The Myth of Intercession
The term intercession is defined as “the action of intervening on behalf of another.”
The myth of intercession is no more than a lie and false promise from Satan, who is tricking billions of people into idol worship. Millions of Muslims believe that Muhammad will intercede, whilst millions of Christians believe that Jesus will intercede for them at God.
To believe that anyone other than God can intercede on our behalf to have our sins forgiven and our wishes fulfilled on the Day of Judgment, is to set up partners with God. This is idolatry, the only unforgivable sin if maintained until death.
When we study the Quran carefully and read all the relevant verses, the matter is settled. The Day of Judgement belongs to God alone:
Say, "All intercession belongs to GOD." To Him belongs all sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, then to Him you will be returned.
~ Quran 39:44
"All intercession belongs to God." With this statement, God does not leave any room for anyone else to hold any power to intercede.
God teaches us that no one can be helped and no friend can help his friend in any way against His punishment:
That is the day when no friend can help his friend in any way; no one can be helped.
~ Quran 44:41
Verse 44:41 refers to all the people who stand before God on the Day. It is not exclusive to certain groups as many people claim. We cannot expect help from anyone.
Only God can save us if He so wills and He is the only One that decides on our fate.
Muhammad Cannot Intercede
It is claimed in the hadiths that Muhammad can intercede, as well as other alleged sayings that we can even save some of our family members on the Day. However, this information is unverifiable in the Quran which in turn cannot be accepted, it we are to abide by God's command in verse 17:36:
You shall not accept ANY information, unless you verify it for yourself (in the Quran). I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them.
~ Quran 17:36
Nowhere in the Quran do we find a single statement that Muhammad can intercede, or that we can save family members from the Fire. These false claims are unverifiable and must not be accepted. Those who believe this are showing disbelief in part of His scripture whilst also upholding falsehood and conjecture.
On the contrary, God informs us that we do not even consider saving our friends or family members on the Day, but instead wish to offer them as ransom!
The day will come when the sky will be like molten rocks. The mountains will be like fluffy wool. No friend will care about his close friend. When they see them, the guilty will wish he could give his own children as ransom, to spare him the retribution of that day. Also his spouse, and his brother. Even his whole tribe that raised him. Even all the people on earth, if it would save him.
~ Quran 70:8-14
Throughout the examples in the Quran we learn in the history of the messengers that Abraham could not intercede on behalf of his father (9:114), Lot could not intercede on behalf of his wife (66:10), Noah could not intercede on behalf of his son (11:46), and Muhammad could not intercede on behalf of his uncle (111:1-3) or relatives (9:80).
Not only that, we see in verse 66:3-4 that even being the wives of Muhammad, could not guarantee themselves redemption:
The prophet had trusted some of his wives with a certain statement, then one of them spread it, and GOD let him know about it. He then informed his wife of part of the issue, and disregarded part. She asked him, "Who informed you of this?" He said, "I was informed by the Omniscient, Most Cognizant." If the two of you repent to GOD, then your hearts have listened. But if you band together against him, then GOD is his ally, and so is Gabriel and the righteous believers. Also, the angels are his helpers.
~ Quran 66:3-4
If these messengers cannot even save their most loved ones who are closest to them, does it really seem logical to believe that Muhammad will help any of us on the Day?
Verse 3:128 below concludes that Muhammad has no say in these matters, when it comes to deciding who is punished or redeemed.
"You (Muhammad) have no say in the matter; He may either redeem them, or He may punish them; for they are transgressors."
~ Quran 3:128
The Hadiths go on to suggest that Muhammad can save some of those who have spent time in Hell, rescuing them and granting them Paradise. This claim is yet another lie that has been attributed to God, and goes against the teachings of the Quran:
"As for the one who was sentenced for punishment, can you (Muhammad) save those who are in the fire?"
~ Quran 39:19
Not to mention the Quran only ever mentions Hell as an eternal retribution, and never a temporary abode:
"As for those who disbelieve and reject our revelations, they will be dwellers of Hell, wherein they abide forever."
