The 5 Pillars of Islam Are Corrupt
1. The Shahada
The Shahada is the Muslim declaration of belief in the oneness of God and acceptance of Muhammad as God's prophet. “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger.” Billions of Muslims have repeated the Shahada, without realizing it goes against the teachings of the Quran!
The Quran states a different Shahada:
When they were told, "La Elaha Ella Allah [There is no other god beside God]," they turned arrogant.
~ Quran 37:35
The Shahada from the Quran is: “There is no god but God.”
Those who add “Muhammad is his messenger” to the Shahada are in fact worshipping their idol Muhammad, as they love to include their idol alongside God’s name.
When GOD ALONE is mentioned, the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter shrink with aversion. But when others are mentioned beside Him, they become satisfied.
Quran ~ 39:45
The true believers are content with God alone and do not wish to add names alongside God.
2. The Salat
Our Salat must be devoted absolutely to God Alone:
Say, "My Lord advocates justice, and to stand devoted to Him alone at every place of worship. You shall devote your worship absolutely to Him alone. Just as He initiated you, you will ultimately go back to Him.
Quran ~ 7:29
Therefore, you shall devote your worship absolutely to GOD ALONE, even if the disbelievers dislike it.
Quran ~ 40:14
That means every word in our Salat is addressed to God and for God!
Those who add blessings to Muhammad, Abraham and his family, all because their hadiths told them to do so, are not devoting their prayer to God alone.
3. Fasting
During the month of Ramadan there are many traditions that are not found in the Quran or go against it’s teachings.
A few examples are as follows:
-You can't listen to music while fasting
-You can't brush your teeth
-You can’t smoke
-You can't you use eye drops
-You can't use an asthma inhaler
-You can't exercise
We do not need religious leaders to make up laws alongside God’s Law. This is a serious offence in the sight of God.
God only prohibited;
food and drink from dawn until dusk, and
sexual intercourse during the days of Ramadan.
Permitted for you is sexual intercourse with your wives during the nights of fasting... You may eat and drink until the white thread of light becomes distinguishable from the dark thread of night at dawn...
Quran ~ 2:187
Toothpaste, smoking and asthma inhalers are not swallowed into the stomach and are not considered food or drink. This is just common sense. It is also widely known that menstruating woman cannot fast. This is yet another claim that cannot be verified in the Quran!
You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them.
Quran ~ 17:36
4. Pilgrimage
Many pollute their belief during the Hajj Pilgrimage by completing traditional practices not decreed by God in the Quran. For example, they visit Muhammad’s grave. Many think it is a privilege to be able to visit Muhammad’s grave in their Hajj trip.
However, God states we must devote our worship practices to Him Alone.
Say, "My Contact Prayers (Salat), my worship practices, my life and my death, are all devoted absolutely to God alone, the Lord of the universe.
Quran ~ 6:162
This includes the ENTIRE Hajj trip! The second you devote some time to visit Muhammad’s grave, you are no longer devoting the trip to God alone.
There is also a Black Stone at the Kaba that all Muslims kiss because the Prophet Muhammad allegedly did! This ritual is not from God and not found in the Quran.
Furthermore, God tells us that the four ‘hurum’ months have been altered!! The four ‘hurum’ months according to the majority are Rajab (7th month), Zhu Al-Qa'dah (11th), Zhu Al-Hijjah (12) and Muharram (1st) which are not consecutive.
Altering the Sacred Months is a sign of excessive disbelief; it augments the straying of those who have disbelieved. They alternate the Sacred Months and the regular months, while preserving the number of months consecrated by God. They thus violate what God has consecrated. Their evil works are adorned in their eyes. God does not guide the disbelieving people.
Quran ~ 9:37
The rise of the first crescent in the month of Zhu Al-Hijjah signals the beginning of Hajj. Similarly the rise of the first crescent in the month of Ramadan signals the beginning of fasting. The Quran also gives us evidence that the 4 'Hurum Months' are consecutive.
Then when the Hurum Months have 'insalakha' (peeled off), you may kill the mushrikeen wherever you find them.'
Quran ~ 9:5
The key word in 9:5 related to this matter is the word 'insalakha', which indicates an successive meaning, or in other words it tells us that the 4 hurum months are in consecutive order. This means that the correct 'Hurum Months' according to the Quran are Zhu Al-Hijjah (12th), Muharram (1st), Safar (2nd) and Rabi Al-Awwal (3rd).
5. Charity
Most Muslims give 2.5% of their income to Zakat, once a year. Contrary to the mainstream belief, there is no set percentage or set amount to give in the Quran. God instead advises that we are to give in moderation.
When they give, they are neither extravagant nor stingy; they give in moderation.
Quran ~ 25:67
God also informs us when to give:
... Eat from their fruits, and give the due alms on the day of harvest, and do not waste anything. He does not love the wasters.
Quran ~ 6:141
We must give on the day of harvest. The day of harvest is payday, the day the crop is sold for money. We cannot conclude from verse 6:141 that Zakat is to be paid once per year, but rather, each time we receive income. What if a farmer has 2 crops and harvests twice in the year? Does that mean he only pays Zakat once per year?
As such with other businesses, Zakat is due to be paid each time we receive income.
In summary, the 5 pillars of Islam practiced today are completely different to God’s religion in the Quran.
Many Muslims pollute their belief by following their religious leaders and include their idol Muhammad in their worship practices. They unknowingly commit idol worship, yet they think that they are guided!
After all, God is sufficient for the true believers.
Is God not sufficient for His servant? They frighten you with the idols they set up beside Him. Whomever God sends astray, nothing can guide him.
Quran ~ 39:36
Peace & God Bless