Why Does God Allow Bad Things to Happen, Pain and Suffering in this Life?
Many claim that if God were so loving then why does He allow so much pain and suffering in this life? Why does God allow children to starve?
People like to blame God all the time, that He is capable of fixing these things so why does He allow it?
Firstly, it is not God that spreads evil, it is the people. The majority of the human race are responsible for most of the suffering we see today.
We as human beings are the ones who are established in the land. We are accountable for what goes on here. We are responsible for our own human kind.
God “allows” bad things to happen because He gave us free will. It is all part of the test as to why we are here. God gave us all the ability to choose how we live our lives. The outcome of our choices is why we see so much corruption in the world today.
Most people have chosen to follow in the footsteps of Satan and are disbelievers, so it’s no surprise that the world is full of hate and sin.
The majority of people, no matter how eager you may be, are not believers. 12:103
The world is full of war, crime, abuse, violence and inhumanity.
Disasters only occur as a direct consequence of the evil works they commit.
Whatever disaster strikes you is but a consequence of what your own hands have earned, but He pardons much. 42:30
God wills to give them a lesser punishment in this life, perhaps they will revert.
Corruption has appeared in the land and the sea as a result of what people’s hands have earned. He will let them taste the consequences of some of what they had done so that they may revert. 30:41
We are more likely to turn to God in times of difficulty.
Wars in developing countries are a major cause of poverty and underdevelopment. Poverty tends to be most entrenched in areas where there is political instability, corrupt leaders or present conflicts. 8 out of 10 of the world's poorest countries are suffering, or have recently suffered, from large scale violent conflict. This limits access to the basic resources needed to thrive, such as food, hygiene, health services, and clean water.
If everyone chose to spread love instead of hate, and peace instead of violence, the earth would not be full of suffering and misery.
If we all banned together to look after our fellow human beings, then there would be no where without access to clean water and no one without food.
The opportunity for helping others and bringing forth good works are everywhere. Many people are in need and require assistance, whether disabled, elderly or poor, while others are in need of no one. It is all by the design of the Almighty.
God must determine who will earn the most righteous work and compete in it, versus those who pass up on the opportunities to help and support others.
It is We who bring the dead back to life, and We record what they have put forth and what they have left behind. We have kept count of all things in a clear Record. 36:12
We must remember we are constantly being tested.
We will surely test you through some fear, hunger, and shortage of money, lives and crops. So give good news to the patient ones. 2:155
Those who have kindness in their hearts are the ones who will offer the assistance and volunteer their time and resources to those in need.
After all, it is only our works that will be carried with us into the Hereafter.
On that Day, the people will come forward in separate groups to be shown their deeds. So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it, and whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it. 99:6-8
Those who blame God for all the suffering are forgetting God’s true qualities. God is Kind and Compassionate. He is the Most Merciful.
The givers in this life are those who have hearts full of kindness and compassion. It is God who fills the good doers with these traits.
If we were all givers instead of takers and had hearts full of love instead of hate, the world would be a much better place.
Unfortunately not many people want to change the world for the better these days.
We must be more mindful of taking our own accountability. It is the people who are unjust. God is not unjust. Despite this, the blamers will always blame anyone but themselves.
Peace & God Bless