and no grave is allocated, this would totally ruin the theory of the "punishment of the grave"! It is hard to justify a scenario where angels are wondering aimlessly unable to determine the location of a dead person and where his punishment of the grave can be dished out! Needless to say, the concept of the "punishment of the grave" is yet another myth that violates Quranic truth, to which we must discuss.
False Claim #3 - Punishment in the Grave
The concept of the "punishment of the grave" is promoted throughout the hadiths, but does not have any Quranic authorisation. In fact, this idea violates many verses of the Quran. Before we continue, let's have a look at some of the claims that are made regarding life in the grave, after death but before the Day of Resurrection:
Everyone will be squeezed in the grave
Believers grave will widen 70 x 70 cubits
Believers grave is illuminated like the full moon
Disbelievers are clothed with fire
A door to Hell is opened for him
His grave is made narrow
He may be struck with an iron hammer
The edge of the mouth is torn to the back of the head
The head is smashed with a rock
Punishment is reduced between the two trumpets
To find legality in support of the claim that the disbelievers will be tormented in the grave, corrupt scholars manipulate Quranic verses such as 40:46 and 8:50 in order to allow for this concept.
The Hell will be shown to them day and night, and on the Day of Resurrection: "Admit Pharaoh's people into the worst retribution."
~ Quran 40:46
If you could only see those who disbelieved when the angels put them to death! They will beat them on their faces and their rear ends: "Taste the retribution of Hell. This is a consequence of what your hands have sent forth. God is never unjust towards the creatures."
~ Quran 8:50-51
In verse 40:46 we learn from God that Hell is shown to the disbelievers night and day. This is no more than a display and visual concept that is perceived by the disbeliever, which will last until the Day of Resurrection. Almost a dream type state.
In verses 8:50-51 we are advised that at the time of death, the disbelievers will be beaten by the angels. It is clear this is only effective at the time of passing, and does not continue until the Day of Judgment. The disbeliever will then "Taste the retribution of Hell". The term taste means to perceive or experience, as such to become aware or conscious of something, come to realize or understand. Both are symbolic to their fate becoming known to them.
The abovementioned verses are both of the same essence. When understood together it is clear that the souls of the disbelievers will perceive Hell in the spiritual plane, whilst resting and waiting for God to resurrection them. Never once does God indicate a constant and long lasting physical punishment of torture in the graves. Also considering there are many people who die and are never even buried in a grave!
Furthermore, the suggestion that the believer will sleep comfortably in his widened grave until God raises him from the grave, violates the Quranic truth once again. God assures us that the righteous believers are not sleeping in their graves but are instead alive and being provided for in heaven:
Do not think that those who are killed in the cause of God are dead; they are alive at their Lord, being provided for.
~ Quran 3:169
The angels terminate their lives in a state of righteousness, saying, "Peace be upon you. Enter Paradise as a reward for your works."
~ Quran 16:32
The Quran states that the souls of the righteous believers went straight to Paradise at the time of their death. They are not sleeping in "widened" and "illuminated" graves, but rather, they are with God in heaven.
False Claim #4 - All Men Can Have 4 Wives
In mainstream Islam it is widely claimed that all men can marry up to 4 wives. They have badly corrupted God’s law in the Quran, allowing men to marry up to 4 wives at will, while acting totally oblivious to the conditions set by God for this concession. The Quran presents only one very specific situation in which a man may have more than one wife. Even then, God advises that it is better to be married to just one wife at any one time.
If we examine the Quranic evidence we find the concession given in the following verse:
“And if you fear that you may not be just to the orphans, then you may marry whom you please of the women: two, and three, and four. But if you fear you will not be fair, then only one, or what your right hand possesses. This is best that you do not face financial hardship.”
~ Quran 4:3
What is immediately noticeable is that the word "if" at the beginning of verse 4:3 is a conditional word. What follows after the word "if" is thus a condition that must be met in order for what comes after it to be possible. This means that if a man is not supporting any orphans nor being entrusted to protect the possessions of orphans, then it is not lawful for him to marry more than one wife. If a man is supporting orphans or acting as a guardian to them, then taking a second wife for the purpose of looking after the orphans and giving them a mother figure would be allowed.
In the previous verse (4:2) God speaks of orphans, protecting their money, and warning against consuming their money unjustly. God is speaking to the men who are entrusted with the protection of orphans and their money. If a man fears that he cannot perform the duty as a guardian to the orphans and their money on his own, and in a just manner, then he is permitted to marry the woman of his choice to bring a motherly figure who would support the man in the raising of the orphans. God allows 2, 3 and 4, depending on the number of orphans the man is taking care of. This concession is allowed purely for the benefit of the orphans and not to allow men a varied sexual life!
