Wealth in the Quran
Success in this life is generally measured by how much money we have. We learn in the Quran the real successis not the materials of this world but instead with God in the Hereafter.
Those seeking this life and the material gain in his world have their priorities confused.
You shall force yourself to be with those who worship their Lord day and night, seeking Him alone. Do not turn your eyes away from them, seeking the vanities of this world. Nor shall you obey one whose heart we rendered oblivious to our message; one who pursues his own desires, and whose priorities are confused.
~ Quran 18:28
One may question whether those given excessive wealth and those destined to live in poverty are part of a deliberate plan by God?
The reason God has raised some people above others in rank in the worldly life is so that we can employ each other in service:
Is it they who apportion your Lord's mercy? It is We who have apportioned their livelihood in the worldly life, and We raised some of them above others in rank so that some of them would employ others in service. The mercy of your Lord is better than whatever they can amass.
~ Quran 43:32
In our trade and our ranks there are many tests for us.
-Do we give equitably?
-Do we weigh in full measure?
-Do we trade fairly, honestly?
-Do we treat people kindly, respectfully?
-Are we Appreciative, grateful?
-Do we spend our money in the cause of God?
We thus test the people by each other, to let them say, "Are these the people among us who are blessed by God?" Is God not aware of the appreciative ones.
~ Quran 6:53
Our money is indeed a test from God:
You should know that your money and your children are a test, and that GOD possesses a great recompense.
~ Quran 8:28
He is the One who made you inheritors of the earth, and He raised some of you above others in rank, in order to test you in accordance with what He has given you. Surely, your Lord is efficient in enforcing retribution, and He is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
~ Quran 6:165
We will surely test you through some fear, hunger, and loss of money, lives, and crops. Give good news to the steadfast.
~ Quran 2:155
God has fulfilled His promise to you, and you defeated them by His leave. But then you wavered, disputed among yourselves, and disobeyed after He had shown you (the victory) you had longed for. But then, some of you became distracted by the spoils of this world, while others were rightly concerned with the Hereafter. He then diverted you from them to test you. He has pardoned you. God showers the believers with His grace.
~ Quran 3:152
Every person is given the message of God before they die. Those who are destined to be rich are only given an abundance of wealth AFTER rejecting the message.
Then when they forgot what they were reminded of, We opened for them the gates of everything. Then, as they rejoiced in what was given to them, We seized them suddenly, and they were in total despair.
~ Quran 6:44
We learn in Sura 68 that only the disbelievers are the ones who become excessively wealthy, and with that comes many negative traits:
Do not obey every despicable habitual swearer, backbiter, spreader of slander, preventer of good, transgressor, sinner, gross, and furthermore, dishonorable, just because he possesses wealth and children.
~ Quran 68:10-14
They are greedy, boastful, and spend their money to show off in front of the people instead of from the kindness of their hearts.
Leave the one whom I created on his own to Me, and to whom I granted extensive wealth, and children to behold, and I made everything smooth for him. Yet he is greedy that I should add more!
~ Quran 74:10-15
He says, "I have squandered vast wealth."
~ Quran 90:6
Not so! Rather, you are not generous to the orphan. And you do not advocate the feeding of the needy. And you devour the inheritance with insatiable appetites. And you love money with immense love.
~ Quran 89:17-20
And the ones who spend their money to show off in front of the people, and they do not believe in God nor in the Last Day. Whoever has the devil as a companion, he has the worst companion.
~ Quran 4:38
God is in fact punishing the disbelievers by granting them wealth.
So do not be impressed by their wealth or their children. God only wants to punish them with it in the worldly life, then for them to expire as disbelievers.
~ Quran 9:55
The reason the disbelievers are given everything in this life, is because they have no share in the Hereafter!
This worldly life is adorned in their eyes, by the devil.
Whoever seeks the harvest of the Hereafter, We increase for him his harvest, and whoever seeks the harvest of this world, We will give him thereof and he will have no share in the Hereafter.
~ Quran 42:20
Those who disbelieved, neither their wealth nor their children can avail them anything against God. They are the companions of the Fire; therein they shall permanently remain.
~ Quran 3:116
The believers are given money in measured amounts. If they were given excessive amounts, then they would transgress.
If God were to expand the provision for His servants, they would transgress in the land. Rather, He brings down in measured amounts what He wills. He is All-Aware and Seer of His servants.
~ Quran 42:27
It is money itself that causes transgression, since having an excess of wealth causes one to be greedy, boastful and to show off.
The real success is attaining a position at God in the Hereafter.
And the example of those who spend their money seeking God's consent, and seeking to secure themselves, is like the example of a garden on high ground that was hit by heavy rain whereupon it yielded its crop twofold, but even if no heavy rain hits it, a light drizzle will suffice. God is Seer of what you do.
~ Quran 2:265
Wealth and children are ornaments of the worldly life, but the enduring good deeds yield a better reward from your Lord and better hope.
~ Quran 18:46
So reverence God as best as you can, and listen, and obey, and give. It is for your own good. Those who guard against their own stinginess; they are indeed the successful ones.
~ Quran 64:16
Peace & God Bless