~ Quran 2:39
Indeed, those who earn sins and become surrounded by their evil work will be the dwellers of Hell; they abide in it forever.
~ Quran 2:81
It is also claimed that Muhammad will intercede only for the believers and not disbelievers, however the Quran opposes this claim. The following verse addresses the believers, which is clear when we read "O you who believe," then God informs the believers that there will be no intercession!
O you who believe, you shall give to charity from the provisions we have given to you, before a day comes where there is no trade, no nepotism, and no intercession. The disbelievers are the unjust.
~ Quran 2:254
Corrupt scholars refer to verses such as 74:48, claiming that "them" is referring to the disbelievers only, that only those who did not believe are denied intercession, and that the group who follow the hadiths will have Muhammad intercede for them.
The intercession of the intercessors will never help them.
~ Quran 74:48
This is however a false conclusion, since God provides further evidence not restricted to any certain groups:
Beware of the day when no soul can avail another soul, no intercession will be accepted, no ransom can be paid, nor can anyone be helped.
~ Quran 2:48
Beware of the day when no soul will help another soul, no ransom will be accepted, no intercession will be useful, and no one will be helped.
~ Quran 2:123
From the context of these verses it is clear there is no limit to certain groups, but rather, it applies to everyone witnessing the Day of Judgment. "No soul will help another soul" and "no intercession will be useful" clearly refers to everyone who is called to account. "No soul" unmistakably means no one. No one on the inevitable Day can help or be helped. God holds all power and complete authority.
God consistently warns us we should only worry about our own necks:
O you who believe, you should worry only about your own necks. If the others go astray, they cannot hurt you, as long as you are guided. To GOD is your ultimate destiny, all of you, then He will inform you of everything you had done.
~ Quran 5:105
Many Muslims have rejected all of the above verses, instead deciding to take their religious leaders, scholars, and their idol Muhammad to rank with God.
Except with His Permission
Many Muslims have been tricked by Satan when verses such as 2:255 mention "except with His permission." They then naturally assume Muhammad can intercede since that is found in their hadiths.
"Who can intercede with Him, except with His permission?"
~ Quran 2:255
Note when God asks "who can intercede with Him?" God is not asking as if someone can intercede on His behalf but only "with" Him, therefore any potential intercession could only be accompanied by Him, rather than on His behalf. There's a clue here that any possible intercession would only be alongside His judgment, while He is completing His judgment, rather than overriding it or taking lead over Him.
"Who can intercede with Him, except with His permission?"
~ Quran 2:255
"Except with His permission" has been manipulated and severely taken out of context to allow Muhammad to admit all Muslims into Paradise, or take some people out of Hell. These claims are no more than lies and false promises from Satan.
Verse 43:86 provides us with further clarification, that any possible "intercession" would be limited to the testifying of truth only.
"And those to whom they cry instead of Him possess no power of intercession, except one who testifies to the Truth knowingly"
~ Quran 43:86
From this information we can confirm that those who have His permission are those who testify to the truth. So what exactly does "one who testifies to the truth" mean?
The act of testifying is to provide proof or evidence that something is the case, one who can serve as a witness.
We know from verses such as 4:41 and 22:78 that on the Day of Judgment, witnesses will be called from among the people in each community, as well as each messenger will be called, to state the known facts they witnessed from among their associates during their time on earth.
Thus, when the day (of judgment) comes, we will call upon a witness from each community, and you (the messenger) will serve as a witness among these people.
~ Quran 4:41
The day will come when we raise from every community a witness, then those who disbelieved will not be permitted (to speak), nor will they be excused.
~ Quran 16:84
Witnesses are permitted to speak the truth, providing evidence to any claims that are made throughout and during the time of His Judgment.
Not an utterance does he utter without an alert witness. Finally, the inevitable coma of death comes; this is what you tried to evade. The horn is blown; this is the promised day. Every soul comes with a herder and a witness.
