The Quran Proves Muhammad DID NOT MARRY a 6 Year Old!!
Arguably one of the most disturbing accusations in the hadiths is that Prophet Muhammad married Aisha when she was just 6 years old. Not only is there no Quranic evidence to support this claim, there are in fact numerous other verses that prove against it.
God specifically states in the Quran that we are to select our partners in marriage very carefully, all based on their belief:
Do not marry the mushrikaat until they believe. A believing slave woman is better than a mushrikah, even if you like her. And do not marry the mushrikeen until they believe. A believing slave man is better than a mushrik, even if you like him. Those invite to the Fire while God invites to Paradise and forgiveness, by His permission. He clarifies His revelations for the people. Hopefully, they may remember. 2:221
God is looking out for us by having us select believers only to marry, as we do not want to end up with someone who invites to the Fire.
Those among you who cannot afford to marry one of the free believing women may marry from among what your right hand possesses of the believing girls. God knows best about your faith than what you know about one another. So marry them with the permission of their families and pay them their due dowries equitably… 4:25
..Also, lawful for you are the chaste women among the believers, as well as the chaste women among those who were given the Scripture before you, provided you pay them their due dowries and take them in marriage and not for illicit sex, nor as secret lovers. Whoever rejects the faith, his work will be nullified, and in the Hereafter, he will be among the losers. 5:5
Marry those among you who are unmarried and the righteous male and female slaves. If they are poor, God will enrich them from His favour. God is Immense, Knowledgeable. 24:32
God has made it clear that we are not to marry anyone until we can determine that they are sincere believers and not idol worshippers or disbelievers.
Bad women are for bad men, bad men are for bad women, good women are for good men, and good men are for good women.. 24:26
It is not possible for a 6 year old, who is just learning to read and write, to be able to study religion and decide on their faith with certainty. They do not have the mental capacity to understand the concept of heaven and hell, good and bad, right from wrong and the consequences of their beliefs and their actions.
Potential partners in marriage must be mature enough to ponder about the universe, reflect upon creation and why we are here.
They must be wise enough to think for themselves, use their hearts to reason with and their own minds to reflect.
In our entire schooling years we are taught how to think. It is only when we finish school and become an adult that we have the freedom to make our own decisions in life.
Verse 4:6 confirms there is a known age of marriage and that is when you may be able to sense sound judgment in them:
And test the orphans when they reach the age of marriage, then if you sense sound judgment in them, hand over to them their money. Do not consume it wastefully or quickly before they have grown up. Those who are rich shall not charge any wage, and whoever is poor can charge equitably. When you hand over to them their money, have witnesses in their presence. God suffices as a Reckoner. 4:6
God acknowledges in 4:6 that children are not responsible for spending their money until they are mature. This is significant because the religion is all about devoting ourselves to God, which includes spending our money and our lives in His cause. Most children do not even get a job and receive their own income until their late teenage years.
God defines the age of maturity in verse 40:67 to be an adult, when you are no longer considered a child and before you reach old age:
He is the One who created you from dust, then from a tiny drop, then from an aalaqah, then He brings you out as a child, then to reach your maturity, then you become old, while some of you are taken before that. You shall indeed fulfil a specified term. Hopefully, you may use reason. 40:67
God’s law regarding marriage also imposes an interim of 3 menstruations before deciding to divorce, as a means of protecting what may be in the wombs.
When you have divorced the women, and they have fulfilled their interim, then either retain them equitably or release them equitably.. 2:231
Obviously this implies that married women are much older than 6 years old and are of childbearing age, ready to start a family.
Muhammad would have also been granted permission from Aisha’s family before marrying her:
..So marry them with the permission of their families and pay them their due dowries equitably.. 4:25
It is unlikely that Aisha’s parents would have allowed their daughter to be taken in marriage at 6 years old!
The believers, which are those suitable for marriage, possess certain qualities that cannot be found in children, such as being patient and truthful. They are honest, trustworthy and keep their promises. The believers are of high moral character and strive to do good in their lives, devoting their lives to God.
Children on the other hand are busy learning the basics and the many skills needed in order to succeed in their adult life.
It is peculiar that the hadithists “follow the messenger” so much as to grow a beard to look like him and even use the bathroom the way he allegedly did, yet we do not see all Muslim men married to small children! That is because we all know it is an immoral act to marry a minor. It is not what God designed marriage for.
God created spouses for us so that we may find love and tranquility in them:
And from among His signs is that He created for you spouses from yourselves that you may find tranquillity in them. And He placed love and mercy between you. Indeed, in that are signs for people who reflect. 30:21
Further, God has not shied away from advising when Muhammad made reprimands. God would have mentioned child marriage if the allegations were true.
Those who say that Muhammad married a 6 year old are saying about God what they do not know and attributing lies to the messenger of God.
Those who make false accusations regarding God’s religion will be questioned.
Peace & God Bless