The Physical Health Benefits of the Position of Prostration in Islam
When Muslims pray, they put their foreheads to the ground in prostration, submitting to the One and only God, the Creator of all the worlds.
O you who believe, bow and prostrate and worship your Lord, and do good so that you may succeed. 22:77
Aside from the obvious spiritual benefits of prostrating, it’s physical significance is often overlooked. Studies prove there are numerous health benefits to this position.
1. Grounding/ Earthing
Healthcare advocates and scientists are discovering the amazing health benefits of grounding or earthing, which occurs during prostration, especially when praying outside.
In the position of prostration, the forehead, hands, knees and feet directly touch the ground.
The Earth is an electrical planet and our bodies are bioelectrical beings. When we are physically in touch with the Earth, we absorb electrons from the Earth’s surface that help neutralize the positively charged free radicals in our body that damage our cells.
“Grounding can restore and stabilize the bioelectrical circuitry that governs your physiology and organs, harmonize your basic biological rhythms, boost self-healing mechanisms, reduce inflammation and pain, and improve your sleep and feeling of calmness.” ~ Dr. Sinatra
“Grounding appears to provide some general health benefits, such as better sleep, less pain, reduced stress and tension, and better immune function compared to study participants who weren’t grounded.” ~ Dr. Andrew Weil
Studies also showed grounding has a profound ability to thin the blood, reduce clumping of blood cells, and improve blood flow, which reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.
2. Increased Blood Flow to the Brain
The position of prostration is the only position in which the head is lower than the heart, therefore blood supply to the brain is increased, stimulating the brain's frontal cortex.
The frontal cortex of the brain is responsible for judgement, understanding, self-control, decision making, abstract thinking, creativity, attention, memory and more.
The frontal lobe is part of the frontal cortex which plays a major role in beliefs.
Note it is mentioned in the Quran that the forelock (forehead) is the area of the head responsible for sin and lying:
But no! If he does not desist, We will drag him by the forelock, a lying, sinful forelock. 96:15-16
Stimulating this area of the brain with increased blood flow would greatly benefit the believer as it would improve many of the skills needed to practice the religion, such as follows:
-Concentration in studying the Quran
-Remembering the contents of the Quran
-Abide to the abstentions in the Quran
-Making the right choices
-Having good judgement
-Awareness of how others perceive you
-Appropriate moral behaviour
Studies have shown that after an injury or damage to the forebrain, a human loses much of their moral values, ethics, and many of the general traits that make them human.
3. Gentle Exercise
The position of prostration is an easy stretching movement that gently exercises the entire body, without the risk of injury. It is therefore suitable for all ages.
It combines a series of simple movements; bending the waist forward, kneeling and stretching out, extending the arms out, touching the floor with the forehead and rising up.
These movements utilize muscles in the upper limbs, shoulders, back, abdomen, lower limbs, and neck.
As an effective low-intensity cardio exercise, it increases lung capacity, strengthens cardio-pulmonary functions and enhances blood circulation.
It helps relax and unwind tensed muscles while softening the body’s joints and ligaments and restores their elasticity, which in turn improves posture.
Prostrating also causes us to extend the cervical vertebrae and spinal joints, thereby relieving pressure on the nerves, blood vessels and lymph nodes.
4. Emotional Health
The act of prostration also enhances our emotional stability. It is an ideal moment for self reflection.
Prostrating to our Creator in total submission shows a state of humbleness and humility, that we are small yet important beings to our Creator.
Prostrating helps to attain true inner peace as it clears the mind so that we can focus on what’s important in this life.
While being mindful of ourselves in this position and clearing our thoughts to connect with our Creator, we can gradually see our attachments and begin to change ourselves into gentler beings.
We will then become more grateful, less attached, less confrontational with others, and less opposed to our environment.
As for the Muslims who pray, they have already experienced the calming, relaxing, and soothing effects of prostration during prayer. It is a combination of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing.
Peace & God Bless