Why Should we be Thankful for our Hearing, Eyesight and our Hearts?
God repeatedly reminds us in the Quran that we should be thankful for our hearing, our eyesight and our hearts.
He is the One who devised for you the hearing, the sight and the hearts. Rarely do you give thanks. ~ 23:78
Then He fashioned him and blew into him from His Ruh. And He devised for you the hearing, the sight, and the hearts, but rarely do you give thanks. ~ 32:9
Say, “He is the One who initiated you and devised for you the hearing, the sight, and the hearts. Little do you give thanks!” ~ 67:23
Although it is a gift from God to physically see and hear, there is greater meaning to these verses.
Our hearing and eyesight are the specific tools we need in order to acquire faith and to become believers. Without our hearing we could not hear the message of God. Without our sight we could not read the Quran or study our religion. We could not see God’s signs in the earth.
Once we have heard the message of God and studied the religion, belief and understanding is then established into our hearts.
The Arabs said, "We have believed." Say, "You have not believed. Rather, you should say, 'We have submitted,' for belief has not yet entered into your hearts." If you obey God and His messenger, He will not deprive you of any of your deeds. Indeed, God is Forgiver, Merciful. ~ 49:14
God continuously mentions belief as being in the hearts:
“Our Lord, do not deviate our hearts after You have guided us, and grant us a mercy from You. You are the Grantor.” ~ 3:8
They are the ones who believe and whose hearts are assured through the remembrance of God. Absolutely, through the remembrance of God do the hearts feel assured. ~ 13:28
God does not hold you accountable for your casual pledges, but He holds you accountable for what your hearts have earned. God is Forgiver, Forbearing. ~ 2:225
We reason with our hearts:
Have they not travelled in the land and had hearts to reason with and ears to hear with? ~ 22:46
God speaks of those who possess vision in the Quran as the intelligent ones, who take heed to His message and His signs:
God alternates the night and the day. Indeed, in that is a lesson for those who possess vision. ~ 24:44
Is the one who knows that what was brought down to you from your Lord is the truth like one who is blind? Only those who possess intelligence will take heed. ~ 13:19
Only the seer will take heed to His revelations.
God calls the disbelievers deaf and blind as they are oblivious to His revelations. He thus seals their hearts, hearing and sight:
Those are the ones whom God has cursed, so He made them deaf and blinded their sight. Do they not reflect on the Quran? Or do the hearts have their locks on them? ~ 47:23-24
Those are the ones whom God has sealed their hearts, their hearing and their sight; they are the oblivious ones. ~ 16:108
God has sealed their hearts and their hearing, and over their sight is a veil. They shall have a great punishment. ~ 2:7
He knows who deserves to benefit from these tools and who does not deserve the guidance:
Have you seen the one who made his personal desire his god and whom God misguided knowingly, sealed his hearing and his heart, and placed a veil over his sight? Who then can guide him after God? Will you not take heed? ~ 45:23
God is not talking about being physically blind, but rather, a blindness to faith:
Indeed, it is not the sight that becomes blind, but it is the hearts in the chests. ~ 22:46
He has given us these tools so that we have the means to establish belief in Him and His revelations.
And we will be questioned for them:
And do not follow what you have no knowledge of. Indeed, the hearing, the sight and the heart, all these will be questioned for it. ~ 17:36
On the Day of Judgment, their hearing and sight will bear witness against them:
Once they reach it, their hearing, their sight and their skins will bear witness against them concerning what they used to do. ~ 41:20
That is because these tools did not avail them in any way:
We established them in what We have not established you. And We devised for them the hearing, the sight, and the hearts. However, their hearing, sight and hearts did not avail them in any way when they used to reject God’s revelations. They were engulfed by what they used to mock? ~ 46:26
God has granted the believers true hearing and vision, for we can recognize His revelations as the truth.
Those who are righteous, whenever the devil approaches them with an idea, they remember, whereupon they become seers. ~ 7:201
We rendered it a lesson for you, that any listening ear may understand. ~ 69:12
We must give thanks to God for what has come of our hearing and our sight, which is the belief that has been established in our hearts. Let’s give thanks that God willed for us to become a hearer and a seer. He willed for our hearts to soften up to His message. For God could have veiled our sight and we would have been left to wander blindly.
For those who do not believe in the Hereafter, We have adorned their work for them, and thus they wander blindly. ~ 27:4
Peace & God Bless