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God is Running Everything, it is His Plan, so we

should not worry about anything!!

Let’s take a moment to reflect on the fact that God is running everything. God is in full control of all things. God is handling the affair. God handles all matters. Everything is part of God’s Plan. Nothing happens except as God wills. 


We must remind ourselves constantly that God is running everything, as it is useful in keeping us calm in our daily lives. With this mindset, we do not need to stress or worry about anything. Instead we should just let it be, knowing that God is carrying out His Plan. By accepting this, we are also acknowledging how great God truly is. 


Our Lord is indeed capable of running everything, it is easy for God.


God is handling the affair:


Indeed, your Lord is God: the One who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then He settled on the Throne, handling the affair. There is no intercessor except after His permission. Such is God your Lord, so worship Him. Will you not take heed? 10:3


Say, “Who provides for you from the heaven and the earth? Or who possesses the hearing and the sight? Or who extracts the living from the dead and extracts the dead from the living, and who handles the affair?” They will say, “God.” Say, “So will you not revere?” 10:31


All matters belong to Him:


Indeed, your Lord is God, who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then He settled on the Throne. The night covers the day as it pursues it relentlessly, and the sun, the moon and the stars are ordained through His command. Is it not to Him that all creation and all matters belong? Blessed be God, Lord of the Worlds. 7:54


They are the ones who, if We establish in the land, would observe the Salat and give the Zakat, as well as advocate righteousness and forbid evil, and to God belongs the outcome of all matters. 22:41


Then after the misery, He brought down upon you peaceful slumber which overtook a group among you, while another group were only concerned about themselves. They entertained thoughts about God that were untrue, the thoughts of the days of ignorance, saying, “Do we have any say in the matter?” Say, “All matters are up to God.” 3:154


God is in control:


We have created the human being into hardship. Does he think that no one will have control over him? 90:4-5


I have put my trust in God, my Lord and your Lord. There is no creature that He does not grasp by its fore-lock. Indeed, my Lord is on a straight path. 11:56


Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Rather, they have no certainty. Or do they possess the treasuries of your Lord? Or are they the controllers? 52:36-37


Nothing happens except as God wills:


And you will not will unless God wills, the Lord of the Worlds.. 81:29


Say, “I possess no power to harm or benefit myself; it is only what God wills.” For every nation is an appointed time. Once their appointed time comes, they cannot delay it by one hour nor advance it. 10:49


Let’s trust in God that He will handle our affairs with ease and with the most desirable outcome. 


Let’s leave our problems to God, knowing He will resolve them whenever He wills.


Ask God for a blessed day each day. 


Ask God to divinely time everything throughout the day.


Let it be, for God is handling the affair. 


Let God perfect His blessings upon you. 


Keep calm and exercise patience in hard times, for God is with us.


Whether we worry or not worry, either way, God will carry out His plan as He intends it. 


And God knows what’s best for us. 

Peace & God Bless

 © 2023 by C&K Productions

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