~ Quran 50:18-21
Also 39:69 is proof that the record will be proclaimed and that the prophets and witnesses will stand as evidence:
Then the earth will shine with the light of its Lord. The record will be proclaimed, and the prophets and the witnesses will be brought forth. Everyone will then be judged equitably, without the least injustice.
~ Quran 39:69
It is also noteworthy to mention that witnesses are an important part of God's plan, we can see this from the laws He set in place for us on earth, such as witnessing wills and marriages, bringing forth 4 witnesses during claims of cheating and adultery, witnessing lashes of punishment in order to humiliate and shame, etc.
One who serves as a witness among the people on the Day, would only speak the truth when testifying, which in turn conforms to His will and His laws.
Verse 19:87 also limits any potential intercession to those conforming to His laws.
No one will possess the power to intercede, except those who conform to the laws of the Most Gracious.
~ Quran 19:87
From verses 43:86 and 19:87 God has limited any "intercession" only to those who testify to the truth and those who conform to His laws, His will. This provides us with the clarification that the worldly idea of intercession amongst the people is completely different to the type of intercession mentioned in the Quran, regarding those who have His permission.
Arguably, God makes all decisions and holds all power on the Day of Judgement. When we think about it, God would not be teaching us complete Truth if He told us that no form of intercession whatsoever would occur on the Day of Judgment. There are certain types of intercession God speaks of that will occur on the Day such as witnesses testifying, utterances from the people, and even confrontation with those still disputing the truth.
Even our own skins will testify on our behalf!
On that day we will seal their mouths; their hands and feet will bear witness to everything they had done.
~ Quran 36:65
In order to be sufficiently judged one needs all the true facts brought forth. Although God is completely aware of all these facts, many will come to the Day claiming that they are righteous, believing servants deserving of Paradise, needing physical evidence, confrontation, and witnesses called to account to prove that they are indeed liars.
Verse 10:28 confirms that confrontation will take place on the Day.
On the day when we summon them all, we will say to those who worshiped idols, "We have summoned you, together with your idols." We will have them confront each other, and their idols will say to them, "We had no idea that you idolized us.
~ Quran 10:28
Confrontation will occur to those still disputing the truth on the Day of Judgment. This is considered involvement and stepping in "with" God as part of His Judgment. This is still conforming to His will and not taking any power or authority away from God, and still the way God intended it to take place.
The Quran states that there are messengers recording everything we do, and that this record will be shown on the Day of Judgment as evidence.
The Quran also states that we are all assigned a jinn companion (43:36), whether they are a jinn believer or disbeliever. Our lifetime companion witnesses our actions and we learn in 50:23 that our jinn companion will testify as part of the judgment:
Two recording (angels), at right and at left, are constantly recording. Not an utterance does he utter without an alert witness. Finally, the inevitable coma of death comes; this is what you tried to evade. The horn is blown; this is the promised day. Every soul comes with a herder and a witness. You used to be oblivious to this. We now remove your veil; today, your vision is (as strong as) steel. The companion said, "Here is my formidable testimony."
~ Quran 50:17-23
Do they think that we do not hear their secrets and conspiracies? Yes indeed; our messengers are with them, recording.
~ Quran 43:80
This is our record; it utters the truth about you. We have been recording everything you did.
~ Quran 45:29
Only God Can Judge
God is the only One who will judge among us, in order to determine whether we are granted Paradise, or sent to Hell for punishment. All sovereignty belongs to Him.
Those who believe, those who are Jewish, the converts, the Christians, the Zoroastrians, and the idol worshipers, GOD is the One who will judge among them on the Day of Resurrection. GOD witnesses all things.
~ Quran 22:17
All sovereignty on that day belongs to GOD, and He will judge among them.
~ Quran 22:56
Arguably, God states clearly that no idol can judge anything:
GOD judges equitably, while the idols they implore beside Him cannot judge anything. GOD is the One who is the Hearer, the Seer.
