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The Reverent in the Sight of God

The Reverent: The Believers Who Belong With God

This is your nation, one nation, and I am your Lord, so reverence Me." ~ Quran 23:52

O people, reverence your Lord who created you from a single self and created from it its mate, and spread from the two many men and women. Reverence God in whose name you implore one another, and regard the relatives. God is Watchful over you. ~ Quran 4:1


And We gave them clear commandments. They did not differ except after the knowledge had come to them due to animosity between them. Your Lord will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection regarding that over which they used to differ. ~ Quran 45:17


Let those show concern who, should they leave weak offspring behind them, would worry about them. Therefore, they shall reverence God and speak appropriate words. ~ Quran 4:9


To God belongs what is in the heavens and what is in the earth. We have instructed those who were given the Scripture before you, as well as you, that you shall reverence God. If you disbelieve, then to God belongs what is in the heavens and what is in the earth. God is Rich, Praiseworthy. ~ Quran 4:131


Say, "Look at what is in the heavens and the earth." Still, the signs and the warnings will not avail a people who do not believe. ~ Quran 10:101


And believe in what I have brought down, confirming what you have, and do not be the first to disbelieve in it. And do not trade away My revelations for a cheap price, and reverence Me. ~ Quran 2:41

ay, "We believe in God, and in what was brought down upon us, and in what was brought down upon Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes, and in what was given to Moses, Jesus and the prophets from their Lord. We do not distinguish between any of them and to Him we are Submitters." ~ Quran 3:84


The Importance: Our Reverence is What Reaches God

and to observe the Salat and reverence Him. It is He to whom you will be summoned." ~ Quran 6:72

 O you who believe, you shall reverence God and seek the means to Him, and strive in His cause so that you may succeed. ~ Quran 5:35

And when the disciples said, "O Jesus, son of Mary, is your Lord able to send down to us a table from the sky?" He said, "Reverence God if you are believers." ~ Quran 5:112


Neither their meat nor their blood reaches God, but it is your reverence that reaches Him. Thus did He subject them to you so that you may magnify God for guiding you, and give good news to the good-doers. ~ Quran 22:37


Reverence the One who provided you with what you know. ~ Quran 26:132

 And reverence the One who created you and the previous generations." ~ Quran 26:184

The believers are but brethren, so reconcile between your brethren, and reverence God so that you may attain mercy. ~ Quran 49:10


And Abraham, when he said to his people, "Worship God and reverence Him. That is better for you if you only knew. ~ Quran 29:16


Allegory: The Strength of Reverence


Is one who established his building upon reverence and God's consent better, or one who established his building on the edge of a cliff which is about to crumble, so it crumbled along with him into the fire of Hell? God does not guide the transgressing people. ~ Quran 9:109


God Distinguishes those with Sincere Hearts

Those who lower their voices while in the company of the messenger of God are the ones whose hearts God has tested for reverence, and who shall have forgiveness and a great reward. ~ Quran 49:3


And when he is told, "Reverence God," he is grabbed by pride towards sin. Consequently, Hell is appropriate for him; what a miserable abode! ~ Quran 2:206


We have diversified in this Quran all kinds of examples for the people, yet the human being is, more than anything, argumentative. ~ Quran 18:54


Do not make God the subject of your pledges in order to appear pious or reverent, or to reconcile among the people. God is Hearer, Knowledgeable. ~ Quran 2:224


O you who believe, stand firm for God and be equitable when you serve as witnesses. Do not let your animosity towards some people prevent you from being equitable. You shall be equitable, for it is nearest to reverence. You shall reverence God. God is All-Aware of what you do. ~ Quran 5:8


In addition to that, and whoever honours the rites decreed by God, it is certainly out of the reverence of the hearts. ~ Quran 22:32


As for those who are guided, He increases their guidance and grants them their reverence. ~ Quran 47:17