We also note the very important words in verse 4:3:
“If you fear you will not be fair, then only one, or what your right hand possesses.”
These words must be read in conjunction with the following Quranic words:
“You will not be able to treat all women equally even if you wish to do so.”
~ Quran 4:129
If we combine the content of 4:3 and 4:129 it becomes obvious that God is very clearly discouraging more than one wife. God only allows this action under very strict conditions and even when these conditions are satisfied, God still advises no more than one.
False Claim #5 - The Menstruating Women Cannot Perform Religious Duties
In mainstream Islam, women are forbidden from praying and fasting during the days of menstruation. Let's examine this ruling in the light of the Quran and determine whether or not this prohibition is authorised by God.
First, we must be aware that the Salat is an act of worship. In all the Quran there are no words that forbid women from observing their Salat during menstruation. The only case where a person, male or female, is prohibited from observing the Salat is when he or she is intoxicated (4:43) since they would not know what they are saying.
Other than the case of intoxication, God allows no other reason for anyone, male or female, to miss the Salat. As a result, God commands us to observe the Salat even under unusual circumstances. We must observe the Salat while travelling, riding, or walking (2:239), also when we cannot find water for ablution (4:43), and even at times of war (4:101-102), but we should never stop worshipping our Creator.
The only prohibition mentioned in the Quran that is related to menstruation has nothing to do with the Salat. The prohibition, which concerns married couples, is against having sexual intercourse during menstruation (2:222).
They ask you about menstruation: say, "It is harmful; you shall avoid sexual intercourse with the women during menstruation; do not approach them until they are rid of it. Once they are rid of it, you may have intercourse with them in the manner designed by God. God loves the repenters, and He loves those who are clean."
~ Quran 2:222
Corrupt scholars manipulate verse 2:222 to claim that women are unclean during menstruation so should not worship God in an unclean state! Needless to say, the uncleanliness mentioned in 2:222 is related only to having sexual intercourse. It is not hygienic to have sexual intercourse during menstruation. There is no mention in 2:222 of the Salat nor is it implied.
In addition, those who prohibit what is not prohibited by God are in fact rejecting the Quranic truth that God is the only source of law (6:114). Genuine believers never prohibit anything that is not prohibited by God in the Quran. The following Quranic words confirm this issue:
Say, "Bring your witnesses who would testify that God has prohibited this." If they testify, do not testify with them, and do not follow the desires of those who disbelieve in Our revelations, and those who disbelieve in the Hereafter, and they make equals with their Lord.
~ Quran 6:150
Also, the following verse confirms that we should never follow any laws not decreed by God Himself:
Or do they have partners who legislate for them religious laws which were not authorized by God? If it were not for a preordained decree, they would have been judged immediately. Indeed the transgressors shall have a painful punishment.
~ Quran 42:21
The claim that Prophet prohibited women from observing Salat during menstruation proves against God's teachings. The Quran gives us confirmation that this could never have happened. These are no more than lies against the Prophet. The Prophet was commanded to deliver God's message, then commanded to follow nothing other than the Quran which was being revealed to him:
Say (O Muhammad), "I am not any different from other messengers. I have no idea what will happen to me or to you. I only follow what is revealed to me (Quran). I am no more than a clear warner.
~ Quran 46:9
We also do not find anything in the Quran that forbid women from fasting during menstruation. God granted us the concession of delaying the fast for future days in only two situations, during travelling and during illness. The concession is granted due to the hardship caused during travelling and during illness.
Menstruation is no more than a bodily cycle and there is nothing sinister or shameful about bodily functions which are designed by God. There is no reason whatsoever that should stop any woman from worshipping her Creator just because her body is performing one of its functions.
If menstruation causes severe pain, it would indeed be permissible for the woman not to fast on such a day only, since God does not wish to cause us hardship in practicing our religion:
The month of Ramadan, in which the Quran was brought down, a guidance for the people and clarification of the guidance and the Criterion. Therefore, those of you who witness the month shall fast it, and those who are ill or travelling, then an equal number of other days. God wants ease for you, and He does not want hardship for you, and so that you may complete the count, and exalt God for guiding you so that you may be thankful.
~ Quran 2:!85
It would however be her own decision, rather than a law against fasting whilst menstruating.
To conclude, women must maintain their Salat and their fasting during menstruation except in the cases mentioned. Those who violate God's law and impose man made restrictions will indeed be held accountable on the Day of Judgement.
Other hadith promote ridiculous laws stating that the menstruating woman cannot touch the Quran, nor circle the Kaba during Hajj, that the menstruating woman must avoid all mosques, and that a complete wash of the entire body, including the head is necessary once the menstrual cycle has ended. These prohibitions are all but manmade laws that were never authorised by God, which are totally unverifiable in the Quran if we are to abide by God's law in verse 17:36.
