The Significance of Patience in the Quran
Patience is a blessing and a gift from God that is only attainable through Him. It is a virtue, a type of behaviour that shows high moral standards.
The term patient is defined as ‘able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.’
The patience God speaks of in the Quran goes far beyond the patience we all exercise in our affairs in our daily lives. It is of much greater significance. The true believers are patient in meeting their Lord during their daily lives.
So be patient for the judgement of your Lord and do not obey any sinner or disbeliever among them.
~ Quran 76:24
Wait patiently for your Lord’s judgement, for you are under Our eyes, and glorify your Lord with praise when you arise.
~ Quran 52:48
Follow what is inspired to you, and be patient until God issues His judgement. He is the best of judges.
~ Quran 10:109
This brings all new meaning to having patience, since each time something befalls us we can exercise patience in meeting our Lord.
Knowing that God is in full control of ALL things and that nothing befalls us except what God wills (9:51), the best option for the believers is always to remain patient in meeting their Lord:
O my son, observe the Salat, advocate righteousness, forbid evil, and exercise patience in the face of what has befallen you. This would be the most resolute behaviour.
` Quran 31:17
Being patient also proves that the believers trust God’s plan and are content with leaving our affairs in His hands.
This also provides us with many opportunities throughout the day to remember God frequently, as patience is directly related to remembering God and the last Day, seeking His Face:
and those who were patient, seeking the Face of their Lord, and observed the Salat, and gave from what We have provided them, secretly and openly, and who avert a bad deed with a good deed; those will have the Abode for a home-coming.
~ Quran 13:22
Those who resort to patience, seeking the Face of their Lord, in all situations and tests, have obtained the true patience God speaks of in the Quran.
Or have you thought that you would enter Paradise without God distinguishing the ones who strove amongst you, and distinguishing the patient ones?
~ Quran 3:142
These people have attained a strong connection with God.
God only bestows this virtue on a select few people, since most people are not really believers.
O you who believe, seek help through patience and the Salat. God is with the patient ones.
~ Quran 2:153
Throughout our entire lives we are continuously waiting for the Day and therefore must remain patient, if we are truly believers:
Say, “Everyone is waiting, so wait. You will find out who are the companions of the even path, and who is guided.”
~ Quran 20:!35
Even when an equivalent punishment is due in certain situations, God advises that it is in fact better to turn to Him and resort to patience, seeking His Face, rather than to carry out the punishment!
And if you punish, you should give a punishment equivalent to the punishment you received. But if you resort to patience, it would be better for the patient ones.
~ Quran 16:126
...Once they are married, if they commit an immorality, they shall receive half the punishment that is prescribed for free women. This is for those among you who fear falling into sin, but if you are patient it would be better for you. God is Forgiver, Merciful.
~ Quran 4:25
It would take a great strength of character to instead choose patience, when an equivalent punishment is due.
Those who are patient are given a great reward at God:
In contrast, those who are patient and do good deeds, they shall have forgiveness and a great reward.
~ Quran 11:11
God must distinguish those who remain patient in all our tests, seeking Him:
We will surely test you through some fear, hunger, and shortage of money, lives and crops. So give good news to the patient ones.
~ Quran 2:155
Patience is all about strengthening our connection to God and holding fast to Him, seeking His face, while trusting that He knows what’s best for us.
Except those who repent, reform, hold fast to God, and devote their religion purely to God; those will be with the believers. God will grant the believers a great reward.
~ Quran 4:146
Paradise is reserved for the patient ones:
“Peace be upon you in return for how you were patient.” Excellent indeed is the Abode for a home-coming.
~ Quran 13:24
The believers also advise one another to exercise patience:
the human being is indeed in loss, except those who believed and did good deeds, and advised one another to uphold the truth, and advised one another to exercise patience. ~ Quran 103:2-3
God also wants us to remind each other to exercise patience, all for our own benefit. The one reminded will benefit as well as the one who reminded.
Only those who worship God alone will attain true patience. God is with those who are patient. God loves the patient ones.
Peace & God Bless