The Glorious Quran is the 19th and Final Scripture Sent to Mankind!!
By studying the Quran carefully we can work out the number of scriptures God sent to mankind.
First let’s note the difference between a prophet and a messenger. Prophets are sent with a new Scripture to deliver, while messengers are assigned various tasks but do not bring a new Scripture.
Verse 33:40 proves that a messenger is different to a prophet:
Muhammad was not the father of any of your men, but he was the messenger of God and the seal of the prophets. God is Knowledgeable of all things. 33:40
God confirms Muhammad was the last prophet and also a messenger of God.
It is also evident in verse 22:52 that there is a difference between a prophet and a messenger:
We did not send before you any messenger nor a prophet without the devil attempting to tamper with his wishes. God then records the tampering of the devil, and He asserts His revelations. God is Knowledgeable, Wise. 22:52
The term "Scriptures" is consistently associated with "prophets" in the Quran:
The people used to be one nation, then God sent the prophets as bearers of news and as warners, and He brought the Scriptures down with them with truth to judge among the people in their differences. 2:213
If we count the number of prophets named in the Quran, we find a total of 20 prophets.
18 out of the 20 prophets are mentioned in verses 6:83-86 (6:89 confirms that all these names were prophets of God):
1- Abraham (Ibrahim)
2- Isaac (Ishaq)
3- Jacob (Yaqub)
4- Noah (Nuh)
5- David (Dawood)
6- Solomon (Sulayman)
7- Job (Ayub)
8- Joseph (Yusof)
9- Moses (Musa)
10- Aaron (Harun)
11- Zachariah (Zakarreyyah)
12- John (Yehya)
13- Jesus (Isa)
14- Elijah (Ilyas)
15- Ishmael (Ismail)
16- Elisha (Al-Yasaa)
17- Jonah (Yunis)
18- Lot (Lut)
Two more prophets are found in other verses of the Quran:
19- Enock (Idris) 19:56
20- Muhammad 33:40
Note there are 6 other names of men mentioned in the Quran but they are not associated with the words ‘prophet’ or ‘Scripture.’
Hud, Saleh, and Shu'aib are called messengers, while Adam, Ezekiel and Luqman are only spoken of as receiving God's blessings.
Since prophets Moses and Aaron both received the same Book (37:117, 21:48), the total number of Scriptures given to the 20 prophets is 19. This means that the Quran is the 19th and final Scripture sent from God!
It is very significant that God Almighty has sent a total of 19 scriptures to mankind, since the Quran is numerically structured with the number 19.
Over it are nineteen. 74:30
The number 19 is unique in possessing the following collective mathematical properties:
It is a prime number, devisable only by itself (19) and ONE.
It encompasses the first numeral (1) and the last numeral (9), as if to proclaim God's attributes as the "Alpha and the Omega," the First and the Last in verse 57:3
Its numerals (1) and (9) look the same in all languages in the world.
Number 19 is the numerical value of the word "ONE" in all the scriptural languages; Aramaic, Hebrew, and Arabic. The number 19, therefore proclaims the First Commandment in all scriptures: that there is only ONE GOD.
The miracle of 19 is divine proof that the Quran is the Word of God, His final Scripture that cannot be changed.
God teaches us that the disbelievers would look at the Quran, then decide that it is not from God. They would say:
This is nothing other than the words of humans”. 74:25
The answer to the disbelievers' claim is the number "19"' in 74:30:
Over it are nineteen. 74:30
The significance of the number 19 and it’s function is found in verse 74:31:
We have appointed none but angels as the keepers of the Fire. And We have not assigned their number except as a test for those who have disbelieved, and so that those who were given the Scripture would attain certainty, and so that those who believe would increase in faith, and so that those given the Scripture and the believers would not doubt, and so that those with sickness in their hearts and the disbelievers would say, “What did God mean by this example?” Thus does God misguide whom He wills and guide whom He wills. None knows the soldiers of your Lord except Him. It is nothing but a reminder for mankind. 74:31
This mathematical miracle is indeed one of the greatest!
it is indeed one of the greatest. A warning to mankind: to those among you who wish to advance or regress 74:35-37
What might be even more astounding is the fact that numbers (in numeral form) were not even invented in the Arabic language until well after the Quran was sent down!
Dr. Rashad Khalifa discovered the mathematical component of the Quran. You can research his findings here.
Peace & God Bless