You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself (in the Quran). I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them.
~ Quran 17:36
False Claim #6 - Women Must Cover their Bodies from Head to Toe
To revere God and know that He is always watching us is the basic rule for the dress code in the Quran. Any woman knows quite well what is decent and what is revealing. Women do not need to be told, they know how to maintain righteousness and how not to. God created the woman and therefore He knows that she can make this distinction. Revering God and maintaining righteousness is the best garment.
"O children of Adam, We have brought down to you garments to cover your private parts, as well as for adornment, yet the garment of reverence is the best. These are some of God's signs, perhaps they will remember."
~ Quran 7:26
Before we continue, let us first review some crucial words that are always mentioned in connection to this topic, namely the 'hijab' and the 'khimar'.
The Word 'Hijab' in the Quran
Hijab is the term used by many Muslim women to describe their head cover. The Arabic word 'hijab' can be translated into veil or yashmak. Other meanings for the term hijab include, screen, cover, mantle, curtain, drapes, partition or divider.
Can we find the word 'hijab' in the Quran? The word 'hijab' appears seven times in the Quran. Five of them as 'hijab' and two times as 'hijaban' in verses 7:46, 33:53, 38:32, 41:5, 42:51, 17:45 and 19:17. None of these occurrences are in reference to what the traditional Muslims call today 'hijab', that being the head cover for Muslim woman! God knows that generations after Muhammad's death the Muslims will use the word 'hijab' to invent a dress code that God Himself never authorised. God used the word 'hijab' ahead of them just as He used the word 'hadith' ahead of them (45:6). The word 'hijab' in the Quran has nothing to do with the Muslim women's dress code.
The Word 'Khimar' in the Quran
The word 'khimar' can be found in the Quran in 24:31. Some Muslims quote this verse as containing the 'hijab', or head cover, by pointing to the word, khomoorihinna, (their khimars), forgetting that God already used the word 'hijab', several times in the Quran. Those who are not shackled by pre-conceptions will easily see that there is no command in 24:31 for women to cover their heads. The word 'khimar' does not mean 'hijab' nor head cover. Those who quote this verse usually add the words (head cover) and (veil) after the word 'khomoorihinna' in brackets. These additions are not the words of God and are clearly added to the text to imply a meaning not found in God's words.
"And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and to guard their private parts and not to show their adornments except that of it which normally shows. They shall cover their cleavage with their ‘khimar’. They shall not show their adornments except in the presence of their husbands, their fathers, the fathers of their husbands, their sons, the sons of their husbands, their brothers, the sons of their brothers, the sons of their sisters, other women, their slaves, the male attendants who have no sexual desire and the children who are yet to attain awareness of women’s nakedness. They shall not strike their feet so as to reveal details of their hidden ornaments. You shall repent to God all you believers, so that you may succeed."
~ Quran 24:31
The Arabic word khimar means cover. Any cover can be called a khimar, such as a curtain, a dress. A table cloth that covers the top of a table is a khimar. A blanket can be called a khimar and so on. Traditional translators, obviously influenced by Hadith and culture, claim that khimar in verse 24:31 has only one meaning, and that is veil or hijab. Thus, they mislead women into believing that 24:31 commands them to cover their hair! The correct meaning of the word khimar can easily be verified by consulting any Arabic dictionary.
In verse 24:31 God is telling women to use their khimar (cover/garment), which could be a dress, a coat, a shawl, a shirt, a blouse, a scarf and so on, to cover their cleavage. Not once does God declare that the women must cover their hair. This idea is un-Quranic and therefore no more than a false claim.
Verse 24:31 also provides further details of dress code, God commands women not to reveal their adornments (beauty spots) except what is normally apparent (face, hair, lower arms and lower legs etc.) by use of the words: " ..not to show their adornments except that of it which normally shows." This expression may sound vague to many because they have not understood the Mercy of God. Once again, God here used this very general term in order to allow women the freedom to decide on what is shown of her body. Righteous women will always make the correct decision so as to conform to the general code of morality, and also according to the time, place and occasion.
The great wisdom of God in granting women this flexible concession can be witnessed every day and in every place. For example, a woman attending the masjid for prayers, or attending a funeral would wish to wear fairly conservative clothes, but a woman playing sports would wish to wear simple light clothes that does not hinder movement. If God did not grant this merciful concession in 24:31, it would mean that all women would have to wear identical clothes at all occasions!
The word 'zeenatahunna' (adornments) in this verse refers to the woman's beauty spots which carry a sexual connotation, for example, thighs, breasts or back side. How do we know this? Because at the end of the verse, God tells the women not to strike with their feet to show their 'zeenatahunna'. The way a woman strikes her feet while walking can expose the details of certain parts of the body.
