Women Are NOT Required to Cover their Hair with a Hijab or Head Covering!
The majority of Muslims and Muslim scholars claim that it is mandatory for women to cover their hair. They refer to verse 24:31 in support of their claim. So let’s take a close look at this topic in light of the Quran.
And say to the believing women to lower their gaze and to guard their private parts, and not to show their beauty spots except that of it which is normally shown. They shall also cover their cleavage with their khimars... 24:31
The word ‘khimar’ in 24:31 is interpreted to mean ‘head cover.’ With this interpretation we could conclude women must cover their hair and cleavage with their hijab, or head covering. However, the Arabic word ‘khimar’ literally means ‘cover.’
The word ‘head’ or ‘hair’ is NOT mentioned anywhere in verse 24:31 as they claim.
Any type of cover is called a ‘khimar.’ A curtain is a khimar as it covers a window, a blanket can be called a khimar, also any item of clothing is called a ‘khimar’ because it covers the body.
The word khamr, which is used in the Quran for intoxicants, has the same root as khimar. Khamr (intoxicants) is given that name since it covers the mind.
Non-Arabic readers can verify this information, that there is no mention of ‘hair’ or ‘head’ in 24:31 by using the Quran Corpus online and copying the Arabic text بِخُمُرِهِنَّ to Google translate:

The fact that the words 'hair' or 'head' are not found in verse 24:31 should be sufficient for any unbiased reader to conclude that there cannot possibly be a command to cover the hair, since the hair is not mentioned at all!
Corrupt scholars have manipulated the words in 24:31 in order to enforce women to covering their hair, when in reality they are just enforcing their culture on women and claiming it is God's law!
To utter lies saying something is haram and claim it is God’s law is regarded by God as one of the greatest sins:
Do not utter lies that are portrayed by your tongues: "This is lawful, and that is unlawful," to fabricate lies and attribute them to God. Those who fabricate lies and attribute them to God will not succeed. 16:116
In fact, regardless of the meaning of the word ‘khimar’, the command in 24:31 is to cover the cleavage and not the hair!
The command to cover the cleavage also confirms that there is no obligation to cover what is above the cleavage (neck, head and hair). If these parts, which are located above the cleavage, are also to be covered then why would God single out the cleavage only? It can only be because God did not make it mandatory to cover what is above the cleavage!
Corrupt scholars have misled multitudes of women with their misleading translations and commentary, all based on their own traditions and the religion they invented in the hadiths!
God gives us the reason why clothes are necessary for us to wear. We must wear clothes so that we can cover our private parts:
O Children of Adam, We have brought down to you garments to cover your private parts, as well as for adornment, yet the garment of reverence is the best. These are some of God's signs. Hopefully they may remember. 7:26
This is the only reason for which God made clothes necessary for us to wear, aside from keeping us warm (16:5).
God provides us with clear cut verses in the Quran that are easy to understand.
The dress code for Islam is simple;
a) Cover the private parts (7:26),
b) cover the beauty spots (24:31, 24:60),
c) cover the cleavage (24:31), and
d) lengthen the garments (33:59).
Any parts of the body that are not considered a “private part,” “beauty spot” or “cleavage” are not required to be covered, and can therefore be classified as "that of it which is normally shown” (24:31).
Those who claim women must cover their hair with a head covering can certainly NOT verify this information in the Quran.
And do not follow what you have no knowledge of. Indeed, the hearing, the sight and the heart, all these will be questioned for it. 17:36
Is it other than God's religion that they seek, when all who are in the heavens and the earth have submitted to Him, willingly or unwillingly, and to Him they will be returned. 3:83
Peace & God Bless