What NOT to Do in Salat
Millions of Muslims today are performing a Salat that is totally un-Quranic and goes against God’s teachings.
They perform countless steps and repetitions that are completely baseless and are not found in the Quran.
Some viewers that now follow the Quran alone may still have additions in their Salat that are not authorised by God.
Let’s begin with the dress code. There is no dress code for the Salat unless praying in a mosque then God asks us to dress beautifully (7:31).
There is no intention for prayer. God knows what you are intending to do when you get up to pray!
There are only 4 steps in ablution (5:6) unless you cannot find water then there are only 2 steps (4:43).
You cannot be in a constant state of ablution and must perform the steps of ablution before each prayer.
A prayer mat or clean room is not required for the Salat.
There are no places where God prohibits us to pray!!
Seeking refuge in God from Satan does not have to be said out loud, since it is not part of the Salat itself and we do not seek refuge out loud when we read the Quran.
The concept of saying “Amen” after the recitation of Sura Al-Fatihah is not found in the Quran and actually distorts the numerical structure of this Sura in its entirety.
There are no rakat’s in the Salat. This concept cannot be found in the Quran and we must not follow anything that is not from God.
You do not need to direct your eyes to the area of prostration. They can be closed if you wish.
Standing, bowing and prostrating are the only 3 positions as found in the Quran:
We appointed for Abraham the location of the House: "Do not associate anything with Me, and purify My House for those passing by and those standing, bowing, and prostrating." 22:26
The following actions/positions are not authorised by God:
Raise hands to ears
Place hands over naval
Raise right index finger
Kneeling position
Sitting position
Missed prayers cannot be made up at other times, since God advises the Salat is to be observed at specifically appointed times (4:103).
Prayers also cannot be combined for this reason. We must complete the prayers within their timeframes.
Women can perform the Salat during their menstruations!
God does not prohibit women to complete ANY worship practices during their menstruations.
Those who prohibit what God has made lawful will have a lot to answer for.
Above all else, we must NOT mention any other name in our Salat other than God.
The entire Salat must dedicated to GOD ALONE and God only.
We must not send blessings to Muhammad and his family nor any imams.
We also cannot state the false shahada that includes Muhammad’s name.
This would be polluting our Salat with idol worship, since ALL worship practices including the Salat and every word in the Salat must be devoted to God alone:
Say, “My Salat, my worship rituals, my life and my death, are all devoted to God, the Lord of the Worlds. 6:162
This also means we must not acknowledge our angels at the end of the Salat.
To Him belongs what is in the heavens and the earth, and to Him does the religion constantly belong. Is it other than God that you reverence? 16:52
Thanks for watching.