The Wisdom is in THE QURAN and NOT the Hadiths!
Millions of Muslims insist that verse 2:151 allows for the hadiths to be followed, where God states that Prophet Muhammad was given the Scripture and wisdom, the Scripture being the Quran while the wisdom is found in the hadiths!
We also sent a messenger to you from amongst you to recite Our revelations to you and to purify you, and to teach you the Scripture and wisdom, and to teach you what you knew not. 2:151
Let’s analyse this claim in light of the Quran.
Firstly, the term wisdom is defined as a quality of having good knowledge and good judgement. God explains that wisdom is bestowed upon whomever He chooses:
He grants wisdom to whom He wills, and whoever is granted wisdom has indeed been granted much good, but none will take heed except those who possess intelligence. 2:269
We learn in the Quran that all of the prophets were given the Scripture and wisdom.
God took a covenant from the prophets, saying, "I will give you the scripture and wisdom. Afterwards, a messenger will come to confirm all existing scriptures. You shall believe in him and support him." He said, "Do you agree with this, and pledge to fulfill this covenant?" They said, "We agree." He said, "You have thus borne witness, and I bear witness along with you." 3:81
Such is God's guidance, with which He guides whomever He chooses from among His servants. Had any of them fallen into idolatry, their works would have been nullified. Those were the ones to whom we have given the scripture, wisdom, and prophethood. If these people disbelieve, we will substitute others in their place, and the new people will not be disbelievers. 6:88-89
ALL of the prophets were given the scripture and wisdom, Muhammad was no different to any other messenger.
There are many examples throughout the Quran that each of the prophets were given the knowledge and wisdom:
"He will teach him the scripture, wisdom, the Torah, and the Gospel." 3:48
When he reached maturity, we endowed him with wisdom and knowledge. We thus reward the righteous. 12:22
They defeated them by GOD's leave, and David killed Goliath. GOD gave him kingship and wisdom, and taught him as He willed. If it were not for GOD's support of some people against others, there would be chaos on earth. But GOD showers His grace upon the people. 2:251
Are they envious of the people because God has showered them with His blessings? We have given Abraham's family the scripture, and wisdom; we granted them a great authority. 4:54
As for Lot, we granted him wisdom and knowledge, and we saved him from the community that practiced abominations; they were wicked and evil people. 21:74
David and Solomon
And David and Solomon, when they once ruled with regard to someone's crop that was destroyed by another's sheep. We witnessed their judgment. We granted Solomon the correct understanding, though we endowed both of them with wisdom and knowledge.. 21:78-79
"Then I fled, when I feared you, and my Lord endowed me with wisdom and made me one of the messengers. 26:21
The Scripture and wisdom go hand in hand. God's revelations contain a message that is full of wisdom, in terms of knowledge and good judgement.
God confirms further that the wisdom is found within the scripture:
These are the revelations that we recite to you, providing a message full of wisdom. 3:58
A. L. R. These (letters) are the proofs of this book of wisdom. 10:1
These (letters) constitute proofs of this book of wisdom. 31:2
And the Quran that is full of wisdom. 36:2
It is satisfactory that the wisdom God speaks of in verse 2:151 is in fact the wisdom found inside the Quran itself!
The Quran is a Book full of wisdom. There are plenty of examples where God has given Muhammad wise words to follow, all found within the pages of the Quran.
Verse 2:151 does not suddenly allow for any external sources to be followed!
Peace & God Bless