Another ruling of dress code includes to lengthen their garments:
"O prophet, tell your wives, your daughters and the wives of the believers that they shall lengthen their garments. This is better so that they will be recognized and not molested. God is Forgiver, Merciful."
~ Quran 33:59
When we reflect on the above words, we notice God deliberately stated that women should lengthen their garments, but did not say how long is long. God could have said to lengthen their garments to their ankles or to their knees, but He did not. God knows that we will be living in different communities and have different cultures and insists that the minor details of this dress code will be left for the people of every community to decide for themselves, as long as righteousness is always maintained.
Muslim scholars have invented extreme rules for women's dress which are not found in the Quran. There are no words anywhere in the Quran which command women to cover all their bodies. The fact that God says in 24:31 to specifically cover the bossom indicates clearly that there are other parts of the woman’s body that do not have to be covered. If God wanted the whole body of the woman to be covered, God would not have bothered saying to cover your chest, since an overall command to cover all the body would be all that is needed to say. But since God specifies certain parts of the woman’s body to be covered, then there are other parts that do not have to be covered, as long as they are not beauty spots of sexual connotation and as long as righteousness in dress is maintained.
The command to lengthen the garment also proves that the woman is not commanded to be covered from head to toe. For if that was the case and women must be covered down to their toes, there would be no meaning to “lengthen their garments.” How can a woman lengthen a garment that is already down to the ground?
False Claim #7 - Muhammad Was The First Muslim
"He has no partner. This is what I am commanded to believe, and I am the first to submit."
~ Quran 6:163
In reference to the Quranic words above, many Muslims claim that Muhammad was the first Muslim.
By reading verse 6:163 exclusively it may appear that Muhammad was the first Muslim, however when taking many other verses of the Quran into consideration, the meaning of verse 6:163 becomes clear. Muhammad was the first to submit to the words of God in the Quran, therefore he was the first to believer to follow the Quran. We cannot conclude Muhammad was the first Muslim in history from this verse.
The term "Muslim" is defined as a person in submission to God, therefore any true believer following the monotheist religion is considered a Muslim in the sight of God.
Abraham was the one who originally named the believers "Muslims".
You shall strive for the cause of God as you should strive for His cause. He has chosen you and has placed no hardship on you in practicing your religion—the religion of your father Abraham. He is the one who named you "Muslims" originally. Thus, the messenger shall serve as a witness among you, and you shall serve as witnesses among the people. Therefore, you shall observe the Salat and give the Zakat, and hold fast to God; He is your Lord, the best Lord and the best Supporter.
~ Quran 22:78
Verse 3:67 confirms Abraham was a Muslim:
Abraham was neither Jewish, nor Christian; he was a monotheist submitter. He never was an idol worshiper.
~ Quran 3:67
Although it was Abraham who called the believers "Muslims", all of the Prophets throughout history submitted to God and therefore were all counted as Muslims.
Adam was the first man on earth and indeed the first submitter to God. We can therefore conclude Adam was the first Muslim.
Then, Adam received from his Lord words, whereby He redeemed him. He is the Redeemer, Most Merciful.
~ Quran 2:37
Those who claim that Muhammad was the first Muslim would in fact be fabricating lies and attributing them to God knowingly, whilst also rejecting parts of the Scripture.
False Claim #8 - Muhammad Was Infallible
Many Muslims today claim that Prophet Muhammad was infallible. They state that he was the perfect man who was protected by God and therefore free from error and sin. Some admit he made mistakes yet still insist that he did not commit any sin.
Verse 48:2 clarifies this matter, where God tells Muhammad He will forgive all his past and future sins:
Whereby God forgives your past sins, as well as future sins, and perfects His blessings upon you, and guides you in a straight path.
~ Quran 48:2
Obviously God would not say these words to an infallible man who never commits any sin.
Further, there are examples in the Quran where Muhammad made mistakes and also committed sins, even after he received the revelations from God, hence to claim he was perfect is in clear contradiction to the words of God. The Prophet was reprimanded in the Quran six times for the errors he committed:
No prophet shall acquire captives, unless he participates in the fighting. You people are seeking the materials of this world, while God advocates the Hereafter. God is Almighty, Most Wise. If it were not for a predetermined decree from God, you would have suffered, on account of what you took, a terrible retribution.
~ Quran 8:67-68 -
If there were a quick material gain, and a short journey, they would have followed you. But the striving is just too much for them. They will swear by God: "If we could, we would have mobilized with you." They thus hurt themselves, and God knows that they are liars. God has pardoned you: why did you give them permission (to stay behind), before you could distinguish those who are truthful from the liars?
~ Quran 9:42-43 -
Neither the prophet, nor those who believe shall ask forgiveness for the idol worshipers, even if they were their nearest of kin, once they realize that they are destined for Hell. The only reason Abraham asked forgiveness for his father was that he had promised him to do so. But as soon as he realized that he was an enemy of God, he disowned him. Abraham was extremely kind, clement.
