The Infinite Mercy of God in Light of The Quran
The magnitude of God’s mercy is far beyond human comprehension.
God has decreed mercy upon Himself.
..Your Lord has decreed mercy upon Himself. Whoever among you commits sin out of ignorance, then repents thereafter and reforms, then He is Forgiver, Merciful.
– Quran 6:54
God will replace the bad deeds of the believers into good deeds.
The punishment is doubled for him on the Day of Resurrection, and he shall remain permanently therein, humiliated, except for those who repent and believe and do good work. For those, God replaces their bad deeds with good deeds. Indeed, God is Forgiver, Merciful.
- Quran 25:69-70
My mercy encompasses all things..
- Quran 7:156
God rewards the reward manifold for the good-doers.
If you lend God a good loan, He will multiply it manifold for you and forgive you. God is Appreciative, Forbearing.
- Quran 64:17
The example of those who spend their money in the cause of God is like the example of a grain that grows seven spikes, with a hundred grains in each spike; God multiplies manifold for whom He wills. God is Immense, Knowledgeable.
- Quran 2:261
Who is the one who will loan God a good loan, only for Him to multiply it for him manifold? And he will have a generous reward.
- Quran 57:11
So if they deny you, say, "Your Lord possesses immense mercy, and His might is not withheld from the criminal people."
- Quran 6:147
God hints that even the worst disbelievers may eventually be pardoned.
The hypocrites are committed to the lowest pit of the Fire, and you will find no supporter for them.
- Quran 4:145
The hypocrites are in the lowest pit of Hell, which means they are the worst of the wicked.
God will then reward the truthful for their truthfulness, and punish the hypocrites if He so wills, or redeem them. Indeed, God is Forgiver, Merciful.
- Quran 33:24
In 33:24 God gives two options: He may punish the hypocrites, or pardon them.
The words which God chose to end the verse with (God is Forgiver, Merciful) are not coincidental, they tell us that out of the two options God will choose forgiveness and mercy.
If God will pardon the worst people (hypocrites) then all others may also be pardoned.
Then God brought down His tranquillity upon His messenger and upon the believers, and He brought down soldiers you did not see, and He punished those who disbelieved. Such is the penalty of the disbelievers. After that, God redeems whom He wills. God is Forgiver, Merciful.
– Quran 9:26-27
Your Lord is the Forgiver, Possessor of Mercy..
- Quran 18:58
God forgives all sins.
Say, "O My servants who transgressed exceedingly against themselves, do not despair of God's mercy, for God forgives all sins. He is the Forgiver, the Merciful."
- Quran 39:53
Whatever mercy God unleashes to the people cannot be withheld by anyone, and whatever He withholds cannot be dispatched thereafter. He is the Dignified, the Wise.
- Quran 35:2
O you who believe, reverence God and believe in His messenger. He will then grant you a double portion of His mercy and grant you a light with which you shall walk, and He may forgive you. God is Forgiver, Merciful. - Quran 57:28
The Quran is a guidance and mercy for the believers.
O people, advice has come to you from your Lord and healing for what is in the chests, as well as guidance and mercy for the believers.
- Quran 10:57
He is the One who brings down to His servant clear revelations to take you out of the darkness and into the light. And indeed, God is Compassionate and Merciful towards you.
- Quran 57:9
We bring down of the Quran that which is a healing and mercy for the believers, yet it does not increase the transgressors except in loss.
- Quran 17:82
You were not hoping that a Book would be delivered to you, rather, it was but mercy from your Lord. So do not be a supporter of the disbelievers. - Quran 28:86
This Quran guides to what is most upright and gives news to the believers who do good deeds that they shall have a great reward. - Quran 17:9
Your God is One God. There is no god except Him, the Almighty, the Merciful.
- Quran 2:163
Will they not repent to God and ask Him for forgiveness when God is Forgiver, Merciful?
- Quran 5:74
A group of My servants used to say, 'Our Lord, we have believed, so forgive us and have mercy upon us. You are the best of the merciful.'
- Quran 23:109
God is the best Guardian and He is the Most Merciful of the merciful."
- Quran 12:64
Possessor of the Throne, the Glorious.
- Quran 85:15
Peace & God Bless