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The Importance of Repentance

The Significance of Repentance in the Quran & How to Repent to God 


This is a reminder to all the sincere believers who worship God alone.


We must all repent to God so that He may forgive and redeem us. 


..Repent to God all of you, O believers, so that you may succeed. 24:31


Repentance is a very important trait of the believers in the Quran. 


The true believers are frequently in a state of sincere repentance to God. 


 O you who believe, repent to God a sincere repentance. It may be that your Lord will wipe out your bad deeds and admit you into Gardens beneath which rivers flow.. 66:8


In our repentance we wholeheartedly acknowledge our wrongdoings whilst also asking God to forgive us. 


O my people, ask your Lord for forgiveness, then repent to Him. He will then send the sky upon you abundantly and add strength to your strength. And do not turn away as criminals. 11:52


In our repentance we are remorseful of our actions and declare we are sorry and made a mistake and want to be redeemed back to God’s kingdom. We don’t want to be exiled from God.


We may also ask God to have mercy on us while asking for forgiveness. 


A group of My servants used to say, ‘Our Lord, we have believed, so forgive us and have mercy upon us. You are the best of the merciful.’ 23:109


When we commit a sin or forget to obey God in a certain matter, we are advised to repent soon after, in order to be redeemed by God:


Repentance is acceptable by God only from those who commit wrongdoings out of ignorance, then repent soon after. Those will be redeemed by God. Indeed, God is Knowledgeable, Wise. 4:17


Even when we are not committing any wrongdoings, we can still repent to God for our original sin that caused our eviction from Paradise.


Each time we repent to God we prove we are conscious of Him and fear our position at God. 


And as for the one who feared the position of his Lord, and restrained the self from base desires, Paradise will be the refuge. 79:40-41


After repenting to God, we must reform and change our behaviour, trying our best not to commit the offence again:


Then whoever repents after his transgression and reforms, God redeems him. Indeed, God is Forgiver, Merciful. 5:39


Indeed, God accepts the repentance from those who believe and do good:


But indeed, I am Forgiving towards the one who repents, believes, does good deeds and is then guided. 20:82


And those who, when they repent and do good deeds, they turn to God in sincere repentance indeed. 25:71


Paradise is reserved for the repenters who are devoted to God alone: 


Paradise was brought near to the reverent, not far. This is what you were promised. It is for every devoted repentant one; the one who feared the Almighty though unseen and came with a heart that always turned to God. 50:31-33


Repenting to God also gives the believers an additional reason to remember God frequently throughout the day: 


Then, when the Salat is concluded, spread out through the land and seek God’s favour, and remember God frequently so that you may succeed. 62:10


..the men who remember God frequently and the women who also remember; God has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward. 33:35


Let’s also remember, each time we repent to God we are in fact worshipping Him! 


Your Lord said, “Implore Me, and I will respond to you. Surely, those who are too arrogant to worship Me will enter Hell humiliated.” 40:60


And indeed, God loves the repenters:


...God loves the repenters, and He loves those who purify themselves. 2:222

Peace & God Bless

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