~ Quran 9:113-114 -
Recall that you said to the one who was blessed by God, and blessed by you, "Keep your wife and reverence God," and you hid inside yourself what God wished to proclaim. Thus, you feared the people, when you were supposed to fear only God. When Zeid was completely through with his wife, we had you marry her, in order to establish the precedent that a man can marry the divorced wife of his adopted son. God's commands shall be done.
~ Quran 33:37 -
O you prophet, why do you prohibit what God has made lawful for you, just to please your wives? God is Forgiver, Merciful.
~ Quran 66:1 -
He (Muhammad) frowned and turned away. When the blind man came to him. How do you know? He may purify himself. Or he may take heed, and benefit from the message. As for the rich man. You gave him your attention. Even though you could not guarantee his salvation. The one who came to you eagerly. And is really reverent. You ignored him.
~ Quran 88:1-10
Let's also reflect on the fact that any command from God must be followed or we would be considered a transgressor in the sight of God.
Additionally, anything God prohibits is also considered a sin (4:31, 7:33).
There is also the idea that all of the Prophets of God were infallible. The Quran however emphasises that the messengers are not infallible and are able to make mistakes and commit sins just like anyone else. Many examples are given in the Quran for specific mistakes committed by various messengers, such as Moses killing an innocent man, Jonah abandoning God's mission half way through its completion, Solomon forgetting his prayer, Joseph when he was in prison he put his trust and fate in the ruler's hand when he should have remembered that God is the only One to decide his fate.
Perhaps the principal reason we are told of all these mistakes in the Quran is to establish the fact that God's messengers are human beings like all of us and that they should not be idolised or regarded as divine infallible figures.
Like all of the Prophets throughout history, Muhammad had great moral character and set many good examples in terms of righteousness, which we find written throughout the Quran, however to claim that he was perfect is yet another falsehood that has been attributed to God.
False Claim #9 - Muhammad Was Illiterate
Traditional Muslims believe that Prophet Muhammad was illiterate, the unlettered prophet who was unable to read or write. So let's analyse this claim in light of the Quran.
Verse 25:5 confirms that the disbelievers knew Muhammad was a literate man who could read and write:
Those who disbelieved said, "This is a fabrication that he produced, with the help of some other people." They have uttered a blasphemy and a falsehood. They also said, "Tales from the past that he wrote down; they were dictated to him day and night." Say, "This was revealed by the One who knows the Secret in the heavens and the earth. He is Forgiving, Most Merciful."
~ Quran 25:4-6
This is clear Quranic evidence that Muhammad was a literate man, since he had already written down God's revelations at the time of sharing the message to the disbelievers. Verse 25:6 confirms it was the Quran that "he wrote down."
Corrupt scholars derived the illiteracy concept for Muhammad from verses 7:157-158 of the Quran, by translating the Arabic word "ummi" to mean unlettered.
"Follow the messenger, the "ummi" prophet, whom they find written in their Torah and Gospel. He exhorts them to be righteous, enjoins them from evil, allows for them all good food, and prohibits that which is bad, and unloads the burdens and the shackles imposed upon them. Those who believe in him, respect him, support him, and follow the light that came with him are the successful ones."
~ Quran 7:157
Say, "O people, I am God's messenger to all of you. To Him belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. There is no god except He. He controls life and death." Therefore, you shall believe in God and His messenger, the "ummi" prophet, who believes in God and His words. Follow him, that you may be guided.
~ Quran 7:158
In today’s standard language, "illiterate" is one of the meanings of the Arabic word "ummi". But this is not compelling evidence, since it can also mean "gentile". If we are ever unsure of how a word should be correctly translated into English, we must study the Quran in all incidences where the word "ummi" is found. Examples are found in verses 2:78, 3:20, 3:75 and 62:2.
In each of these incidences, the term "ummi" is always used in the context of the people of the scripture versus those who had no knowledge of any scripture. Those who had no knowledge of any Scripture are known as the gentiles.
In verse 42:52 God further elaborates, confirming that the correct meaning of "ummi" in verses 7:157-158 is that Muhammad had no knowledge of any Scripture.
You (Muhammad) did not know what is the Scripture, or what is faith.
~ Quran 42:52
We learn from verse 42:52 that before receiving the Quran, Muhammad did not have knowledge of any Scripture. This fits perfectly in essence with all other verses of the Quran, that Muhammad was "the gentile Prophet" rather than "the unlettered Prophet." Furthermore, the Quran is not a book of contradictions. If "unlettered" was the correct translation in verses 7:157-158 then there would be a clear contradiction to verse 25:5.
