Knowledge of The Hour
Many people claim that we are NOT meant to have ANY knowledge of the Hour. They claim only God has knowledge of the Hour and therefore the end of the world, since both are on the same day. Their claims are based on verses such as 33:63:
The people ask you about the Hour, say, “The knowledge thereof is only with God. For all you know, the Hour may be imminent.”
~ Quran 33:63
By singling out this verse it appears we are not meant to know when the world will end. However by studying the Quran in-depth we in fact learn this knowledge WILL be uncovered!
Verse 7:187 further elaborates on this topic and provides a hint that it will be revealed:
They ask you about the Hour: when is its arrival? Say, “Its knowledge rests only with my Lord. None can reveal its time except Him. It weighs heavily in the heavens and the earth. It will not come to you except suddenly.” They ask you as if you have full knowledge thereof. Say, “Its knowledge is only with God,” but most people do not know.
~ Quran 7:187
We also learn from 7:187 that the knowledge of the Hour is only with God at the time the Quran was revealed, since Muhammad himself cannot give any knowledge to those asking him about it.
Verses 79:42-43 further proves Muhammad had nothing to do with revealing the Hour:
They ask you about the Hour, “When is its arrival?” What has its mention got to do with you?
~ Quran 79:42-43
20:15 is clear that the Hour WILL become known:
The Hour is surely coming. I will keep it almost hidden so that every self is repaid for what it strives.
~ Quran 20:15
The word ‘almost’ in 20:15 is very significant. It is defined as ‘not quite; very nearly.’ It becomes clear God will reveal the knowledge almost at the end of times.
The use of the words “almost hidden” in 20:25 directly relates to chapter 74 which is titled The Hidden Secret. Verses 74:1-2 speak of a hidden secret that is to come out and warn. Messenger Rashad Khalifa uncovered God’s mathematical miracle of 19, which revealed the date of the end of the world.
Since the end of the world is a date and we are talking numbers here, it makes sense for God to reveal this data in the form of a numerical miracle.
We learn in verse 43:61 that Jesus serves as knowledge for the Hour:
He (Jesus) serves as knowledge for the Hour, so have no doubt about it, and follow Me; this is a straight path.
~ Quran 43:61
This verse is crystal clear that the people WILL have knowledge of the Hour. This knowledge will no longer rest with God only.
Also we learn about the companions of the cave in Chapter 18. They serve as a great sign from God, as the numbers connected to them pinpoint the end of the world:
Do you realise that the companions of the cave and the numbers connected with them are among Our wondrous signs?
~ Quran 18:9
Thus We decreed that they would be found so that they would know that God’s promise is true and that there is no doubt about the Hour. When they disputed among themselves regarding their affair, they said, “Build a monument over them.” Their Lord knows best about them. Those who had the upper hand said, “We will build a masjid over them.”
~ Quran 18:21
They remained in their cave three hundred years and increased by nine.
~ Quran 18:25
300 plus 9 years is very significant as it is the number of solar and lunar years left until the end of the world.
Further evidence is that the 7 pairs mentioned in 15:87 correlate to having knowledge of the Hour.
We have given you seven of the pairs, and the Great Quran.
~ Quran 15:87
Two verses before the seven pairs are mentioned, (15:85) talks of the Hour that is near:
We did not create the heavens and the earth and what is between them except with truth. The Hour is surely coming, so overlook gracefully.
~ Quran 15:85
“..so overlook gracefully” is clear we should look out for the Hour as if it is very close.
Then the next verse (15:86) talks of God being the knowledgeable Creator, just before 15:87 where the 7 pairs are mentioned. The seven pairs contain the Quranic initials which pinpoint the exact date of the end of the world.
Note that these seven pairs do NOT have anything to do with chapter one as most people claim!
Also, God only talks of the Hour coming suddenly for the disbelievers, since the believers have knowledge of the Hour and know when to expect it:
Those who disbelieve continue to be in doubt about it until the Hour comes upon them suddenly, or until they are stricken by the punishment of a barren Day.
~ Quran 22:55
Are they waiting but for the Hour to come to them suddenly while they are unaware?
~ Quran 43:66
We do not find anywhere in the Quran that the Hour comes to the believers suddenly.
We are living in the day and age where the knowledge of the Hour has been UNCOVERED! There are several clear indications throughout the Quran that prove without doubt the believers will obtain knowledge of the Hour.
The Imminent has drawn near. None other than God can unveil it. 53:57-58
Peace & God Bless
For the complete mathematical proofs and knowledge of the Hour, refer to these links:
- https://submission.org/App25.html
- https://www.quran-islam.org/articles/part_8/seven_of_the_pairs_(P1620).html