Remember God's blessing upon you and His covenant with which He has bound you when you said, "We hear and we obey." you shall reverence God. God is Knowledgeable of what the chests hold. ~ Quran 5:7


If you were to obey the majority of those in the earth, they will mislead you away from the path of God. They follow nothing but conjecture; they only guess. ~ Quran 6:116


Intelligence: The Reverent will Possess this Quality

[2:197] The Hajj is during the known months, so whoever executes the Hajj in them shall refrain from sexual contact, wickedness and arguing during the Hajj. Whatever good you do, God is aware of it, and supply yourself with provisions, but verily the best provision is reverence. You shall reverence Me, O you who possess intelligence. ~ Quran 2:197

O you who believe, do not take as allies those who make a mockery and a plaything out of your religion from among the ones who were given the Scripture before you or the disbelievers, and reverence God if you are believers. ~ Quran 5:57


Have you seen the one who has taken his personal desire as his god? Would you be his trustee? ~ Quran 25:43

Say, "The bad and the good are not the same, even if the abundance of the bad may impress you. So you shall reverence God, O you who possess intelligence, so that you may succeed." ~ Quran 5:100


Success: Obtainable by the Reverent

They ask you about the crescents, say, "They are timing devices for the people and for the Hajj." Piety is not in entering houses from their backs, but piety is in being reverent. So enter the houses from their doors and reverence God so that you may succeed. ~ Quran 2:189


O Children of Adam, We have brought down to you garments to cover your private parts, as well as for adornment, yet the garment of reverence is the best. These are some of God's signs. Hopefully they may remember. ~ Quran 7:26


O you who believe, be patient, persevere, be united and reverence God so that you may succeed. ~ Quran 3:200


these are guided by their Lord; these are the successful ones. ~ Quran 2:5


And eat from what God has provided for you which is lawful and good, and reverence God, the One in whom you are believers. ~ Quran 5:88


So reverence God as best as you can, and listen, and obey, and give. It is for your own good. Those who guard against their own stinginess; they are indeed the successful ones. ~ Quran 64:16


The Winners: Those Who Value God’s True Worth


Those who obey God and His messenger, fear God and reverence Him; those are indeed the winners. ~ Quran 24:52


Instruct your family to observe the Salat, and be diligent in observing it. We do not ask you for provisions; it is We who provide for you. The best outcome is attained through reverence. ~ Quran 20:132


If they do not respond to you, then know that it has been brought down with God's knowledge and that there is no god except Him. Are you then Submitters? ~ Quran 11:14

O you who believe, you shall reverence God as He should be revered, and do not die except as Submitters, ~ Quran 3:102



The Reward For Those Who Purify Themselves

O you who believe, if you reverence God, He will grant you a criterion, wipe out your bad deeds, and forgive you. God is Possessor of great favour. ~ Quran 8:29

But for those who reverenced their Lord, they shall have Gardens with rivers flowing beneath. Therein they shall permanently remain. A hospitality from God, and what is at God is far better for the pious. ~ Quran 3:198

Tell them, "O My servants who believe, reverence your Lord. For those who do good deeds in this world is a good reward, and God's earth is spacious. Those who are patient will receive their reward without count." ~ Quran 39:10


However, those who reverenced their Lord shall have mansions, above which other mansions are built and beneath which rivers flow. Such is God's promise. God never breaks a promise. ~ Quran 39:20


O you who believe, reverence God and believe in His messenger. He will then grant you a double portion of His mercy and grant you a light with which you shall walk, and He may forgive you. God is Forgiver, Merciful. ~ Quran 57:28


To Him belongs what is in the heavens and the earth, and to Him does the religion forever belong. Is it other than God that you reverence? ~ Quran 16:52


And they will not remember unless God wills. He is most worthy of reverence, and He is most worthy of granting forgiveness. ~ Quran 74:56

It is not for any self to believe, except with God's permission, and He places affliction on those who will not reason. 

~ Quran 10:100

Peace & God Bless

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