Those who claim that Muhammad was illiterate also refer to the following verse:
You did not recite, nor write with your right hand, any Book before it. Otherwise the falsifiers would have had doubts.
~ Quran 29:48
They interpret the words "nor write with your right hand" to claim that Muhammad could not read or write. However, these words do not refer to the writing of the Quran, they clearly state that Muhammad never recited nor wrote down any Scriptures before the Quran. The subject is clearly the writing down of previous Scriptures and not the writing of the Quran!
The evidence further mounts in verse 96:1, where God commands Muhammad to read:
Read, in the name of your Lord, who created.
~ Quran 96:1
Note that Chapter 96 is considered to be the very first revelation sent from God. Would God command an illiterate Prophet to do this?
God repeats the command to read in verse 96:3 and also declares that He taught by the pen:
Read and your Lord is the Most Generous. The One who taught by the pen.
~ Quran 96:3-4
How can Muhammad be taught by the Pen if he cannot write?
In verse 87:6 there is yet another indication that Muhammad could read:
We will make you (Muhammad) read then you will not forget.
~ Quran 87:6
With all of the above Quranic data, it is clear Muhammad could in fact read and write. Without doubt, he wrote the Quran with his own hand.
False Claim #10 - Muhammad Brought Many Miracles
The Hadith records marvellous miracles shown by the Prophet throughout his lifetime, from healing the sick, to foretelling the future, even supplying endless amounts of food and causing water to flow from between his fingers.
On the contrary, if we study the Quran carefully we discover that Muhammad did not have any personal miracles. The Quran itself is a miracle, and unlike some of the previous prophets, Muhammad had no miracles other than God's Scripture.
We learn in the Quran that Muhammad never produced a miracle when he was asked:
They said, "If only a certain sign could come down to him from his Lord!" Say, "God is able to send down a sign, but most of them do not know."
~ Quran 6:37
If you do not produce a miracle that they demand, they say, "Why not ask for it?" Say, "I simply follow what is revealed to me from my Lord." These are enlightenments from your Lord, and guidance, and mercy for people who believe.
~ Quran 7:203
The disbelievers wondered why he did not bring any miracles:
They say, "How come no miracle came down to him from his Lord?" Say, "The future belongs to God; so wait, and I am waiting along with you."
~ Quran 10:20
Those who disbelieved say, "If only a miracle could come down to him from his Lord." You are simply a warner, every community receives a guiding teacher.
~ Quran 13:7
In addition, verse 29:50 clearly confirms that Prophet Muhammad did not have any miracles:
They said, "If only miracles could come down to him from his Lord!" Say, "All miracles come only from God; I am no more than a manifest warner."
~ Quran 29:50
Following verse 29:50, the words in 29:51 assure us that Muhammad only came with one miracle, which is the Quran itself:
Is it not enough of a miracle that we sent down to you this book, being recited to them? This is indeed a mercy and a reminder for people who believe.
~ Quran 29:51
God also states that He stopped sending the miracles:
What stopped us from sending the miracles is that the previous generations have rejected them. For example, we showed Thamûd the camel, a profound miracle, but they transgressed against it. We sent the miracles only to instill reverence.
~ Quran 17:59
With Muhammad being the final Prophet, at what point could God stop sending the miracles if the final Prophet received them too?
With all of the above Quranic evidence, it is clear Muhammad did not bring any personal miracles.
Mainstream scholars insist that Muhammad did not show the disbelievers any miracles because since they failed to acknowledge the Quran as a miracle, it would be pointless to show them any further miracles. However, to say that he was a man of many miracles but just didn't show them to the disbelievers, takes on a different opinion of what God teaches. The theme of the Quran is that if a Prophet was sent with miracles then they are always to show their proofs to the disbelievers, along with the message they were sent with.
God assures us that the disbelievers are always shown the clear signs, throughout the history of all the messengers:
We narrate to you the history of those communities: their messengers went to them with clear proofs, but they were not to believe in what they had rejected before. God thus seals the hearts of the disbelievers.
~ Quran 7:101
Then we sent after him messengers to their people, and they showed them clear proofs. But they were not to believe in what they had rejected in the past. We thus seal the hearts of the transgressors.
~ Quran 10:74
Verses such as 8:54 confirm that God never annihilates a group of disbelievers until they have seen the signs:
Such was the case with the people of Pharaoh and others before them. They first rejected the signs of their Lord. Consequently, we annihilated them for their sins. We drowned Pharaoh's people; the wicked were consistently punished.
~ Quran 8:54
So why did the disbelievers at the time of Muhammad question why he did not bring any miracles? The only logical conclusion we can draw in essence of the Quran is that he did not have any miracles. When Muhammad came to share the message to the people, namely Jews and Christians at the time, they were used to their Prophets bringing signs so they thought it was strange that Muhammad didn't have any miracles alongside the Quran. When they asked for a miracle Muhammad instead replied that he just follows what is revealed to him and that God could bring down a miracle, since he could not.