~ Quran 40:20
Idols such as Muhammad and Jesus do not have any power to decide anything or help us in the least.
God sets the scales on the Day to determine the good and evil works that each soul earned, so that we are requited justly for everything we did on earth. Only God can accurately measure this and only God knows what ranking each soul deserves.
We will establish the scales of justice on the Day of Resurrection. No soul will suffer the least injustice. Even the equivalent of a mustard seed will be accounted for. We are the most efficient reckoners.
~ Quran 21:47
They all attain the ranks they have deserved, in accordance with their works. He will pay them for their works, without the least injustice.
~ Quran 46:19
Anyone believing that a plea from Muhammad would have their sins forgiven, is taking God's justice system for granted. Muhammad does not have any knowledge of the good or evil we have brought forth in our lives, nor our innermost intentions. Only God can only be the Most Just and accurate in His decisions. Only He knows what each soul deserves.
We have none other than God as a supporter:
It is not in accordance with your wishes, or the wishes of the people of the scripture: anyone who commits evil pays for it, and will have no helper or supporter, against GOD.
~ Quran 4:123
GOD alone is your Lord and Master, and He is the best supporter.
~ Quran 3:150
All Power Belongs to God
We know that all power belongs to God, in any situation, in this life and in the Hereafter.
Do not be saddened by their utterances. All power belongs to GOD. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient.
~ Quran 10:65
No one possesses power except God.
~ Quran 18:39
Why would a human being such as Muhammad hold ANY power on the Day of Judgment? Those who make such claims will have a lot to answer for themselves on the Day.
All power belongs to God, in all situations, under all circumstances. Those who reject this are considered disbelievers in the sight of God, since they would be proving disbelief in God’s true power and worth whilst also disregarding many of His revelations.
God is specific in verse 2:165 below, that all power belongs to God alone on the Day of Judgment.
If only the transgressors could see themselves when they see the retribution! They will realize then that all power belongs to GOD alone, and that GOD's retribution is awesome.
~ Quran 2:165
Those who think anyone other than God can help them on the Day are destined to fail. They are considered transgressors in the sight of God, since these people are not satisfied that God alone can help them and wish that their idols Jesus or Muhammad would save them.
Let’s also remember, we do not will unless God wills:
Whatever you will is in accordance with GOD's will. GOD is Omniscient, Wise.
~ Quran 76:30
God is in Full Control of all Things
There are countless revelations explaining that God is in full control of all things, and that He makes all decisions, so why would He not be in complete authority alone on the Day of Judgment? We are His creatures who He alone created, is God alone not sufficient to deal with His creation?
For GOD is in full control of all things.
~ Quran 31:22
That is the day when no soul can help another soul, and all decisions, on that day, will belong to GOD.
~ Quran 82:19
Why would God allow others to make any decisions on the Day of Judgment, such as who is to worthy of His forgiveness, when He has informed us that ALL DECISIONS on that Day belong to Him?
Is GOD not sufficient for His servant? They frighten you with the idols they set up beside Him. Whomever GOD sends astray, nothing can guide him. ~ Quran 39:36
No one can argue and no one can serve as an advocate for anyone on the Day:
Here you are arguing on their behalf in this world; who is going to argue with GOD on their behalf on the Day of Resurrection? Who is going to be their advocate?
~ Quran 4:109
Also let’s remember the well-known verse that is recited multiple times a day in our Salat:
You alone we worship. You alone we ask for help.
~ Quran 1:5
"You alone we ask for help" is a clear statement that the true believers do not call on anyone beside God for help, since God alone is sufficient. If this is God's Law on earth, then why would it change when we return to God in the Hereafter? Why even consider calling on Muhammad for help on the Day, when God has already informed us that we must seek help only from Him?
Would it really make sense for God to teach us never to call on anyone else for help, yet on the Day we should call on a human messenger to save us from punishment?
