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Zakat Amount in the Quran

Most Muslims give 2.5% of their income to Zakat, once a year. Contrary to the mainstream belief, there is no set percentage or set amount to give in the Quran. For anyone that has set an exact amount for Zakat, be aware it cannot be verified in the Quran: 


You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them.

~ Quran 17:36


Rather than a percentage of our income, God advises in the Quran that we are to give in moderation.


When they give, they are neither extravagant nor stingy; they give in moderation.

Quran ~ 25:67


We can give the amount we are comfortable with, without leaving ourselves short or being stingy:


You are invited to spend in the cause of God, but some of you turn stingy. The stingy are stingy towards their own souls. God is Rich, while you are poor. If you turn away, He will substitute other people in your place, and they will not be like you.

~ Quran 47:38


Also note the Messenger of the Covenant, Rashad Khalifa, stated that the Zakat amount is 2.5% in his work. This is indeed a test from us, whether we decide to put Rashad’s work above God’s Word in the Quran. 


God also informs us when to give:


He is the One who established gardens, trellised and untrellised, and palm trees, and crops with different tastes, and olives, and pomegranate - fruits that are similar, yet dissimilar. Eat from their fruits, and give the due alms on the day of harvest, and do not waste anything. He does not love the wasters.

Quran ~ 6:141


We must give on the day of harvest. The day of harvest is payday, the day the crop is sold for money. We cannot conclude from verse 6:141 that Zakat is to be paid once per year, but rather, each time we receive income. What if a farmer has 2 crops and harvests twice in the year? Does that mean he only pays Zakat once per year? Of course not! It means each time a crop is harvested, Zakat is due to be paid. As such with other businesses, Zakat is due to be paid each time we receive income


It makes sense to pay Zakat when you receive income, since the poor need food and supplies all the time, not just once a year! That is of course, if we have the means to do so:


The rich husband shall provide support in accordance with his means, and the poor shall provide according to the means that God bestowed upon him. God does not impose on any soul more than He has given it. God will provide ease after difficulty.

Quran ~ 65:7


God never burdens a soul beyond its means: to its credit is what it earns, and against it is what it commits...

~ Quran 2:286

If a person is poor and receives no income, Zakat is not due to be paid as this would cause the person hardship. And God does not want to impose any hardship in practicing our religion: 


We did not reveal the Quran to you, to cause you any hardship.

Quran ~ 20:2


These are God's revelations; we recite them to you, truthfully. God does not wish any hardship for the people.

Quran ~ 3:108


So who do we pay Zakat to? 


You shall give the due alms to the relatives, the needy, the poor, and the traveling alien, but do not be excessive, extravagant.

Quran ~ 17:26


Charities shall go to the poor, the needy, the workers who collect them, the new converts, to free the slaves, to those burdened by sudden expenses, in the cause of God, and to the traveling alien. Such is God's commandment. God is Omniscient, Most Wise.

Quran ~ 9:60


If we have the means to do so, giving the Zakat is part of God’s perfect religion


All that was asked of them was to worship God, devoting the religion absolutely to Him alone, observe the contact prayers (Salat), and give the obligatory charity (Zakat). Such is the perfect religion.

Quran ~ 98.5


Giving to charity is decreed upon the believers:


O you who believe, you shall give to charity from the provisions we have given to you, before a day comes where there is no trade, no nepotism, and no intercession. The disbelievers are the unjust.

Quran ~ 2:254


God has mercy on those who give the Zakat:


..My mercy encompasses all things. However, I will specify it for those who(1) lead a righteous life, (2) give the obligatory charity (Zakat), (3) believe in our revelations..  

Quran ~ 7:156 


Any charity we give is for our own good! 


..Any charity you give is for your own good. Any charity you give shall be for the sake of God. Any charity you give will be repaid to you, without the least injustice.

Quran ~ 2:272


Those who give to charity night and day, secretly and publicly, receive their recompense from their Lord; they will have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.

Quran ~ 2:274

Peace & God Bless

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