False Claim #11 - Muhammad Split The Moon
Still on the topic of miracles, it is widely known in Islam that Prophet Muhammad miraculously split the moon in two halves with his index fingers. This idea is based on a corrupted interpretation of verse 54:1, where the hadiths elaborate on what they want this verse to mean.
The Hour has come closer, and the moon has split.
~ Quran 54:1
First we must look at the sequence of events here. The words say that the Hour will come close first and when that happens the moon will split.
Obviously the time when Muhammad was alive was not a time near the end of the world, so that once again is clear evidence that the splitting of the moon is not associated with Muhammad nor with the time of Muhammad, but it is an event that will happen just before the end of the world.
To further support their claim, scholars insist that since God used the past tense that the moon has split, it would confirm that it was done in the past by the Prophet.
With regards to the issue of "past tense" in the Quran, this should not always be taken literally. For example, we find a number of verses in the Quran which speak about the Day of Judgement (a future event for us), yet God used the past tense, the following are examples:
The heaven was opened like gates.
~ Quran 78:19
The mountains were removed, as if they were a mirage.
~ Quran 78:20
These two verses speak about events which will take place at the end of the world, yet they are written in the past tense, as if they already happened! Many translators changed this to the future tense, as if they are correcting God’s grammar! They do so because they do not understand the reasons why God uses the past tense in such verses! The reasons are:
1- For God there is no past, present and future! The concept of ‘Time’ is a dimension of the physical universe which we live in, but for God there is no ‘Time’ nor is God confined to the issue of ‘Time’ like we are (we cannot see the future). God uses the past tense at times and the future tense at other times to demonstrate to us that for God there is no ‘Time’.
2- God is also telling us that these things (related to the end of he world) are a certainty.
With careful study, God tells us that the splitting of the moon will be a clear sign from Him that The Day is near. This is the Quranic truth about this matter. Should we ignore all the Quranic evidence and insist that Muhammad split the moon with his index fingers? Those who believe this are missing the purpose for this verse. This will be decided by whether we believe the words of the Quran or whether we insist on rejecting the Quran.
Other Claims and Prohibitions
Below is a list of some of the claims that most Muslims follow and uphold as religious guidance, which are no more than lies that have been attributed to God. Each of these clams are unverifiable in the Quran (17:36) and have no authorisation from God, further violating His teachings.
For anyone following a religion with the rulings listed above is following a religion other than the one decreed by God. Those who do this believe in a different Hereafter to what God describes in the Quran. They have different religious duties, laws and practices, a completely different way of life to what God requires of us. This is not God's pure religion of monotheism. This is not a religion dedicated to God alone. Many are too caught up in following religious leaders and in trusting scholars to teach the religion for them, that they forget to follow God's Law in the Quran, which only comes with great depth of study.
Would God really wipe out such important worship of prayer and deem every word of wholehearted devotion completely useless & void simply due to a woman walking past them? This does not sound like something that came from God!
To claim that all words spoken by the Prophet were divinely inspired does not explain why we find numerous contradictions between one hadith and another, and also between the hadiths and many Quranic verses. Would God inspire to Muhammad contradictions? The following are some examples of the numerous contradictions between the Quran and Hadith:
1- God commands the Prophet to declare that he does not know his own destiny or the destiny of other people:
Say (O Muhammad), "I am not a novelty among other messengers, nor do I know what will happen to me or to you."
~ Quran 46:9
In spite of these assurances that Muhammad does not know the destiny of anyone, including himself, we read many hadith attributed to the Prophet in which it is claimed that he knew the destiny of at least 10 of his followers and that he told them that they were destined for Paradise! This is found in the hadith known as "The 10 foretold of Paradise".
2- God also commands Muhammad to declare that he does not know the future and that this knowledge is with God alone:
Say (O Muhammad), "I do not say to you that the treasures of God are in my possession, nor do I know the unseen, nor do I say to you that I am an angel. I only follow what is revealed to me." Say, "Is the blind and the seer the same? Do you not reflect?"
~ Quran 6:50
Say (O Muhammad), "No one in the heavens and the earth knows the unseen except God. They are unaware as to when they will be resurrected."
~ Quran 27:65
In spite of these clear assurances, we read many hadith in which it is claimed that Muhammad described and predicted many future events in great detail, including details related to Judgement Day and the Hereafter!
Needless to say, the Prophet of God would not contradict the commands given to him by God. Consequently, we must discard all these hadith as lies attributed to the Prophet of which he is innocent.
3- God commanded Muhammad to declare that he has no knowledge of the end of the world:
The people ask you (O Muhammad) about the Hour, say, "The knowledge thereof is only with God. For all you know, the Hour may be imminent."
