The Importance of Reciting Sura Al Fatihah in our Salat
While there is no direct instruction in the Quran to recite the Fatihah during our Salat, there are numerous reasons why this Sura should be recited.
Firstly, God asks us to call Him by His Beautiful Names (7:180). Verses 1:1 and 1:3 of the Fatihah mention two of His names; The Almighty and The Merciful.
These two specific names are special as they have also been selected by God for the Bismillah’s and are mentioned more frequently in the Quran than other names.
By reciting “Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds” in 1:2 of the Fatihah, we are following the example of the angels and their prayer in Paradise:
Their prayer therein is: "Glory to You, O God," and their greeting therein is: "Peace," and the ending of their prayer is: "Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds." 10:10
We are also following the instructions in many verses such as 45:36 to praise God:
So praise be to God, the Lord of the heavens and Lord of the earth; Lord of the worlds. 45:36
In 82:17-19 we are reminded that no one on Judgment Day possesses the power to help anyone and that all matters belong to God:
And how would you know what the Day of the Religion is? Then, how would you know what the Day of the Religion is? It is the Day when no self possesses any power to help any other self, and all matters on that Day will be decided by God alone. 82:17-19
Here God specifically defines what the “Day of the Religion” is: The Day where no one "possesses" any power to benefit any other self.
When we recite 1:4 of the Fatihah, we fulfil the exact words in 82:17-19 by proclaiming that God is the "Possessor of the Day of the Religion".
We fulfil the command in 11:2 when we recite the words: "You alone we worship" in verse 1:5 of the Fatihah:
Do not worship except God. 11:2
We also hold ourselves accountable when we utter these words, to consistently worship God alone and dedicate our religion to God alone throughout our lives.
Say, “My Salat, my worship rituals, my life and my death, are all devoted to God, the Lord of the Worlds. 6:162
By reciting “You alone we ask for help" in 1:5, we fulfil the Quranic instruction in verses such as 2:45 and 7:128:
And seek help through patience and the Salat. It is difficult indeed, but not so for the humble 2:45
Seek God's help and be patient. 7:128
By reciting 1:6 "Guide us to the straight path,” we implore God to make us among those guided, while acknowledging that it is God whom holds all power to guide whom He wills to a straight path.
God guides whom He wills to a straight path. 2:213
By reciting "those whom You have blessed” in 1:7, we implore God to make us among those whom He has blessed, which are the best of people:
The ones who obey God and the messenger, they shall be with those whom God has blessed of the prophets, the truthful ones, the witnesses and the righteous. What fine company such people are! 4:69
Also in 1:7 we implore God not to make us among those who have incurred His wrath nor the misguided, since who have incurred God's wrath will be in utter ruin:
Do not transgress therein or my wrath will fall upon you. Whoever incurs My wrath has surely plunged to his ruin. 20:81
To summarise, the Fatihah contains all major acts of the Islamic religion:
-Worshipping God alone,
-Praising and glorifying God,
-Acknowledging God's absolute authority,
-Dependence on God alone,
-Being on the straight path and among those whom God has blessed,
-Not being among those who have incurred God's wrath nor the misguided.
As such, the Fatihah can be regarded as a summary of the religion of Islam.
Pease & God Bless