Dress Code for Women in Islam
Many Muslims claim it is mandatory for women to cover their hair, as well as their entire body, except their hands and face. They refer to verse 24:31 to support their claim.
So let’s take a close look at this topic in analysis of the Quran.
And say to the believing women to lower their gaze and to guard their private parts, and not to show their beauty spots except that of it which is normally shown. They shall also cover their cleavage with their khimars...
~ Quran 24:31
The word ‘khimar’ in 24:31 is interpreted to mean ‘head cover.’ With this interpretation we could conclude women must cover their hair and cleavage with their hijab, or head covering. However the Arabic word ‘khimar’ literally means ‘cover.’ The word ‘head’ or ‘hair’ is NOT mentioned in 24:31 as they claim.
Any type of cover is called a ‘khimar.’ This includes any item of clothing, because it covers the body. In 24:31 God is telling women to use their ‘khimar’, which could be a dress, blouse, coat, or scarf etc. to cover their cleavage.
The fact that the word ‘khimar’ can mean any cover, and not just head cover, can be easily verified in an Arabic dictionary or Google Translate.
Further, regardless of the meaning of the word ‘khimar, the command in 24:31 is to cover the bosom and not cover the hair!!
Corrupt scholars have misled multitudes of women with their translations, all based on their own traditions and ideas based in the hadiths!
The command to cover the cleavage also confirms that there is no obligation to cover what is above the cleavage (neck, head and hair).
If these parts, which are located above the cleavage, are also to be covered then why would God single out the cleavage only? It can only be because God did not make it mandatory to cover what is above the cleavage!
Verse 24:31 in its entirety is as follows:
And say to the believing women to lower their gaze and to guard their private parts, and not to show their beauty spots except that of it which is normally shown. They shall also cover their cleavage with their khimars. They shall not show their beauty spots except in the presence of their husbands, their fathers, the fathers of their husbands, their sons, the sons of their husbands, their brothers, the sons of their brothers, the sons of their sisters, other women, what their right hands possess, the male attendants who have no sexual desire and the children who are yet to attain aware- ness of women’s nakedness. They shall not strike their feet so as to reveal details of their hidden beauty spots. You shall repent to God, all of you, O believers, so that you may succeed.
Quran ~ 24:31
God is instructing women to cover their beauty spots except what is "normally shown" of it. The question is, what exactly do the words "normally shown" mean? Let’s remember there is no Quranic command for the woman to cover all her body.
Firstly let’s learn of the reason in the Quran for which clothes are necessary for us to wear:
God made clothes available to us so that we cover our private parts:
O Children of Adam, We have brought down to you garments to cover your private parts, as well as for adornment, yet the garment of reverence is the best. These are some of God's signs. Hopefully they may remember.
Quran ~ 7:26
This is the only reason for which God made clothes necessary for us to wear, aside from keeping us warm (16:5).
Therefore any parts of the body that do not fall the category of a “private part” are not required to be covered, and can therefore be classified as "normally shown".
We can apply logic and common knowledge here. If a women’s waist and thighs also seem like “private” areas that are not “normally shown” then they should be covered, if the woman seeks to dress modestly.
O you prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to lengthen their garments. This is better so that they will be recognised and not harmed. God is Forgiver, Merciful.
Quran ~ 33:59
The command in 33:59 to "lengthen the garment" also proves that women are not commanded to be all covered from head to feet. If that were the case, and the woman is covered down to the ground, there would be no meaning to “lengthen the garment”. How can the woman lengthen a garment that is already down to her toes?
Verse 33:52 provides further evidence:
No women are lawful for you beyond that, nor for you to replace them with other wives even if you are attracted by their beauty, with the exception of what your right hand possesses. God is Watchful over all things.
~ Quran 33:52
If women are covered from head to toe, and their faces covered, how can the prophet (or any man) be attracted by their beauty?
God knows we can distinguish between right and wrong when it comes to dress code:
Regarding the elderly post-menstrual women who no longer seek marriage, there is no blame upon them for relaxing their clothes, provided they do not flaunt their beauty spots. Indeed, to maintain morality is better for them. God is Hearer, Knowledgeable.
Quran ~ 24:60
The Quran is complete and fully detailed (6:114). Those who claim women must cover their hair and all their bodies can certainly not verify this information in the Quran (17:36).
Peace & God Bless