Kissing the Black Stone at Mecca during Hajj is Satanic!!
Millions of Muslim pilgrims circle the Kaaba during Hajj and many stop to touch and kiss the Black Stone, a rock set into the eastern corner of the Kaaba.
Islamic tradition holds that the Black Stone is “sacred” since it fell with Adam from Paradise to show him where to build an altar.
Prophet Muhammad also allegedly kissed the Black Stone!
So let’s analyse this ritual and their claims in light of the Quran.
Firstly, there is no mention of the Black Stone in the Quran. If it played ANY part in God’s religion, He would have mentioned it.
Interestingly, God specifically states in 5:90 that stone altars are the work of the devil:
O you who believe, intoxicants, gambling, stone altars and arrows of chance are afflictions that are the work of the devil; you shall stay away from him so that you may succeed. 5:90
The fact that they consider the Black Stone “sacred” is a problem in itself.
While the Grand Mosque of Mecca is considered a blessed place, God has not made any stone sacred.
Those who touch, kiss or wave at the Black Stone are following a religion other than God’s religion as outlined in the Quran.
God informs us that all our worship practices, which includes the entire Hajj trip, must be devoted to GOD ALONE:
Say, “My Salat, my worship rituals, my life and my death, are all devoted to God, the Lord of the Worlds. 6:162
Those who follow ANY rituals not authorised by God have been mislead and are following nothing other than Satan himself.
They claim there is nothing wrong with saying “Allahu Akbar” and sending blessings to Muhammad while they pass the stone!
When we acknowledge God in all His greatness and true sublime highness, to say “God is greater” to a little stone does not make any sense at all!
Further, sending blessings to Muhammad is undoubtedly polluting the Hajj trip with idol worship, since it is devoting worship time to other than God.
They also claim this ritual of kissing the Black Stone is to show respect to Abraham, who built the Kaaba! Again, this idea is ridiculous as the Hajj trip is not about showing respect to any prophet.
The purpose of Hajj is the same as any other ritual in Islam. These rituals are acts of worship and must be dedicated to the name of God alone.
All rituals must be observed in the exact manner as prescribed by God in the Quran. That is, if the people wish to worship God alone.
The Quran repeatedly states that the purpose of Hajj is to commemorate the name of God:
And proclaim the Hajj to the people. They will come to you on foot and on every lean animal; they will come from every deep ravine to witness benefits for them and to commemorate God’s name during the known days for providing them with the livestock animals. So eat from it and feed the miserable, the poor. 22:17-28
There is no blame upon you for seeking favour from your Lord. Then when you disperse from Arafat, commemorate God at the Al-Haram shrine. And commemorate Him as He has guided you, for before that, you were among the misguided. 2:198
Then, once you have completed your worship rituals, commemorate God as you commemorate your own fathers or even a greater commemoration. Among the people is he who says, “Our Lord, grant us in this world,” and he will have no share in the Hereafter. 2:200
And commemorate God for a number of days. Whoever hastens in two days incurs no sin and whoever delays incurs no sin, so long as he exercises reverence. And reverence God and know that you shall be gathered before Him. 2:203
Most Muslim’s void their Hajj trip due to completing practices and rituals that are not from God or for God.
He said, “Then do you worship besides God what does not benefit you in any way nor harm you? 21:66
The majority of those who believe in God do not do so without committing shirk. 12:106
Peace & God Bless