We cannot call anyone other than God for help, whether in this life or on the Day of Judgment.
Believers Go Straight To Paradise
Contrary to the mainstream belief that Muhammad will save the believers from Hell, God teaches us the righteous are not actually even waiting for the Day of Judgment, as they go straight to heaven!
Do not think that those who are killed in the cause of God are dead; they are alive at their Lord, enjoying His provisions.
~ Quran 3:169
Do not say of those who are killed in the cause of GOD, "They are dead." They are alive at their Lord, but you do not perceive.
~ Quran 2:154
(At the time of his death) he was told, "Enter Paradise." He said, "Oh, I wish my people knew.” “That my Lord has forgiven me, and made me honorable."
~ Quran 36:26-27
True believers do not experience the second death, which terminates our life in this world:
They do not taste death therein - beyond the first death - and He has spared them the retribution of Hell.
~ Quran 44:56
The first death took place in the heavens when we failed to uphold God's absolute authority. That first death lasted until we were born into this world.
The angels terminate their lives in a state of righteousness, saying, "Peace be upon you. Enter Paradise (now) as a reward for your works."
~ Quran 16:32
We learn from the following verse that the believers are returned to their Lord pleased and God invites the believers' souls to Paradise:
As for you, O content soul. Return to your Lord, pleased and pleasing. Welcome into My servants. Welcome into My Paradise.
~ Quran 89-27-30
Also, those in heaven are informed good news of the believers that haven’t joined them yet!
Do not think that those who are killed in the cause of GOD are dead; they are alive at their Lord, enjoying His provisions. They are rejoicing in GOD's grace, and they have good news for their comrades who did not die with them, that they have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.
~ Quran 3:169-170
The righteous do not die. When their lives on this earth come to the predetermined end, the angel of death simply invites them to leave their earthly bodies and move on to heaven.
Of course, the righteous depart. As far as people are concerned, the righteous "die." Most people do not realize the righteous simply leave their bodies, and move on to Paradise.
As for the disbelievers, they know at the moment of death that they are destined for Hell. The angels beat them up on the faces and rear ends (8:50, 47:27), order them to evict their souls (6:93), then snatch their souls (79:1).
The Quran teaches that the disbelievers go through 2 deaths:
They will say, "Our Lord, you have put us to death twice, and You gave us two lives; now we have confessed our sins. Is there any way out?"
~ Quran 40:11
How can you disbelieve in GOD when you were dead and He gave you life, then He puts you to death, then He brings you back to life, then to Him you ultimately return?
~ Quran 2:28
They will be put to death - a state of nothingness during which they see Hell day and night in a continuous nightmare that lasts until the Day of Judgment:
The Hell will be shown to them day and night, and on the Day of Resurrection: "Admit Pharaoh's people into the worst retribution.”
~ Quran 40:46
With all of the above overwhelming evidence it is clear none other than God can help our souls on the Day of Judgement. Those permitted on that Day relate to the involvement of stating the facts by means of the truth in what they have witnessed among the people.
To believe that anyone, other than God, can intercede on our behalf to have our sins forgiven or our wishes fulfilled, is to set up partners with God. This is an act of 'shirk'. A worshipper's only true hope for salvation is to put all their trust and faith in God's own perfect justice and mercy. When you think about it, would you really want anyone other than God to save you?
God is merciful to the believers and mercy is His attribute, since one of his names is The Merciful. The messengers do not have any power to be merciful to anyone on the day. Only those who attain mercy from God alone will be saved:
That is the day when no friend can help his friend in any way; no one can be helped. Only those who attain mercy from GOD. He is the Almighty, Most Merciful.
~ Quran 44:41-42
The fate of every human being is already tied to our necks before the day of reckoning even takes place!
We have recorded the fate of every human being; it is tied to his neck. On the Day of Resurrection we will hand him a record that is accessible. Read your own record. Today, you suffice as your own reckoner.
~ Quran 17:13-14
Peace & God Bless