“Hurum” Does NOT Mean “Sacred!”
It is widely known in Islam that there are 4 “sacred” months.
The Masjid Al-Haram is also often referred to as the Sacred Mosque.
The words "hurum" and "haram" are usually translated to mean “sacred,” when in fact this is incorrect.
The count of the months with God is twelve. This has been God’s decree on the day He created the heavens and the earth. Four of them are Hurum. This is the correct religion, so do not wrong yourselves during them.. 9:36
Haram, Hurum and Ihram
The word "hurum" (adjective) is used in the Quran in connection with Hajj. It describes the state in which the pilgrims observe "ihram" (abstention) for the duration of the Hajj.
The word "ihram" (noun) is the state of abstention that must be maintained by the pilgrims while observing their Hajj.
Abstention is defined as a voluntary decision not to act; the act of refraining or abstaining.
The Quran decrees abstention from various activities during Hajj, such as warfare, hunting, etc.
Verse 5:1 states "you shall not permit hunting while you are hurum.” Here God cannot possibly mean we should not hunt while we are sacred!
Rather, we should not hunt while we are observing the abstentions (ihram).
Let’s also note the word used in the Quran for “sacred” is "muqqaddas" as per verse 20:12.
The Masjid Al-Haram should therefore not be known as the Sacred Mosque but rather, the Mosque where abstention (ihram) is practiced.
Altering the Hurum Months
God has prophesied in 9:37 that the disbelievers will alter the hurum months:
Altering the Hurum Months is but an increase in disbelief by which those who have disbelieved are misguided. They make it lawful one year and unlawful another year so as to tally with the count of what God has made Hurum. They thus make lawful what God has prohibited. Their evil work has been adorned for them. God does not guide the disbelieving people. 9:37
Among the 12 lunar months in the Hijri calendar, the following 4 months are considered “hurum” by most Muslims:
Dhul-Qa'dah (11th month)
Dhul-Hijjah (12th month)
Muharram (1st month)
Rajab (7th month)
Prophet Muhammad allegedly taught them this in their hadiths!
However when we study the Quran carefully, we draw a different conclusion.
We learn in verse 9:5 that the 4 hurum months are consecutive:
Then, when the hurum months have peeled off, you may kill the mushrikeen wherever you find them. 9:5
God also informs us that the hurum months are “known” which would mean they were known at the time the Quran was brought down:
The Hajj is during the known months, so whoever executes the Hajj in them shall refrain from sexual contact, wickedness and arguing during the Hajj. Whatever good you do, God knows it. And supply yourself with provisions, but verily the best provision is reverence. And reverence Me, O you who possess intelligence. 2:197
Since God gave Adam all the names (2:31) and Adam was the first human on earth, He named the months well before the Quran was even brought down.
God named one month Ramadan so it is clear when to complete the fast. Similarly, He named one month Dhu Al-Hijjah so we know when the Hajj commences.
Thus, we can conclude the 4 consecutive hurum months as taught by God in the Quran alone are as follows:
Dhul-Hijjah (12th month)
Muharram (1st month)
Safar (2nd month)
Rabea Al-Awwal (3rd month)
Contrary to mainstream belief, the Hajj can be observed at anytime during these 4 months.
Some claim that Ramadan is the first of the 4 Hurum months, however it is not possible for Ramadan to be included as one of the Hurum Months of Hajj because of the words in verse 2:196:
“..And when you are safe and well, those who progress from Umrah to Hajj shall make a convenient offering. And for those who do not find the means, then a fast of three days during the Hajj and seven when you have returned; that is a total of ten..” 2:196
If someone was observing Hajj during the month of Ramadan and could not find the means to make an offering then he would not be able to fulfil this instruction to fast during the Hajj as he would already be fasting for Ramadan!
Also, if the 12th month of the year was the last month of Hajj, it would make no sense for God to call that month the "Dhu Al-Hijjah" (the month of Hajj) because by then we would already be 3 months into the Hajj timeframe!
Peace & God Bless