ALL Messengers Were to be Obeyed!!
Arguably, the most manipulated Quranic command is to 'obey God and obey the messenger.’
Many Muslims use this phrase to advocate the legality of following the Hadith as a source of religious guidance.
In turn, they fail to reflect on the fact that ALL messengers were to be obeyed!
We learn from the history of the messengers in the Quran that ALL messengers in their time were to be obeyed.
Each of the Prophets received wisdom from God, then shared the message to their people.
They were to be obeyed by means of complying with the laws and knowledge that came to them from God.
Prophet Muhammad was no different in this respect.
Following are some examples:
When Jesus came with the clear proofs, he said, "I have come to you with the wisdom and to clarify to you some of that over which you differ. So reverence God and obey me.” 43:63
The people of Noah denied the messengers when their brother Noah said to them, "Will you not be reverent? I am a trustworthy messenger to you, so reverence God, and obey me.” 25:105-108
Aad denied the messengers when their brother Hud said to them, "Will you not be reverent? I am a trustworthy messenger to you, so reverence God, and obey me.” 26:123-126
Thamoud denied the messengers when their brother Saleh said to them, "Will you not be reverent? I am a trustworthy messenger to you, so reverence God, and obey me.” 26:160-163
The people of Lot denied the messengers when their brother Lot said to them, "Will you not be reverent? I am a trustworthy messenger to you, so reverence God, and obey me.” 26:160-163
The Companions of the Woods denied the messengers when Shu'aib said to them, "Will you not be reverent? I am a trustworthy messenger to you, so reverence God, and obey me.” 26:176-179
Abraham said, "My Lord, make this town a safe place, and keep me and my sons away from worshipping stone idols. My Lord, they have misled many among the people, so whoever follows me belongs with me, and whoever disobeys me, then You are Forgiver, Merciful.” 14:35-36
But Pharaoh disobeyed the messenger, so We seized him with a disastrous grip. 73:16
Aaron had earlier told them, "O my people, you are being tested by it. Indeed, your Lord is the Almighty, so follow me and obey my command." 20:90
God teaches us that each of the previous prophets came with a scripture and were to be obeyed. Does this mean we will find volumes of hadiths on how all these prophets personally lived their lives?
Those in support of God's revelations all followed and obeyed the prophet of their time. God taught them the good from the bad and the right from the wrong, hence they lead a good example that the believers should follow.
In any instance, to follow or obey does not suddenly allow for volumes of hadiths to be used as religious law alongside God's scripture.
God also states that we must not make any distinction among the messengers (3:84) and that some messengers we were not told about (40:78). How can we possibly treat all messengers equally, even the ones we have no knowledge of, while at the same time, Muhammad stands out as having his own personal set of hadiths? This is yet another irrefutable proof that the Quran alone must be followed!!
Muhammad is no more than a messenger like the messengers who passed away before him.. 3:144
And those who committed shirk said, "Had God willed, we would not have worshipped anything besides Him, neither we nor our fathers, nor would we have prohibited anything which He did not." Those before them did likewise! Ultimately, are the messengers commissioned with other than the clear delivery? 16:35
Peace & God Bless