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The Importance of Forgiving Others in this Life

God often asks us in the Quran to pardon, overlook and forgive others in this lifetime.


O you who believe, among your spouses and your children are enemies to you, so be wary of them. If you pardon, overlook and forgive, then indeed, God is Forgiver, Merciful. 64:14


It is in fact a trait of the believers to pardon the people:


..It has been prepared for the reverent who give in prosperity and hardship, and the suppressors of rage, and those who pardon the people. God loves the good-doers. 3:133-134


So why is it important to follow God’s advice on this topic?


Firstly, let’s clarify exactly what forgiveness is. Forgiving someone is not the same as ignoring or excusing the harm that they have caused. Instead, it is making the choice not to hold anything against them. 


The act of forgiveness involves the intentional decision to let go of any resentment, anger, bitterness, or other negative feelings towards that person.


Sometimes, one of the hardest things to do is to let go. If someone does something unforgiving, such as harm or betray you or your loved ones, the last thing they deserve is forgiveness. 


However, God is looking after us when He asks us to pardon and overlook, because it is actually detrimental to our own souls when we do not forgive. 


Due to the bitterness and resentment, the feelings and emotions that follow could actually cause us to commit sin and turn away from God.


One might turn to drugs or alcohol to numb the pain, resort to anger, or seek revenge. All of which are damaging to our relationship with God. 


The believers can forgive others more easily because we know that they will never get away with it.


Whether there is a consequence in this life or a greater punishment in the Hereafter, they cannot escape God. God is All-Aware of what they do. 


Every soul will be repaid for exactly what it has done.  


It takes a strong and wise soul to be able to pardon, overlook and forgive the unrighteousness behavior of the disbelievers that is not acceptable by God. 


Holding a grudge weighs you down and ends up hurting you as much as the person who harmed you, so it's important to learn to let go.


and who stay away from gross sins and immortalities, and when they get angry, they forgive, 42:37


We must be careful not to let the disbelievers influence our behavior in any way or hold us back from embracing our religion.


It is not worth it in this life. Our souls are on the line.


Forgiveness brings many benefits to the forgiver. It sets the soul free so that it is then limitless to move into higher frequencies of pure love and closeness to God. 


If you disclose something good or conceal it, or if you pardon something bad, then indeed, God is Pardoner, Capable. 4:149


To pardon, overlook and resort to patience is always the most resolute behavior. 


And whoever is patient and forgives; that is indeed the most resolute behavior. 42:43


Sometimes the hardest times in life bring the greatest lessons. 


After all, we are here to learn, develop and advance our souls.  


each self will know how it advanced and how it regressed. 82:5


And nothing happens except as God wills.

Peace & God Bless

 © 2023 by C&K Productions

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