~ Quran 33:63
Yet, we read numerous hadith where it is claimed that the Prophet proclaimed very detailed prophecies about the coming of the end of the world, such as, when the sun rises from the west, when the people of the world all walk naked and many others.
Verse 17:36 Verification
God's command to us in verse 17:36 is that we must not accept any information without first verifying it for ourselves. Whether the information comes from a hadith, a scholar, any word of mouth, or any other source, we must first be able to verify it within the Quran before accepting the information.
You shall not accept ANY information, unless you verify it for yourself (in the Quran). I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them.
~ Quran 17:36
This truly is crucial advice and a verse that is not to be taken lightly. If we are to accept any information that is not verifiable within the Quran and use it as religious guidance, then we would be committing a serious offence. Because not only would we prove rejection of God's revelation (17:36) and failure to abide by His command, but also to take an opinion above God's Word we would actually be committing idol worship, by following others instead of God. Those who decide to follow information that cannot be verified, choose instead to follow their religious leaders and scholars, whilst taking false man made prohibitions and accusations over God and His Word alone.
We know that God is never short of words (31:27), so we can be sure God would have mentioned any one of these things in the Quran if He saw them to be a problem! How much disrespect to God can the writers and collectors of the Hadiths show? And yet the corrupt scholars are repeating it, claiming that it must be used as a source of religious law? What is wrong with their logic?
You shall not utter lies with your own tongues stating: "This is lawful, and this is unlawful," to fabricate lies and attribute them to GOD. Surely, those who fabricate lies and attribute them to GOD will never succeed.
~Quran 16:116
These evil people are fabricating lies and attributing them to God, knowingly. They are attributing them to God because they are claiming these lies are a source of religious guidance. We know from verse 6:71 that only God’s guidance is the right guidance. Those who fabricate lies are the most evil in the sight of God;
Who is more evil than one who fabricates lies and attributes them to GOD, or rejects the truth when it comes to him? Is Hell not a just retribution for the disbelievers?
~ Quran 29:68
Those who take these false prohibitions to be a source of religious guidance, following manmade lies, are guilty of not supporting God alone, taking their religious leaders to be their lords, and proving disbelief in some of His revelations. These people are NOT guided by God, which means they are not given access to the true message of the Quran, because God wills that those who do this will be misled and must stay with the opposition. These people are truly wicked.
Those who fabricate false prohibitions after this, and attribute them to GOD, are truly wicked.
~ Quran 3:94
Say, "Bring your witnesses who would testify that GOD has prohibited this or that." If they testify, do not testify with them. Nor shall you follow the opinions of those who reject our revelations, and those who disbelieve in the Hereafter, and those who stray away from their Lord.
~ Quran 6:150
O you who believe, do not prohibit good things that are made lawful by GOD, and do not aggress; GOD dislikes the aggressors.
~ Quran 5:87
Losers indeed are those who killed their children foolishly, due to their lack of knowledge, and prohibited what GOD has provided for them, and followed innovations attributed to GOD. They have gone astray; they are not guided.
~ Quran 6:140
Say, "I do not find in the revelations given to me any food that is prohibited for any eater except: (1) carrion, (2) running blood, (3) the meat* of pigs, for it is contaminated, and (4) the meat of animals blasphemously dedicated to other than GOD." If one is forced (to eat these), without being deliberate or malicious, then your Lord is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
~ Quran 6:145
The Quran contains a very important rule for all believers, that nothing is haram (unlawful) unless it is prohibited by God Himself, and since God describes the Quran as complete, perfect and fully detailed, thus all the prohibitions decreed by God are found in the Quran. The following Quranic verses confirm this truth:
Say, "Who prohibited the nice things GOD has created for His creatures, and the good provisions?" Say, "Such provisions are to be enjoyed in this life by those who believe. Moreover, the good provisions will be exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection." We thus explain the revelations for people who know.
~ Quran 7:32
We know from reading the Quran that God alone in His complete authority is the One with the power to enforce any prohibitions on us, only He makes these laws in His perfect monotheist religion. In numerous Hadiths we find many made up prohibitions and innovations, which have no basis in the Quran.
Many Muslims today are inclined to accept any hearsay without sufficient Quranic evidence, and use it as a source of religious guidance because of any one of the following reasons:
Their parents taught them
My Mum said: "It's not allowed"
"I heard it from a friend"
"I read somewhere"
"Scholars have agreed on it"
"I was advised by a religious leader"
I found it in an "authentic" Hadith
"It's what I learnt in school"
"It's written in history books"
"I was informed at my local mosque"
All of the above excuses are no more than human opinion, if these claims cannot be verified in the Quran.
Peace & God Bless