Will Islam Dominate All Other Religions?
Many Muslims claim that Islam will take over the world, overtaking all other religions and becoming the main belief for nearly all of the people on earth.
With careful study of the Quran, we in fact learn the opposite of this claim!
For anyone to claim that there will be more believers in the later generations as opposed to the earlier generations is failing to uphold verses 56:11-14 where God speaks of those closest to Him:
They are those who will be closest (to God). In the gardens of bliss. Many from the first generations. Few from the later generations.
~ Quran 56:11-14
There are over 70 references in the Quran stating that there are only ever a few sincere believers and that the majority are not guided (refer to this link for these verses).
On the other hand, there are 3 verses used for their argument that Islam will dominate the world (9:33, 48:28 and 61:9) as follows:
It is He who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion, although they who associate others with Allah dislike it.
~ Quran 9:33
It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion. And sufficient is Allah as Witness.
~ Quran 48:28
It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion, although those who associate others with Allah dislike it.
~ Quran 61:9
Note that some have translated the word 'manifest' to mean proclaim or prevail.
In the Quran there are no contradictions. So how is it possible for the truth to prevail, whilst at the same time, the believers are few in number?
Let's take a closer look at the definitions of the key words manifest, proclaim and prevail.
- Manifest; clear or obvious to the eye or mind.
- Proclaim; to announce or indicate clearly.
- Prevail; prove more powerful or superior.
We could only draw 3 possible conclusions to the meaning of verses 9:33, 61:9 and 48:28, depending on which English translation we refer to:
1 Manifest; clear or obvious to the eye or mind
The messenger was sent to make the truth clear to the people over all religions
2 Proclaim; to announce or indicate clearly
The messenger announced the truth over all religion
3 Prevail; prove more powerful or superior
The messenger proves to have a more powerful argument when sharing the message
Regardless of which translation we are referring to, there is still no indication that Islam will dominate the world! Reasons are as follows:
1. The truth can be clear and obvious from falsehood, whilst still most people will disregard the truth.
Whether the truth is clear and obvious over all religion, or that the truth is proven more powerful, this does NOT mean Islam will take over the world!
2. We learn in the Quran that part of a messenger's duty in delivering the message involves announcing the truth to all the people, regardless of their religion. The messenger is to announce and indicate clearly the message brought down to him, still this does not mean the people will believe him and that Islam will dominate the world!
3. Also we know God possesses the most powerful argument (6:149), and God's Truth will always be more powerful over any false religions or sects. Again, just because the truth is more powerful than falsehood, does not mean Islam will become the main belief in the world, since God has already informed us most people will not believe!
Since most people will reject the truth, Islam will most certainly NOT take over the world!
We learn from the Quran that many people are not really believers, yet they think that they are guided:
"Some He guided, while others are committed to straying. They have taken the devils as their masters, instead of GOD, yet they believe that they are guided."
~ Quran 7:30
Anyone who disregards the message of the Most Gracious, we appoint a devil to be his constant companion. Such companions will divert them from the path, yet make them believe that they are guided.
~ Quran 43:36-37
Those who falsely claim Islam will become the main belief for nearly everyone on earth is proving disbelief in many verses of the Quran!
Not only that, they are also claiming to know the future without sufficient Quranic proof. This is described in the Quran as saying about God what you do not know, which is indeed prohibited for the believers and is nothing more than the work of Satan:
He (Satan) only commands you to commit evil and vice, and to say about GOD what you do not know.
~ Quran 2:169
Say, "My Lord prohibits only evil deeds, be they obvious or hidden, and sins, and unjustifiable aggression, and to set up beside GOD powerless idols, and to say about GOD what you do not know."
~ Quran 7:33
Verse 11:31 confirms those claiming to know the future or the unseen are considered a transgressor in the sight of God:
"I do not claim that I possess the treasures of God, nor do I know the future, nor do I claim to be an angel. Nor do I say to those despised by your eyes that God will not bestow any blessings upon them. GOD knows best what is in their innermost thoughts. (If I did this,) I would be a transgressor."
~ Quran 11:31
We must be extremely careful not to claim to know the unseen, or to say anything that is not based on solid Quranic evidence, if we care not to damage our souls.
Peace & God Bless
Related Article: Believers Are a MINOR GROUP in the Quran!